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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. But it did! Not to mention the disruption , diversion of rescourse's for repair, damage to Enemy morale. Specifically in the case of the Dam buster raid, Wallis's idea for Earthquake bombs, Tallboy and Grand slam were taken seriously. Single small actions also had an effect on neuteral and non aligned countries. Media bull can be applied to give results far above there actual achivments. Beverbrook was as much of 'Carachter' (Don't want ot be censored) as Maxwell is now. He had no compunction about throwing his weight about in high circles or guilding Lilys.
  2. Welcome now we can bend your ear directly! Do you want any test drivers? :cool2:
  3. Thamks for taking the trouble. Much appreciated. I worked at the Aresenal a loong while back now, as it was closing. A lot of stuff was dumped, regetably. But where would you keep it?
  4. Trouble there is , like Farther like Son. I wouldn't put it past him trying! Where were the pictures taken?
  5. But in the best traditions of the Forum, we will argue inteligently! (I'll just get the Pick axe helm! ) The first of this type of raid was the Hardtack operations on the Channel Ilands. The direct result was Hitler went beserk and issued the 'Commando Order', that all captured raiders were executed. Wether as a single operation such as the raid on Bordeaux 'Shortened the War by six months', or the strategy as whole is debatable. But, the value of tactical sucuess in small single operations can be viewed statigically as the drip eroding the mountain.
  6. Never forget the 'Soft' outcome of such raids. Equipment and manpower that could be in combat had to be diverted to gaurd facilities, and therfore were not where they could have been most use.
  7. Now then, Number One Son is after fitting a Snorkel to his Landy, I'll hide that picture! :-D
  8. I like the hard top design. WC54 1: Car..Lost.
  9. Advice on preperation may be urgently required with the current weather forcast! :-D
  10. Roughly same system but under another name. At 02:30 after nine hours of dealing with riff raff brain not that alert , even for me! :blush:
  11. True Steve. Mostly made by the Chinese Labour Corp. Though the idea of chucking bundles of twigs into ditches started back about 1000 years before.
  12. Welcome Steve, pull up a box and start the old service stories.
  13. The standard block has always been five caracthers. But also the addition of 'Nulls', meaningless leters either to add confusion or to make up odd blocks. If it was a feild message then most likley it would be in BATCO. or SLIDEX http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BATCO
  14. Welcome!! Both my Dodges speack with a Norwegian accent! :-D
  15. What you need is an overhead crane. Then you can hang by the ankles and work on the inside! :-D Seems about the only reasonable way unless you can find the MOD issue genitically modified Octopuss.
  16. There are a couple of 'Classic' Pigieon messages on record from the Great War. One was a bird carrying the message from one of the first tanks. 'Had to let the poor bird go. It was looking so miserable'. The other from a Canadian Detachment that had three birds sent to them. One returned with the message 'The other two were delicious, please ssend more'. :-D One of the first German Dictates in the Island's was the confisacation and destruction of all trained Pigieons.
  17. Best bet for any weird ropes. Contact the Ropery at the Chatham Dockyard. They often have off cuts of long orders, and can supply sisal /hemp looking rope that dosen't rot.
  18. If you can answer that one! What's next week lottery numbers? I've had stuff back from DVLA in a couple of days up to months. Though to be fair Royal Mail have had thier own questions to answer regards delivery. You could try e mailing them , or if masocistic phone.
  19. Could well be, she had quite a wartime carrer. The American's didn't mange to set fire to her. :-D
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