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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Tony B

    Game on!

    What's up then Jack? Alligator wrestling just to dull for you?
  2. SOD THAT!! Those guys have got some guts! Ride horses yes, when your on their backs they are telling you what they are going to do. Drive them, no chance! My quick estimates you'll need about 40 horses and take about 150 hours. They will diffinitley be working for the money. P.S. You can be done drunk in charge for a horse and cart.
  3. Trouble in UK is that orange flashing lights are only suppose dto be on slow maoving vehicles. And with the height of a Jeep or Dodge you'd rissk bliding those nehind. I'd suggest three rows of red leds one on each upright and across the top of the back tilt frame.
  4. Gahstly ready mix powder stuff now. :pfrt:
  5. Tony B

    Heads up

    Maybe some of us should get a life? :-D
  6. Did you know the igredients for SPAM at the factory have to be kept in bulidings marked Hazourdous Material? :wow: On the Modern ration front there is a really tasty Pork Ragout. The little boiled sweets have a tendency to go gooy and stick in the packets. The yeast extract is .....:pfrt: and there seems to be a secret MOD baked bean mine somewhere. As for Cheese Pocessed, if you have a bit of old shoe lace sabout it makes a good emergrncy candle.
  7. The expensive bit will be the wood work. I know the cost of Ash to repair the WS10 trailer was prohibitive. We ended up using a modern treated soft wood, and due to friends at Dennis, glue to seal and attach the metal sheets. There are some usful products used on wooden boats that will stabilize rotten wood. Reasonably easy to use , you drill a small hole and inject a resin like material. It is hydroscopic so is drawn along the damp displacing the water.
  8. Biscuits Brown: Survival food, place two packs in a sock and you can club anything to death. Wepon of choice on nitex.:-D
  9. Mike, you have lived a sheltered life! I can assure you a horse box can be used for many things other than moving horses! :cool2: And at least the Baby on Board sign gives you a warning that the driver is likley to suddenly turn round ad reach down while the car is doing fifty plus. Which brings me to another one.Why do parents strap kids into seats and belt them up in cars, yet let them run round on buses? And when you do ask the parent to keep the brats under control they look at you as if you are dirt? Newton's Laws still apply!
  10. Rosie you are so right. :-D The other classic is 'Your going the wrong way!' No I'm not, buses go along a route BOTH ways.
  11. Why do people get on a bus and say 'Do you go up the road?'. What do the expect? No. I'm bored so I'm going up the flaming river instead! Rosie, who said anything about old people? :whistle:
  12. Biscuits fruit can keep you going quite happily. As for the bog roll, you can still get Izal (If you are to some funny habits!) How did you know at least one Army vehicle had been into the motorway servicies? There wasn't a roll of soft toilet paper to be found in the place! :-D
  13. They are a lovley vehicle. If you want something diffrent, the vehicles were used during and post war as radio intercept vehicles for Y Service and as BRIXMIS patrol cars.
  14. This a National Trust property just off Junction 8 of the M25. It is one of the Palmerston Follies Mobiliation centres. The event was actually with the 10th Essex Great War group so no vehicles. But the NT guy in charge was quite intrested in the idea of having a few select vehicles at a future event. The suggestion is a multi period event, covering Victorian to WW2 . Might be intresting idea to work on . Its a nice site, the guys are there tommorow Sunday 19th June if anyone is about. I hope to be at the RE Musuem Chatham next weekend with the Dodge in WW2 kit, the guys will be there in Great War, the event is the soldier through the centuries.
  15. Why, when it is busy and they have obviously been quieing for some time, do women get on to the bus, then start digging down in a HUGE bag to find their bus pass. This phonomnen is normally associated with heavy rain, with all the polite gentelman who stood aside for the lady standing out side getting soacked. :undecided:
  16. Yes, BUT do remember as a friend on mine once didn't....OPEN the ***door first! :-D Gave A&E a lugh though.
  17. Funny how the sat navs always have a female voice though. Thinking of where you can end up with a sat nav. I rest ma case! Anyway batteries don't go flat on a map. Though phycolgists do say it is a femine trait to turn the map, where as men don't. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1270534/Men-better-map-reading-women-superior-remembering-routes-study-finds.html
  18. .Yes, saves a lot of grief when the stress builds up. TEA is cheaper than parts damaged with a hammer!:-D
  19. There are a number of 3 ton vehicles converted. Often with a false load panel in the back to disguse the fact.
  20. Fridge, fume hood, possibly an incubator and lots of fire extingushers. I wonder if it was a microbiology lab?
  21. That which should only be spocken off , in a brightly lit room , whilst touching iron and making the signs to ward off evil......Cheese, Processed! :shocking: Mind you, the old dried apple flakes mixed with Porridge instant. That was the way to start the day!
  22. That just gets better and better. Will you have a crew with it?
  23. It gets us out of shopping! :wave:
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