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Everything posted by snort

  1. Marcus Glenn has these on Ebay if that helps http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Austin-Champ-Military-Vehicle-Connector-Block-FV-229569-/160905817827?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item2576bbeee3
  2. Please let us all know how you get on, the result should help us all
  3. oooooo ..........mine's missing I would be happy to find the right one, your one is close. How much?
  4. I think you will have to mot it once (ie the first time) after being sorn and then its exempt from then on. I think this is to stop anyone pulling something out of the barn after a long time and going straight on the road.! Unless someone knows better.
  5. I have always loved these since having a short drive in one in Wokingham some time back. It looks lovely and I am a little 'envious' !!
  6. This is a bit like it? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Worcester-Regiment-Cap-Badge-/290801714317?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item43b522048d
  7. I really hope they let us know the results, it would be interesting,...........it must have been important to have been in code.
  8. Err no, I am sure everyone will more likely talk you into it !, Welcome in though,
  9. Catch them quick and parade them on the 11th.
  10. I have a souvenir brochure of the Charity Open days in 1989 here....that make interesting reading, there was a lot of kit. (about 200)
  11. Well I see it made £50.00 in the sale, nice ornament
  12. A squirt of WD40 should do the job
  13. Oh I hope not Tony! I get enough of them round here on a Sunday already :angel:
  14. To get back on Thread Lauren, I have found some radiator flush in my workshop that you can have FOC, I can bring it to thursdays meeting if you are going to be able to make it.
  15. Well I wouldn't want to risk the cut price stuff in my engines, ...I value them too much. Having a cracked block would not be much consolation for saving a couple of quid however much I was told they were the same quality.
  16. The same could be said of cheap cut price antifreeze !
  17. Nice cover for it on Ebay ! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/150933358010?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1586.l2649
  18. Bidder was from Aylesbury so maybe it will stay in England hopefully. (a Mr. *******)
  19. It had to be worth it as a lot of people were bidding, not sure if its staying in this country but as I am at the auction again tomorrow I will try and find out. I can't see any other Prime Ministers vehicle being worth it !
  20. It would be best to ask singeager on here, he would know I am sure.
  21. Yes I watched it sold, amazing , just shows there is still a lot of money about GPW ford didn't make its reserve though, nice model T in the sale too.
  22. A lovely find, looks good too, especially if its been outside under a cover all that time. Looks good enough to spray with wd40 and head off to a show!:-)
  23. Sorry , I have now looked in 3 of my Dingo books and cannot find a torque setting.........it just seems to say retighten first 500 miles and therafter every 1000. Tighten without using excessive force. I will keep looking until I find it but it must be out there somewhere.
  24. yes , what are they worth today? theres not many about and they are not making any more
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