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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Those tyres look like the old Aeroplane type Ballon sand tyres. Not suprised the wings came off! Is it just me or they at a very extreme angle as well?
  2. It was having seen Builders Foam expand, the eyes watered at the thought of it in a tyre! I'm sure there is a tyre filler used for mountain bikes and such like, just couldn't think of the name. I have found OKO very useful for sealing up old small tyres to get them to keep air.
  3. Welcome Stefan, you have the dream job for most of us! :-D
  4. Proably beter to get something like OKO that is made to fill tyres. :-D
  5. The age Dear Boy! Easier to scramble in and out of Dodges!
  6. Yes, the secret breeding proggrame in the Club House Sub bunker seems to be going at full speed at the moment! :mad:
  7. Now I've got one. :-D Try this place. http://www.greenmachinesurplus.com/ Ordered the snorkel New Years Day , got here this morning, not bad over the holidays! Also , Question? Anyone know of an in line air filter? The fitting of the Discovery 200tdi engine to No 1 Sons 110 County has just about finished, just the exhaust to fit, but have line on a 110 write off that should supply the whole system. But the problem is getting an air filter to fit in the space. I'm sure in the dim and distant I've seen in line filters but may be the age catching up.
  8. Starting them early I see. :-D
  9. Best of luck then, love to see her.
  10. Thanks Rich. I didn't relaise they were that late.
  11. Any chance of seeing her out this year?
  12. OOHHH! Never volunter!! A number of years ago a mate of mine who was also a gun dealer, in Brixton! Had a 7.92 Vikers, it was single shot only , at that time you could have one. One thing I have forgotten, who were they made for in that calibre? As for vehicles, wasn't it anything from a horse to a Series 2a Land Rover?
  13. I've two of Franks ones in my vehicles. Great guy but best to phone him, he wants to know every detail. From memory my 6 volt pos earth one and coil was about £160/70. Not cheap but as I want to take mine abroad and I know from my WC51, that they are relaible it takes one major headache out of the equation. Engines run smoother to, and no problem with 6 volt starting.
  14. The old tyre guru, now sadly retired at my local Hi Q always recommend the cheapest washing liquid you could find and if small enough, soak the whole lot in solution for a week.
  15. Welcome Richard, I'm starting a lsit of questions for you already! :-D
  16. A very good friend of mine buys stuff at boot and jumble sales and sells for a profit on E Bay. Keeps her solvent.
  17. Whilst that would be a shame, She deserves to be in the air!
  18. OH %$^&**!! I was looking forward to showing off Katy at a nice venue with nice people!
  19. Nice lttle toy. I had the Matchbox version, and wanted 1:1 ever since! :-D
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