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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. And park them under the front! Needs a cow catcher! :-D
  2. They really need a pressure bleeder to make them work properly. A tip I was told last night but haven't tried (Waiting for oppertunity) is to run a tube from the nipple on the wheel cylinder back to the master below fluid level then pump like Bu**ery. One trick I have tried and is useful. Get a disposable syringe. Disconnect the pipe from the master and open cylinder nipple. Then use syringe to fill the pipes directly, close nipple before reatachment. From the sound of it the master is similar to the QL. We had the same problem with the central piston after rebuilding. Also worth soacking the master in fluid before fitting and bench testing to make sure it squirting in the right places.
  3. I use Toolstation engine laquer. Cheap and works very well to protect paint and transfers.
  4. E Mail recived , many thanks. Good work Jack. HMVF now recognised as a MV heavy weight! :-D
  5. As for the roles the vehicles were used for. If it could be fitted , loaded or towed they did it.
  6. Do you mean, it has a Bl**dy awful paint job as well? :-D
  7. 13 pounder barrels /18 pounder carriage and equipment.
  8. You are going to have a very busy year with that beauty!
  9. Welcome in. Being Spanish was that a Santana project? They made nicer trucks than Land Rover.
  10. Very intresting thought. Your'e name has been taken!!
  11. WC51 chassis were used as the base of the M55 mobile anti tank gun. A 37 mm, gun was mounted on the back. As for who used them? The German's didn't have many.
  12. Funny you should mention Chaplin. The Great Dictator was his first 'Talkie' film which parodyied the Nazi Regime. Funny enough the Mc Carthy hearings used it to claim he was a Communist and get him banned from the US. In 1997 the US Film regisrtry announced the film was on Cultural or Historical intrest and would be preserved.
  13. Wonder if thier still waitinmg for delivery? :-D
  14. Basic rules I was taught 1/3 and 2/3 for coulor mix, avoid straight lines, the human eye tends to look for straight lines and distintive shaped blobs of one colour, that gives a good aiming mark. Some insist the colours should Feather into one another. Easy enough with yard broom, emergency painting tool Mk 1. :-D Could try this if feel adventourus. http://cdn.damninteresting.com/wp-content/uploads/2005/11/dazzle1.jpg
  15. What a nice find. Poor old Alley Slopper's Cavalry
  16. Military reasons to paint thing: 1 Protection of the metal 2 Concealment 3 Apperance. DERA Aquila at Bromley used to house the DERA packing and preservation research department. The guy who ran it at one time was in charge of painting all the bridges in London. He could lecture for hours on paint.
  17. Good for shows though. With a front overhang like that who'd need a tent?
  18. Thing about an inveter. It feeds off the battery by croc clips, on it's own leads, so no problem there, dosent touch the vehicle as it's insulated. It will use the mains charger to charge the phone, and can run other kit! You can buy a jump pack with a built in inverter if you want. That's what I have for the 6 volt Dodge. Keeps the sat nav going for about 48 hours.
  19. Bit off the wall, but have you thought of contacting King's Troop Royal Artillery or the Firepower museum at Woolwich. Actually both are now based at Woolwich. At Fort Halstead we used to do the regular proof and inspection of the guns and limbers, but for the life of me I can't think of details of the hitch. :blush:
  20. Welcome in. Land Rover dash earths have a reputation for being problems. Easier to work on if the sterring wheel is removed. Most of the wiring is standard Land Rover .
  21. Prices have gone down like a stone. A 300 watt, perfectly usable for laptops etc are about £40.
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