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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Raise second morgatge to buy enough!
  2. So you're the one constantly scratching your a** then?
  3. Logical: The Tanks were moved by rail to the front where ever possible, and the ferries were built for heavy loads. Anyone know if any of Richbourough is accesable to the public? I'm looking for a day out soon.
  4. Also used to move heavy ordnance such as rail guns. Two biggest things shipped , ammunition and animal fodder!
  5. Best bet is a non soap detergent for delicate fabric! Hand wash cool and dry flat. A good trick with pure wool is add just a drop of Baby Oil in the last rinse (Or get the genuine muddy look:D )
  6. The basic layout was the same on both sides. Unplanned variables such as mines and artillery did however cause variation. Generally German, trenches tended to be more robust on the grounds 'We are here and intend to stay. Allied forces always considered trenches to be tempoary. This is a god site for pictures of the time. http://www.greatwar.nl/
  7. These ferries operated from the Military Port of Richbourough at Sandwich during the Great War, I've a photo I'll try to find of TF1 in 1940 being used to evacuate forces from Jersey.
  8. That colour looks right for the age. Think of the hundreds of hours operators sat there smoking like chimmneys. :-D
  9. Post Great War the railways had to go internal combustion. Most of thier horses had been killed in France.
  10. BUGS BUNNY 'dis is Elmer Fudd! Come out wid your hands up! :-D
  11. You know Degsey, I'm worried about us. I had the same thought! :-D Congrats Rosie Darling!
  12. I use Photoscape a free download, very simple to use, which why I like it :-D
  13. Trouble is, even books written at the time, are someone elses opinion. Try taking witness statments some time. All you can do is get as many diffrent opnions as you can, and try to figure it out for yourself!
  14. Welcome to a man with impecable taste in vehicles.
  15. I do know one is near Chatham, I saw it a while back. When the Military went to get spares for I belive four , that were brought back, Mercedes declined stating the vehicles were stolen! The Argentinians hadn't paid for them. The UK reply to was that Mercedes should refer the matter to Buenos Aires.
  16. F W Wintherbotham's The Nazi Connection is worth a read. Before becoming involved with Bletchley Park Winterbotham was an RAf 'Liason' officer in Germany. He personaly befriended many top Nazis. His account is writen in a very proffesional intelligence style.
  17. The classic DUKW story is the rescus of the crew of a US Coastgaurd vessel at Proviencetown Mass. by one of the prototypes. Nothiong else could reach the casualty.
  18. The period following the Great War, was total chaos. In 1918/19 Spanish Influenza killed 50 to 100 million people, a modern Black Death. With the same results, shortage of labour , food, work, infrastructure damaged, and Germany very near to Communist take over. England survived relativly well. America was coming to prominence , with a lot of links to what was left of the German economy, then came the Wall Street Crash and depression. Hitler was promosing a New Dawn, and he was not tainted with the stain of the Old Gaurd. Bear in mind at that time Germany had only existed as a unified state for about 50 years, and up till then had been an autocratic monoarchy. There was no tradition of Democracy, and franckly I doubt the average German citizen at the time cared. An empty belly calls very loud. Bread and Circusis, which the Nazi supplied would have looked very good, and the word Socialsit in the name implies a care about the well being of the avaerage person. You can add the baleful influence of Woodrow Wilson and his 14 point plan and his hunger for Imortallity. Hitler was an opertunist and attracted the right backers, what wa sleft of the Junker class who thought they'd use and dump him. Wrong wern't they!
  19. I've spent a lot of time digging through obscure bits of military paperwork and numerous published editions .The more you know the less you definite you become. The German high command was tyring to Get a negotiated peace in the later part of 1915, through Woodrow Wilson.
  20. I agree with Ray. As the Centenary of the Great War approches a lot of information that was held under 75, 80 and 100 year seal is starting to come out. If you have the intrest to dig through such things, it is putting a whole knew slant on 'What everyone knows...' I'll throw you a controversial thought though. Given the social views at the time, if Hitler had stopped in 1938, he'd be considered one of the greatest poloticians of the 20th Century.
  21. I'd soack them in a tub using something that is sold to clean canvas horse rugs. Its designed to deal with very heavy soiling.
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