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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. OK scrap last, trailer for laying road carpet up a beach?
  2. Detail of the front float of an amphibious Land Rover?
  3. Down on knees, and pray DVLA HAS actually got a procedure with the new regulations! My info was that for first registration a vehicle will still need the intial MOT to prove existence and fit for road etc. Ferrets have always had thier own rules compared to soft skin.
  4. Might have been a rebuild, though so many were turned out, there are a lot of difrences. My 1903 to 1907 ish No2 (The no1 in .22, not a PH conversion) has both cut out and volley sight, but a Long Lee bolt.
  5. I'd say dubious at least. Best bet phone Customs and Excise, or you could be facing a nasty suprise.
  6. Mk111* shoudn't have. It was one of the things dropped in the mark number. No volley sight either.
  7. If the vehicle has been registered already, then you could have an argument, because it is known to exist. If it's an import, that's where the MOT comes in, as much for yes there is a lump of metal fitting the paper description.
  8. I knew a couple of members of the German armed forces of WW2 who had returned to Jersey, their homes having ended up behind the Iron Curtain. One in particular John, was the lovlest man you could ever meet, as kids we adored him, he gave us fruit from his garden, could always be trusted to settle arguments and was well respected by the community. As to the oaths, the key words in the American ansd and US are 'According to Law'. I don't have to remind you, obey an order and then argue, unless it is illegal. Hitler you notice Unconditional obedience to him. Hitler considered this vital to his consolidation of power. We both know you fight for your mates, not your country. When the muck is in the fan it is the guys around you that matter. As I said earlier a lot of the older people who lived through the Occupation of the Channel Islands say the German Armed Forces were very correct, and on a personnel level many of the Landsser were nice people, it was the groups like Organisiation Todt that were the nasty ones. However, don't expect total love when there are a bunch of armed men marching down the street, removing radios, sentencing you to prision or concentration camps if you listen to the BBC. 12 British Civillians dies in the Concentration Camps. These are events still in living memeory for most of Europe, and the Channel Islands, so it isn't suprising thjat there is a marked dislike. Hopefully the unthinking hatred will simmer down as time passes, but I do have difficulty seeing the armed forces of Germany in either war as misunderstood heroes. As I knew both John and survivors of the concentration camps I still find it a difficult circle to square. I try to hate the deeds, not the people. The polotics of war have fascinated me for years, first thing you understand, nothing is easy!
  9. If you have full charged battries and some natural light, Solar chargers will keep the battery up, and no cost for running them.
  10. Phew! Katy was accepted by Customs as my personal property, and all I got was 'Safe journey home'. Actually this is not new. Some years back a n Austin K3 was brought over from Jersey, we went to pick it up at Portsmouth and were told 'Hang on, before you go VAT! What is the vehicle worth?'. I said 'Oh about £250' . The shipping company said fine and I paid over about £30 and took off like a rocket out of the port.
  11. Yes a first MOT is still needed it shows the vehicle actually exists, and is safe and fit to be put on the register. Indicators, no funnily enough, side lights yes. BUT if indicators are fitted they must work! Hazard flashers not needed, but again if fitted must work. Best bet is go talk to local MOT stations and find one who knows the drill, there are a lot of exemptions but some odd funnies. When the number is first inserted it will start the process of generating the VL5. I'm lucky I've an MV friendly place near by.
  12. Right, would it fit in a 20 foot container? :cool2:
  13. yes, but you need the form from DVLA before booking the MOT. Quick point you will need front position indicator lights (Sidelights), they are required for any vehicle post 1935, my guy was kind and allowed the front convoy lights, but worth fitting a set before you go. Once all paperwork is in place, DVLA send you a notification of the number to get plates made, they say ten days, mine took three. The catch is prove First use prior to 1960, to get the future MOT waver.As or reg number, mine had had an English reg, I asked just out of nosiness was it still available, a nice lady checked and said yes, no problem, it hasn't been reissued so we'll just take the export marker off.
  14. Firstly the plans for Colosuus were given to the USA as part of war debt repayment, IBM were only capable of making mechanical adding machines. Second the whole ENIGMA was suppresed post WW2 , A) Because on the day of the German surrender May 9th 1945, the whole system started on the Russian armed forces B) It was considered important that the 'cult' of Germany had not be defeated militarily but forced to surrender through treachery, as happned post Great War should not start again. The first Computer with a memeory was invented by Manchester University in 1957, again pressure from USA led to it going over the pond. The other thing is that many mechanical chyper machines were used up to 1970's and belived to be secure, it was only the introduction of the first portable computers rendered the mechanical systems obsolete so there was little need for secrecy as far Bletchley Park was concerned.
  15. Never underestimate the power of an oath Tottles. I too took the oath to the Soverign and heirs and succesors. (Though being a Jerseyman I have other special priviliges) Not to who ever happened to be Prime Minister at the time. The US Military take an oath to uphold the Constitusion, again not who ever is in the White House. Though the President of the USA is Commander in Chief, and in our system it is the Goverment who declare war, but the Soverign must approve. Hitler made a point of insisting all memebers swore alligence to him personally, as a deliberate act to undermine the political power of the armed forces. Stalin on the other hand extorted the people to defend Mother Russia, not the Communist Party. Britian did not declare war on Germany in 1914, not because France was invaded, the Goverment at the time reckoned that they wouldn't get popular support for that, it was the 'Scrap of Paper' upholding Belgium's neutrallity, that was the published reason for the declaration of war.
  16. I took my form up to the local DVLA, as I was totally confused! The end result was only about three things need filling in and they did it all for me. The other useful thing about personal visit is that you get a say in the VEN. I managed to get Katy's original English registration back. Note, if the vehicle has been previously English registered, no charge! Also they check all the paperwork you have brought with you for age etc, so if there is a problem you can send it on, much better than post, they find a mistake, post back to you, rectify mistake etc........
  17. Unfortunatley as the Hitler Diary hoaks proved, anything with Hitler or Nazi in the title sells. Even Star Treck had an episode with a Nazi theme.
  18. Ah Joe! I'm sorry to say you have an incurable case of Green Disiease. Prime symptom is asking lots of questions about obscure bits of kit. Like the rest of us, you'll just have to live with it! :-D
  19. Just finished work 01:00. Been snowing since anout 17:00 but not much settling. In the last half hour though, setlling rapidly!
  20. That's the beast! There was, don't know if barbour still make it , a clip in slevless liner. Barbour still run a repair rewaX service, my old Solway has been going for about twenty plus years.
  21. The Solway had straight pockets but was made of the same weight of cotton. Are there a serious of small poppers down each side of the zip? I've still got one of the hairy liners. Oh yes reason for stopping isue: To expensive!
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