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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Welcome in. The Home Guard intrest gives you wide scope as civillian vehicles were used as well.
  2. You are forgiven this once! After all you want to be inconspicuous ocassionally.
  3. The illustrations I've seen the rifle was benched in a jig then 5 shots fired for group.
  4. Watch it, the last Ping is follwed by a pattern depth charges!
  5. The Mini is there as a buffer is it?
  6. There do seem to be variations. Mine is pre war, same chassis as used for DF trailer but has metal tub and underslung tow hitch.
  7. The pier at Shoebury was the Ordance pier. At one time the Royal Ordnace had it's own fleet, including tugs and ML's. The guns themselves were built at Woolwich and transported on barges named Gog and Magog, after the two giants of London. The ROC has it's own flag a defaced Blue Engsign. The Fleet office was also in charge of the Woolwich Arsenal Gas works. In 1890 two huge and at the time most expensive battleship guns ever built were being shipped for proof, and fell off the barge into the Thames at Woolwich! It made the front page of the times. During WW1 large loads such as rail guns were shipped on three specially built railway ferries (One of which was sunsequently sunk at Dieppe in WW2, and one was used to evacuate troops and equipment from Jersey in 1940) the port was the super secret built from scratch Military Port of Richbourough- http://1914-1918.invisionzone.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=105335 http://www.berkeleygroup.co.uk/property-developers/berkeley/developments/royal-arsenal-riverside/history I used to vist the old gun very regularly back in the old Rotunda days, ee.. when I twere lad!
  8. WELL! I'm going to flounce through the bar and out to my bike shed! :mad: You lucky.... The intial idea of pairing a Sniper shooter with the telescope was from the Lovat Scouts, formed of Schottish Ghilles. Legend has it that on one ocassion a spotter read the uniform markings of the German unit through the telescope, by looking down the German trench telescope. He was not belived. Subsequently a trench raid confirmed all he had said. The Scouts were never doubted agin.
  9. Don't you belive it! It's when someone says 'We don't neeed this', then the paperwork goes off and about an ice age later back comes from DVLA, yes you do! Then back to stage one, and all the time you are loosing money because you can't drive!
  10. A mixture of water, with possibly microphones attached, or something to detect vibration in the liquid?
  11. Agreed the Doctor's eye test is not that useful. I always have the results of my Optician's test a few days befor if I can.e
  12. The Medicos go gaga over blood pressure for HGV/PCV! First thing that drives my blood pressure up? Having some nurse wittering over it! :-D
  13. Are those telescopes genuine issue? (Dribbling .....:-D)
  14. Welcome in! You will be in good company.
  15. Wait for the investigation. As long as all persons involved are all right.
  16. Yes but they were classified at the time, and very few seem to have survied. I spent a long time looking for a set!
  17. Yes that is the correct installation. Where did you find it? I only know one copy of those documents. As for which 15 cwt. What Y Service wanted they got! They had the power to commonder anything they wanted, any questions will lead a stiff talking to withourt coffe at least.
  18. http://goldbeach.org.uk/Y%20service/Direction%20Finding.htm
  19. A 88mm as a starting gun? The vehicles at least operated on the move intercepting. A standard trick was to rig ropes with a weighted tin attached bettween the radio benches and have a Primus in it so tes could be made at any time. The German's wern't stupid, so any sites, high and clear of solid objects, were either mined before withdrawl or bracakted by artillery. Not an easy option job.
  20. Large slap coming fron Mods, anytime soon! :-D Back on topic, I keep trying to find the Youtube clip, unfortunatley keep getting side tracked by other things!
  21. Use a free download, I use Photoscape, that will allow you easily to reduce the files to a size the Forum will acept.
  22. Or as Kenneth Horne said 'We don't belive there is anything that cannot have a double meaning, if you want it to!':-D
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