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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Dosen't that make them biscuits? Oh Dear!! Inland Revenue VAT will be after you!! If it's a cake it dosen't pay VAT, but! If it is a biscuit it does. (Inland Revnue V Jaffa Cakes) :red:
  2. Isn't there a spare place at Chatham?
  3. Caution: Have you assed the risk you might slip and stab your self with a ball point pen?:angel:
  4. That Goat gene would be handy in a few horses I know!
  5. I had a load of the Airfix ships, Hood, Bismark, Tiger, Leander, Tirpitz, Nelson a whole history of Naval warfare.
  6. As for the kettle , definite NO,NO! Remeber Mc Donald's were succesfully sued when someone poured Coffe over thier leg! They had not expected it to be Hot! That's why all the caution maybe hot labels over everything, including the Milkshakes!
  7. One Europen recovery story. Phil and I went over to Belgium for the day. We were sitting in the car park of the Shuttle at Calais , the place is full of speed bumps. An old Sunbeam (I think) car was coming along over the bumps, there was suddenly a hell of a bang and the back suspension collapsed. Not suprising as the old crock was stuffed with beer crates. Some of the driver's friends pulled it onto the train with the obligatory Transit van. When we all came off in England, straight up ramp to road, some nice person had called the Kent Police to assist them! They had very helpfully sent Three cars a van and a recovery truck! :-D
  8. Pity you couldn't get that weather through customs! :-D I've a friend coming over from New Zealand, I'll ask her to try! A snowball fight will be held on the front lawn of the Club House over Easter.
  9. If, and I'm sure it is, the one that used to be at Woolwich, it is actually a Proofing Sledge it is mounted on.
  10. Hand priming the carb, or pouring the fuel into the top, does automatically rich the carb, so gets to be art balancing choke and throttle. The good thing is she runs! A genral moochabout, check things, service and grease isn't a bad start of season thing anyway.
  11. So get your sleep now! You'll need it for about the next 20 years! :-D
  12. Try getting out of our yard in the morning! :cool2:
  13. Place pakets 2 (Two) in sock , man's , green wool. Then beat anything in your path to death!:-D
  14. There was a plan called Ramikin (A small cooking pot) A that was an armed invasion. Losses were estimated at 40% plus civillian casualties. Hitler's intention was that the Island's would never be retaken.
  15. Unless the Flapjack is completly coloured red , green , blue or yellow. And any party eating them wears saftey goggles, body armour and protective head gear. You know I wonder how I survived childhood. :nut:
  16. Bring some sun back as well! PLEASE!!! :-D
  17. I am a CIOS meber so will see if I can get more info. http://www.thisisjersey.com/news/2013/03/25/occupation-drama-re-enacted/
  18. You could fill the back with a load of inflated ruber dingys. Not only an instant lifeboat, but lightweight extra flotation.
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