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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome John, I see you already have an answer. Hopefully we can intrest you in other things as well.
  2. Well since unladen weight is the vehicle with full oil and fuel but not driver. Where does that leave the situation? Screwed up as usual. :-\
  3. They definitley got about the FT17's. How many countries actually used them.
  4. I've found it useful; to soack a rag in penetrating oil and then wrap it around the bit, wrap with plastic and leave. Gives the oil more time to penetrate.
  5. Fed up of Stars all over the vehicles, I want to do vehicles in UK home markings.
  6. Must take things up with these film makers! I wanted more pictures of the vehicle markings! :-D
  7. Hadn't thought of that one. :red: If you have ever visited the National Mermorial Aboretium, and I do recommend it, there is an area with a tree planted for every British Merchantman sunk in WW2.
  8. Does make you womder. Surley the Enemy knew they'd sunk it? Thopugh there was a tendcy to delay shipping looses until the full suvivor situation was knowm. The International Red Cross on overtime.
  9. What a budget remake of Judge Dredd! :-D
  10. And you can watch a grown man cry! Had a lot of those situations with horses and films.
  11. Making the doors big enough to fit the wings in is going to be a problem. Especially with the Spoworth Camel!
  12. I've just got some virtually identical from Ernest Does today! Though there galvinised finish
  13. What a fascinating bit of history. Imagine someone saying 'And how's your Husband?' Then having to answer keeping in mind what you have been told.
  14. Nah! He's made the front page Jack! He'll be to busy going round in dark glasses ducking the Paperatzi. :-D
  15. They wil on an individual case basis, it is expensive, at least by MV quote standards.
  16. Bloody hell there expensive! ex military green wooly pulleys 2/6, lightweights 2 bob a pair. Ammo boots £2 a pair. Wartime dated haversacks about 5 bob! Even as a kid I never wore jeans, lightweights were much more robust and comfortable. :-D
  17. Welcome in. Just be prepared ! If you get one vehicle wrong, you'll never have a moments peace! :-D
  18. Tony B

    Big ray

    What's the point of counting? as my late Mother siad 'No pockets in a shroud'. Just enjoy everything
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