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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Sorry to disapoint Lads! But there are now SEVEN definitions of English Class, one of the most telling is a 'Lack of Cultural Capital' so those of us that would rather watch any war film than go to the Opera! Were bottom of the heap! http://www.bbc.co.uk/labuk/articles/class/ (Incidently, my Mother was miner's daughter who did maual labour all her life, and loved opera. She was very knowlable. I loath it!)
  2. Welcome in. You did a good job, all safe.
  3. Second day of sunshine, don't know if I can cope!
  4. The markings are the 7th Gurkha Rifles, now the Royal Gurkha Rifles. There are sevral Ex Gurkha squaddies at work I'll se if any of them know anything helpful. One charming story about Gurkha's, a friend of mine who is Mod Plod (MOD Police) was on duty for a while at Shorncliffe Barracks near Dover, wher the Gurkha's are based. When she came back I asked her how it went. She said the Gurkha's were charming, they would come up to the gate and politley ask 'Hello Madam, where Brothel?'
  5. Welcome Chad. So your starting with Stollys? (OK Lads! Prepare the rubber room!)
  6. Just a Forum quirck.:-D Jack likes things realistic, so from time to time, odd , mind bending stupid problems will occur.
  7. Try 'Flyboys', a good story of WW1 plus the modern film techniques of motion capture make for real high action scenes.
  8. The 'Rolling Exemption' does exist in law, it was part of the original legislation. However a caveat also exists that the 'Secratary of State' ie the polotician in charge at the time, may 'Suspend' the exemption for an idefinite time. So if we need a few more cheap votes , extend a bit, when money is required Suspend again.
  9. Welcome in, there are vehicles of all size her. And advice on transporting is always sought.
  10. Why assume Jack means a Motor Bike? :mad:
  11. The last time I was in Normandy I spoke to one British Vetran, he stated very strongly he preffered France, he felt much more welcome and valued there than he did in UK. Amongst other things, have any people actually thought of visiting the British and Commonwealth landing beaches?
  12. Careful about Trailers on ferries! You immidiatley become frieight and the cost can bring tears to your eyes! The cheapest may be ship unaccompanied then pick up at port.
  13. Now driving Artics across Europe! :shocked:
  14. I thought that by law a 30 day EEC cover was required?
  15. Might not contanrised sea shipping work out cheaper?
  16. There getting the last pound of flesh out you though!:-D If your tax is due before the date they will still want the full 6 months or year, or can you apply for a refund?
  17. The main advantage Britian gained with Radar was the employment. Britiain use dRadar to gain an overall picture then commit units as available. Germany used a box system with one aircraft being controlled by one Radar. Prior to WW2 there was a lot of contact bettween the RAF and the Luftwaffe. Winterbotham's book 'The Nazi Connection' is well worth a read on that subject.
  18. Agreed but, Electronic computers, the Jet engine, Radar, the Cavity Magnatron all Britsh inventions. The diffrence was we won, so could keep our secrets. A lot such as Enigma were kept secrt for both political reasons, there was a desire post WW2 that the the cult of Germany not be defeated by military means but political cowardice that prevailed following the 'I fooled the Hun' tub thumping by various Brtitsh personalitys after the Great War, and used extensivley by Hitler would not be repeated. There was an immdiate concern over Stalin's intentions, and such assets were deployed aginst the USSR. Then there was the reparations to the US, which means a lot of British invntions are claimed by US firms. None of this required slave labour or coercion. It was also nessacary that Germany be allowed dignity, as the country was now the Front Line in the Cold War.
  19. Careful Jack. Slave and forced labour are touchy subjects. Far from making the Reich powerful there are many tales, some proven some apocraful about dust and grit being mixed with grease used to lubricate machinery at factories, , acid being painted onto U Boat hulls, uniforms being stiched with deliberate poor seams. A lot of these acts if discovered would have led to punishment and death.
  20. Oh Ruhbarb's! A bit of Internet research , there seem to be a number of Fakes coming from Eastern Europe, so be careful! The cost of the watch new was about 1/2 a skilled man's wages in England at the time. Most seem to have been sold off in around 1954, many were refurbished and sold of by jewelers. The other thing is both sides seemed to have scourced watches , crohohmeters and chrongraphs from Swiss sources.
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