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Everything posted by snort

  1. Yellow is a bad colour to cover, you will need more coats than you think to achieve a good cover, I hate spraying yellow and it has a strong pigment that goes everywhere.
  2. Mind you, I have just looked at it again and it may not be!
  3. I think the canvas is a cvrt cover, just recently sold one on ebay and that's what it had printed on the back.
  4. Welcome Dave, great bit of kit, I have had several and wouldn't mind another.:-)
  5. Now that's really interesting too, many thanks for that. I may already have a phone number for that one but its great to have that extra info.
  6. Thanks for that, guess what I am doing at the weekend!!:-D
  7. I went that way today and didn't spot this, I am still looking for a front end for my Queen Mary in the yard, can't believe this one might be within 20 miles ! you couldn't pm me with the exact position so I can go an have a look?
  8. Also if anyone should cut the power to my vehicle or try to move it from its 'ring fenced position' I immediately get a text and an email and I can see whats happening on my phone or computer. Therefore I or the Police can intercept......................and If I get to the thieving sods first...........:-) ring their office on 01379854600 talk to Russell and he will take you through it whilst in front of your computer
  9. You need sales@carrotech.com Great tracker, live all the time and records every movement so you can study your route every day at your leisure. £249 plus vat. to buy outright but you will have a annual charge for the sim card inside, this is £72 per year. I have one in all my vehicles and they are east to move around from vehicle to vehicle. Had the oldest one 4 years now and it does everything I could want. I can still look back at last years Normandy trip and wish I was there now!
  10. Very nice, with a lovely number plate!
  11. That's brilliant, keep it going, its very interesting. love the way of parting the rims!!:-D
  12. Mind you apart from the schoolboy errors I still enjoyed it.:-)
  13. Just watched it, Episode 5 during the service it shows the Union Flag and its upside down ! How did they get that wrong?
  14. yes I always have plenty of heavy chain on but it does make me wonder, always keep them tight as you say. however when you take in your calculation perhaps I should go down to Portsmouth for some Anchor chain next time! I am not doubting your figures in any way though.:-)
  15. As I often have a 25 ton machine behind me on rubber tracks on the low loader it makes me think about how many chains to put on it to keep it there!!
  16. I wondered what that scissor lift truck was, a handy tool. I had a farm trailer like that once.....used it as mobile scaffolding around the sheds!
  17. But if you have them as saved sellers you will know their feedback score and this is not hidden by Ebay, that way you have a fair indication that is that person bidding.
  18. Well there is plenty to interest you here Roy, welcome in.
  19. Adrian is quite correct, you will keep your entitlement but will only be able to drive Private HGV and not for financial gain. If you want to be paid for driving then you will need to do your CPC ! However you cannot fail but you must do the training EVERY five years.
  20. snort

    Big ray

    Happy New Year to you too, although I clicked on in the hope of reading another great story!!
  21. http://www.easyashgv.co.uk/Driver-CPC.html
  22. I understand you need 35 hrs. tuition in a classroom, spread over 5 days whenever you can fit it in, about £80 a day, take it all at once or one day at a time, there is no pass or fail certificate but you have to attend before September 2014 and if you don't do it you will not be allowed to drive HGV commercially after then. I hope that's correct, someone will be along to shoot me down soon if not!
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