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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome Dave, as for trying to keep your sanity here. Well the rest of us haven't managed it .
  2. Antyone know how to lift the cab up? A friend has a horse box needing a new exhaust and can't tip the cab.
  3. No for once the officer is right, at least at a civil level. The D1 is an inherited right like C1. It allows the holder to drive a vehicle having up to 16 seats including the driver. The new catagory is D, (PCV) any vehicle with more than sixteen seats including driver, regardless of weight. C1 allows driving a vehicle up to 7.5 tons GVM. Now catergory C, any vehicle above 3.5 tons GVM, excluding a trailer of more than 750kgs. The old class one Artic licence is now C+E. E being the trailer entitilment. HOWEVER!!! The military do have their own rules covering active service. So I have D1+E so I can drive a sixteen seat minibus and tow a trailer over 750 kgs mass. I also have a D licence, so I can drive a passenger carryinmg vehicle with more than 16 seats , regardless of weight, but can only tow a 750kg trailer. Simples...
  4. Charles Darwin got it right- 'The Descent of man.
  5. Hello there! 101 Land Rover ambulances seem popular in your place at the moment. :-D
  6. Wonder if it to do with the style of the VL5? Mine is the Mk2 version.
  7. Welcome, more more importantly, where do you get your pipes? :-D
  8. It may remind some around here not to upset CHIMPS! :-D
  9. Does seem to depend on Post Office. There are two taxing ones near me, one is a waste of space. The other asks intiggeligent questions di a check a couple of years ago, and no problem since.
  10. Seems some you can some you can't. I never been able to tax the Dodge on line. Post Office no problem.
  11. Enjoy. http://smallwarsjournal.com/blog/2011/07/sfa-in-africa-training-video-1/
  12. Neil, why not invest in an inverter? Any 12 volt supply to 240volts. Works a laptop beautifully for hours.
  13. Welcome along, should be plenty of Ferret advice soon.
  14. Yes Mike, magniet is a bit weak,the cunning plan is to take the ring magnets out of a couple of old speackers and try super gluing the light to them. The best place at the moment seems to be stick them to the edges of the front bumper.
  15. Something I saw today has raised a number of questions. First Why would someone design for a child. Second why would someone manufacturer for a child. Third why would someone sell for a child . Four why someone would buy for child. Five why a parent would let a girl of about 7 or 8 were a T shirt marked (and this is exactly as it appeared) YOU REALLY **** ME OFF.
  16. Welcome Steve, what vehicle have you in mind?
  17. Welcome in, 101 owners have a special padded cell.
  18. Destroy the grave, you kill the man twice. Any chance of identifying them goes out the window.
  19. Think I've cracked the Front Position Light problem http://www.maplin.co.uk/24-led-magnetic-lamp-with-hook-225924 Cheap, self contained, multi purpose and bright. 3xAAA batteries. Magnetic so will stick to bimper or wing.and has a hook so a red CD marker pen or paint, and stick on the back. or hang from a tilt bar.
  20. There was a guy round here at bootsales a couple of years ago claiming to sell Great War helmets, with remains still in them. There are some sad****** out there.
  21. I was told always allow room for the impatient ****** to get bettween you. (Then ram the **** was added:-D )
  22. As for ABS :pfrt: As for speed and LGV/PCV, a test vehicle must be ble to do a MINIMUM of 50 mph. And during the test, if it is SAFE to do so you will be expected to take the vehicle up to at least 50mph and hold that speed. Oh, and now the test vehicle must have ABS fitted. :banghead: Intrestingly, when I did a course for driving for driving H.M.'s vehicle some years ago a trick question was 'What is the slow lane on a motorway?' The correct answer is 'There is no SLOW lane, all lanes on a motorway have a limit of 70 mph, unless a compoulsory restricted speed limit is posted. You should drive in the lane farthest to the left, as long as it is safe for the speed you are doing. Should the speed change either slow down and keep to the lane, or, move to the middle or outside to overtake, then move back to the left'. Speed is dependent on weather and traffic conditions but always keep a minimum of two seconds apart in dry clear weather and at least four seconds in wet. ONLY A FOOL BREACKS THE TWO SECOND RULE. AND A BIGGER FOOL BREACKS THE FOUR SECOND RULE.
  23. Daz, Mike, the units are strips that you hard wire in. I'm now wondering if they can be fitted just under the front rim of the mudgaurd and wired to the sidelights. I won't get a chance to play about till Saturday afternoon. I'll ask my guy where he gets them from. Rambo, some years ago I was part of a series of experiments on reflictive kit for horses. We found the most effective were reflective bands attached around the lower offside legs of the horse. As you say not because they were the biggest, but because they MOVED! Incedentally it was also found the colour of Hi Vis gear mattered, against green backgrounds yellow had a hbit of blending in, orange was the best, but on dark bagrounds yellow stood out. Hence the recomendation for mixed colours. Red reflective tape was also far more effective than silver.
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