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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. A bit of light snow around here. Though Somerset seems to be getting clobbered, I remeber.. back in about 1978, riding a 16hh horse up Dunkery Beacon on a Sunday morning, looking down and wondering what the green blobs were in the snow. They were the top of the railings on the side of the road. No 1 son has his Landy back, we are both praying it will last till at least Thursday, so I can get pictures of Katy in the snow.
  2. Welcome, but at least the S1 has some type of roof.
  3. So now we know who to threaten Jack with! :cool2:
  4. Well Mike what I had in mind, was one of those Mans used in Where Eagles Dare! Did see an Ex Military TD5 110 being used to pull a small spreader, but owner wouldn't trade for the bus! :embarrassed: The one entertainment is the local scrotes jumping out to throw snowballs. One tried it from behind a van, and realised there wasn't room for me to stop! Cor , he moved fast.
  5. Marevlous isn't it? The airports shut, the trains shut, the schools shut, in London even the tube keeps closing bits! But people expect buses to run a full service on time! At least I have a week off starting Thursday so there should be a chance to get photos of the Dodges in the snow.
  6. My Garage manager asured me Friday 'No more snow'! Going to be very pleased to say the next time to see him, 'WRONG!!!' it's coming down heavy! Number one son is in a real foul mood. All this snow and his Land Rover has popped a core plug! I'm really sympathtic!:yawn: (As long as the snow lasts till I have time to get the Dodges out!:cool2:)
  7. Damm good general navigation set!
  8. More Royal Navy really, but I belive the Army nicked it! :-D Think of a tin of hot dog sauaseges surrounded by white hard lard!
  9. Don't know. But I took Katy to the recording at Chatham in September , that will be on 7th and 14th April, I know a lot of intresting military kit turned up.
  10. Just heard on the radio a load of wartime Snorrkers and bully has been washed up on a Scottish Beach! Could do a deal with Tesco's?
  11. The parrale ruler is used to transfer a course to a naval chart. A picture of it would help, but remeber the RASC did run marine craft.
  12. Optomism over hard facts. Is'nt that a requirment of anyone dealing with Military Vehicles and hardware?
  13. Back on track Husky Burgers might be more use! Started snowing here ten minutes ago 09:00, and already starting to cover! Small hard Chuffing cold flakes!
  14. My local Foxes will be eating well! I've too many friends called Neddy and Dobbin.:embarrassed:
  15. I was wondering when the Shergar jokes would start. But the position is at least Stable! Man wa sasked do you want anything on your beefburger? Yeah, 5/4 on!
  16. Don't be STUPID!!! You know January is closed season for Mammoths!
  17. Well they have all been trotting in and out of Tesco's and Morrisons around here! :-D
  18. Those in the Vanguard of this project knew that they may be chasing Phantoms. However the Bucaneer atitude, Devil take the Hind most is important. With a Valiant stand I'm sure there will be a Victor. Maybe a hero like Lysander would help, or a magician like Merlin. Though I'm sure the Lynks would been easier if they had led to somwhere like Wessex. Maybe a good luck symbol like a dragon would help? Though they would need it quickly so it would be a Dragon Rapide. (Gets bl**dy boring driving a bus)
  19. Yes, but would take the Hart out of them.
  20. Maybe you could save the ferry fare?:-D
  21. Tony B

    Big ray

    Nice bit of local history. Thanks for sharing
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