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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome Al, you should find something to cover all intrests here then.
  2. Unfortunatley Ray a lot of that stuff got sold out when the Occupation Musuem closed. Now a team towing towing a 60lb Howitzer would be a show stopper. I do have various photos of military horses in the Islands, but mostly they were Officer's Hacks, and ended up being eaten in the winter of 1944.
  3. Welcome, what a fascinating place to live. The MK's were very popular with the African safari companies. I had friends down at Pewsey that ran such a company in the late 1970's. They'd ship the wagon home every eighteen months of so for major rebuild then run the thing round in winter unpainted , then paint up for summer. This baffled me , but the answer was, rust was the best nut locking thing they could find when the vehicle was operating over rough country day after day. One onther intresting mod was an external roll frame over the cab. This had a heavy bar across so that the cab could be slipped out and an engine hoist attached.
  4. Welcome young blood. The more people like you become intrested the safer the vehicles are .
  5. Which bit of Cider Country? Was around there years ago.
  6. Has been a warm night, but still some ice about.
  7. I was trying to think what HAA meant, makes sense now Heavy Anti Aircraft. A lot of those battries were crewed by women.
  8. Welcome , your overalls and set of crimpers will be waiting at the club house door.
  9. We'll hold his Custard Creams for ransom! :evil:
  10. You sure your not in leauge with the Danish Tourist Board?
  11. You most definitley know how to make a man jealous!
  12. Hi Michelle. Pity your down in Jack land. Nigel would be over the moon to have a pair of heavies near by. The Percerhon also gives a wide choice of equipment every side on the Western Front would have used them. With the release of War Horse and the centenary of the start of the Great War coming up in 2014 you're likley to be in great demand.
  13. Welcome in, good toy for the local winters then?
  14. The pigeons have a lot more intillegence than many who get on buses nowadays.
  15. I was told the bus tempratue gauge s were reading -12 Saturday morning. Was at -6 this morning when I finished.
  16. The gloves were about. I have a pair bought from one of the shows a while back.
  17. That is some commute you have! Welcome to the forum.
  18. Proably need something harder than a pick axe handle. Pity is the sods breed.
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