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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. He was also a very nice man with no side. You say Good Morning to him he'd always smile and answer.
  2. Ardingly show tommorow! Got to do a bit of window shopping.
  3. Are we talking a car that is already in UK or come from Forign parts? If the vehicle has been at some stage UK registered then there should be a record somewhere. Then is just a lost V5 form.The forms are on the DVLA website. I got them from there. My local DVLA office were very helpful. If there is a UK registration worth asking is it still avilable, Katy's was so she is back on her old plate.
  4. S*d the accent! Want the workshop!
  5. She is looking good. So much effort on something that really was just a mundane work horse. Though I'll bet it will end up as the star of the show. Wait till you get all the all the 'I remeber my first girlfriend and the back of a van ' stories. :-D
  6. No more like Big B*stard is watching you!
  7. Our buses have between 11 and 16 cameras per vehicle, internal and external.
  8. Yes, and look at all the cameras fitted to Russian cars for just that purpose! If Insurers started insisting high risk drivers had to have cameras fitted, the Telemetric systems are a choclate tea pot that may well have an effect.
  9. The car is an Auto Unioun isn't it? The Doughboys look to have a Colt machine gun mounted. Quite unusual.
  10. Drive as if everyone else is out to get you! Cynical but good advice. I've done offensive driving courses , defensive driving courses and as you all know drive a bus in London. (13 years now! You get less for murder!) The suprise is there are so few acidents with Military Vehicles, Daylights do help, sometimes, but the main thing that keeps you safe is youre Situational Awarness. Cycylists , pedestrians and even drivers with headsets and earphones , the mobile phone, and a lot of so called 'Proffesional' drivers are guilty of that! So be careful out there! A change in English law over the last few years, you can now be charged with Causing Death whilst driving without due care and attention. Before you could only be charged with Causing Death by Dangerous driving. A few stiff prison sentences where acidents have mobile phones as a factor rather than a fixed penalty may improve the situation.
  11. Very welcome Mark. Intresting place you live.
  12. The AA getting really stroppy with non payers?
  13. Er, sorry mate, but that don't make sense. You have no speed limit but must be able to do at least 25 mph? If a vehicle is incapable of doing more than 25 mph it becomes a slow moving vehicle and must dispaly amber flashing beacons. Mind you the 'Official' website is about as clear as mud. Prohibited vehicles. Motorways MUST NOT be used by pedestrians, holders of provisional motorcycle or car licences, riders of motorcycles under 50 cc, cyclists, horse riders, certain slow-moving vehicles and those carrying oversized loads (except by special permission), agricultural vehicles, and powered wheelchairs/powered mobility scooters (see Rules 36-46 incl). Actually . You MAY drive on a Motorway with a provisonal C C+E or D or D+E licence.
  14. The only enforced 'Minimum' Speed limit I can think of is at the Dartford tunnel. Not the bridge the tunnel. As Ian L says the road sign is a blue circle with white edge. The speed is shown in white numerals.
  15. Don't know about the Maxi but the Austin 1800 was used a lot as staff cars and Ministry cars. The RN also had standard civillian Land Rover 12 seat Safaris. One of the guys at FH had a Hillman Husky estate that was ex RAF. He'd bought it from a surplus sale. Another staff car was the Vauxhall Velox! I was given one as an 18th Birtday present! Fablous old beast. Big straight 6 engine and three gear coloum shift. Bench seats . We called it the 3 couple car, two across the front seat two acros sthe back and two in the boot!
  16. Welcome! Go for a Dodge, they can still be got at sensible prices and so much more useful than a J**P.
  17. My WC54 was built 4th February 1944, and allegedley landed on D +9 so I'd reckon ^ to 12 weeks after manufacture would be a resonable guess.
  18. What beautiful shots! I could live with those pictures on the wall.
  19. Welcome along, stupid fact No 1 ! The lightweight actually weighs more than standard. :-D
  20. Timber hitch and Bowline, two every body should know.
  21. So ? You should have a good crop of mushrooms and ruhbarb! Such contributions can also bbe used to warm your feet, make white lead pigmanet, gunpwder, palster your walls. Be thankful! :-D
  22. I know at least one QLR was modified to 'Office Body' , that ended up in the Pay Corp, paying off about 1971. There was a seperate brass plate on the R body giving date details of modification.
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