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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. A black cat was the sign of London Command. So that cold link to the Household Division.
  2. Nowadays it's buses and traffic islands.
  3. Even I'll admit a Jeep is more useful than a Ferrari!
  4. Collisinous interuptus?:red:
  5. Just to complicate things. What markings are the J**p in? If you are looking at middle or far east then the correct rifle would be a SMLE No1 Mk111 or Mk111* that is with the wood work right up to muzzle. middle mounted sight and 17 inch sword bayonet. After Dunkirk, a lot were lost in Europe and the SMLE No 4 rifle was issued. Stupidly due to VCR, it is easier to buy a De -Ac then a realstic replica. As far as De acing goes because the SMLE is a bolt action rifle, there isn't much diffrence bettween new and old de-acs.
  6. Could be worth contacting Bovington, or even BAE's records.
  7. At college we had a pig man who ex RAF. He had driven a Karrier with trailer fore and aft. He'd make a trailer that like that dance! Used to make us all sick.
  8. Be intresting to see the ofspring though. :cool2: Plans for a new rail road hybrid maybe? When the trams first came to Croydon a bus driver (Now retired) decide to challenge their authority. Bus for once , lost. In this case the blame is obvious, the Tram was on the wrong side of the road!
  9. Good news that you will be carrying on with the museum. In addition to be a nice place to stop for a cuppa, the education and inspiration the collection has engendered over the years is pricless.
  10. Both sides squaring up to settle the blame? :-D
  11. Wonder if it was based on the original concept drawing or a very early protype? How did you come by it?
  12. Welcome. Advice on the Pig? A lot couldn't be posted, this is supposed to be a family forum! :-D
  13. Makes you realise how extrodinary, ordinary men could be. A lot to live up to!
  14. Like the MP38/40 and the US M3 the bolt of the Sten was held back by a slot in the reciver , so if dropped it could jump out. But if as should have been done the magazine was turned to 90* no problems. There is a lot of rot talked of the Sten if used properly it was just as relaible as the rest of the blowback 9mm weapons. :-\
  15. 70 odd years of service, plus what ever changes units decided would be useful, add various bits of 'Found; kit. What constitutes a 'Standard' MV?
  16. The easiest way is to print wrapping stencils onto brown paper then wrap paper blocks. TNT and Dynamite does tend to be somewhat difficult for most people to obtain. :-D
  17. Yeah the old problem. I had some female at a show critising my Dodge, 'It's muddy , the paint has scratches in etc ' The bloke with her just said 'What do you expect? There supposed to drive through hedges'! :-D A while ago I had to eventually wash some genuine Somme mud off my WC51. I nearly cried, but it is a good excuse to take her back there. :cool2: The thing about our vehicles is that they were never ment to be a rich mans plaything or the for some yupie to swank about. The vehicles have one purpose, make sure the men in battle get waht they need when they neeed it, regardless of what it takes.
  18. I have to admit you are perfectley correct sir! :-D I wince when people call self loaders 'Automatics'.
  19. Thing is all the in service photos, all those lovley panels...are left off.
  20. Rather like a Unicorn poo, always heard of, never yet seen.
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