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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. So if we empty the clubhouse DUKW pond, and use you contacts... Who needes to strip the vehicle for de-rusting? The local fish mongers sell off plastic bowls with tops for 10p each. What concentration of Mollases would you use? Surley neat would be so thick you'd never get stuff to sink ?
  2. So how do you explain walking round Tesco's with 20kg of Washing Soda and two dozen tins of Mollases then?
  3. My excuse, I'm just mental. Thanks Long John, a friend and I were discussing cleaning a Jaguar car tank earlier on.
  4. You have got the gauge plate to remove. Stick the anode through an insulated plate and bolt in. I can't see the problem with mollases though, whatever you do it would need thourgh flushing afterwards, and probably a tank sealer. Maybe something like this inserted into the old case? http://www.ahoycaptain.com/shop/flexiblefueltanks.html
  5. Forgot the decimal point!.:blush: Did the rough brain calculation, rough being the operative word. the old nemonic is Ohm James, E, I , R sir. E= Voltage I= Ampaage R = Resistance in Ohms.
  6. Being me, I like the Seagull, but it should have a chip hanging out of the mouth to be totally original.
  7. Commonly sold as 'Washing Soda'. Check ingredients.
  8. Has its dangers! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boston_Molasses_Disaster :shocked:
  9. Don't forget the other Good 'Ole US rust remover Coca Cola! :-D
  10. I must be entering my dotage, going back to childhood. Those of a certain age will remember http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1af_WZ0J4FU Intresting WC54 modifications.
  11. I've an old charger, I'll stick a 21 watt bulb in series that should giove about 75 ohm. Got some rusty old shackles to try out on.
  12. The Modesty Blaise series had a following with Squaddies at one time.
  13. Better to ring and talk to Frank before odering. He'll fill you in on what details to get so the right one is supplied.
  14. Igorrrr! Raise the lightning rod! Haha haaha haaaaha. Going to try it something small tommorow.
  15. There were several Dinkyi versions of the Moke, one as 'The Prisoner' with the Penny Farthing decal, a 'Paramoke on a plastic base with parachute (Guess who had one of those?) tThere was also a version driven by a Giraffe! (No I've not been at the Brasso) http://www.theunmutual.co.uk/minimoke.htm http://20thcenturybox.co.uk/Dinky-Toys-350-Tinys-Mini-Moke-Repro-Box-P1578702.aspx
  16. Now what's needed is a decent Whippet replica. It's on my Lottery list.
  17. You and me both! What a piece of kit!
  18. What sort of 12 volt supply do you need? And importantly the ampage?
  19. Can you give an idea of size?
  20. Ouch, still if it was easy everyone would be doing it. Could a more modern pump be converted to fit into the casing?
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