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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. A friend of mine has just sent me her opinion.:-D
  2. Saladin! Ever since the kiddy days of Matchbox and the bigger Airfix I've had the urge to go 1:1 :-D
  3. Welcome Tom. A Landy might actually worl out cheaper than a Parabike. Though there is an ex RAF bike for sale on the forum.
  4. And over the next few days, you may well find out if it is waterproof! :-D
  5. Should be pointed out. Rosie would DEFINITLEY look better in the clothes. :-D
  6. Yes, but about .303 and 20mm. :-D A lot of fun to ride on the railway, and they have a very good musuem.
  7. A gentle touch of Hoylmar blue or Vasaline! :-D
  8. Can't help on value I'm afraid.
  9. Unless a piece has a UK de-ac proof mark from either Birmingham or London Proof house. it isn't a legal de-ac in UK. Customs and Excise can also be a bit funny about 'firearms or parts of firearms'. I'd suggest the UK end conatact Customs and Excise, just to make sure. http://www.cps.gov.uk/legal/d_to_g/firearms/
  10. There were two famous railway guns, 14 inch on the east coast during ww2 Winne and Pooh.
  11. Most models seem to be of German weapoms. Two places that might have the info, are Wolwich Firepower Royal Artillery musuem, or the Artillery Museum, Royal Amouries at Fort Nelson. Both have good archives.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GUo5VD3DThc Didn't relalise how much the US forces did recycle though.
  13. Wiring so bad that when touched all the insulation just fell off.
  14. Been up to see the Dodges this afternoon. Turned switch pushed lever and normal service resumed. I've put some Forte fuel sytem cleaner in, because I can really, and will get some fresh fuel from another garage. So hopefully at least one out to play over the weekend.
  15. He is a lucky man! For a given value of luck. Best wishes and I hope he makes a full recovery.
  16. I'm going to try some Octane Booster this weekend,. Don't want to start on expensive changes for what is a very rare situation.
  17. Dodges were used by British forces. Mostly in Far East but also Europe.
  18. Once had an old MG belonging to a friend that had been out in a cold winter and wouldn't start. So as she was a very attractive blonde, I offred to tow it back to the yard and get it started. Got the MG back and pushed into a shed, with the Land Rover behind it. I got the thing started but it was running a bit rough. So I decided to let it warm up. I was leaning on the Land Rover bonnet when there was a hell of a bang from the MG. Something went whirring past me and smashed the Landy windscren. A lump of ice had come out the exhaust pipe! Last winters cold snap it was start the Dodge, first time every time, then go round jump starting the neighbours. Definitley cold weather machines. On a more posiyive note. I've seen stuf fyou paint onto the mainfold to keep it cool. Wonder if a layer of this might help.
  19. I intially thought electric. Checked everything, it was beeping , squacking and sparking as it should.I don't know if it just mine, but they are extremley touchy about choke when starting, first kick, engine catches , choke straight in and idle on a hand throttle cable. The only other time my WC51 have given me problems were the same sort in Belgium with even hotter temparatures. Running fine till stopped then wouldn't restart. I seem to remeber I poured a bucket of water over the carb, then she went again.
  20. WELL! I hope your Goldfish dies! And you can't sell the bowl! That Chateau (Posh word ,see) is amazing . It was built back in about 1500 and dot. You could just as easily have Sharpe and his riflemen in there! If your in the area of Tilly Sur Selle, just at the entrance to the farm lane is the smallest CWGC cemetry in Normandy. The Chateau was a casualty clearing station in the battle for the crossroads in the villiage. When the war graves commision came to exume the bodies to take to Bayeaux, the locals kicked off, claiming as then men had come to fight for the villiage, had died for the villiage and been buried by the villiage. They belonged to the villiage and it was the Villiages resposobility to care for them. Also the place makes the finest Calvados in Normandy! As for Ray's pictures. I'm jealous! What a place to go hacking!
  21. At least she isn't being scrapped.
  22. Question Sir!! Can I have it please! :-D
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