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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Ministry of Supply also provided vehicles for non military operations. I came across some old vehicles at DERA that were Ministry of Supply , but on civi plates.
  2. I've had one in my WC51 for about nine, ten years now, best investment made. I also have one in my 6 volt WC54, make a lot of diffrence. Mine was from Frank Jolley.
  3. Welcome John, hope you'll find a lot more of intrest on the forum as well.
  4. David! HELP!! the copies of the charts you sent me of your Dad's D- Day exploits have been corupted! Another memeber has aquired a vessel that also has D- Day connections, I'd like to pass them on to him. Thanks!
  5. So the various port and tunnel workes across the water are on strike then, again?
  6. Bright sun, rain in the forcast, and snow for next Saturday, about time the weather made it's flaming mind up!! Bigest problem is the ground is either sticky mud, or ice sheet!
  7. That wagon plus various other T's belongs to Radar who used to run The Bedford QLT.
  8. Send it south! One last fling due apparently.
  9. A damm great dog! I lock stuff in a metal ammo box chained to the vehicle.
  10. I've been told of getting one vehicle started then using the exhaust gas to warm the other engines. Puts grumbiling abput a flat battery in perspective.
  11. Pictures like that make you think what the guys must have gone through when they were working for real!
  12. Welcoem in. Post some pictures, we love pictures.
  13. Welcome in. I see the Ferret Lovers society have already started bombarding you.
  14. !"£$$%%&* OFF! So far I've had to work in it! Now I want a couple of days to PLAY in it!
  15. One of the joys of an old military vehicle, pick up a grease gun 'GO AWAY!! I'M BUSY!! for a hour or so.
  16. Does look like a large sort of beaten zone for something.
  17. I know thw area, around what is known as the 'Heads of the Valley', my family originate there. Look on a map and places look close together, then look at the contour lines in bettween! Bleanavon is home to the Big Pit Coal Mine musuem, well worth a vist.
  18. Incoming from the Experts won't be long! (That's if they will have any memebers from the Forum back at all! It was snowing that day as well:D )
  19. A sudden quirky thought, nothing to do with Sound Ranging is it? Two guesses on one post, but I'm wondering if airel drop may come into this?
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