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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. I say hit them.....a Landrover makes a proper tidy mess of the average 'modern' car....and after all....if you hit them from behind or the side or wherever after they've pulled out in front of you ?....well... I reckon it's worth a 'go' in the Courts.....Landrover Insurance is way cheaper than yer average car and .....a Landrover will almost always come off the best in the event of a collision with a 'normal' car so...even with an incident on your insurance...you'll still have the last laugh ..and just to make a 'good impression'... you could even stick yer foot down a bit just before the moment of impact ! hahah!
  2. to which I would add.......what the hellfire on this earth has someone done to a Jeep !!!!!" PS: Loving the propane bottles placed in a nice safe position !
  3. .....and ...not meaning to cast any judgement on your situation....:undecided: ..guessing that you are in a period of , shall we say 'marital discord' ???? ....do it NOW before it gets any worse.....the longer the agreement was made BEFORE such a 'discord' reaches its ..ahem...'conclusion'?..... is the better for a Solicitor to work with.......here speaketh a man of bitter experience.
  4. I shall remain no matter how long I may live...still completely and absolutely in awe of the 'boys' of Bomber Command and I do NOT use that word lightly....they were 'boys'....... ...they were generally between 18 and 25 years old....and roughly 55,000 of them died.........and I absolutely deplore and detest the 'revisionist' thinking of many people today, that judge their efforts from the effortless comfort of an arm chair to have been.... 'pointless' or even worse ... 'murderous'.. ... We were in a 'total' war and that means ...'win at all costs'..and we simply had to ...our world today would have been immeasurably different if all the young men and women of our Armed Services had NOT given everything they had.........to all those that say so effortlessly nowadays "oh the heavy bomber campaign achieved nothing ' ?....I say this........ How many hundreds of thousands of German troops and anti Aircraft Guns and Pilots and Aircraft , and how many millions of gallons of fuel and millions of rounds of ammunition and other resources were tied down in trying to defend the German cities and industrial zones?.....the answer is of course....uncountable....... ....and if instead...they had been available to the field commanders at the 'fronts' ?... .....what might the effect have been ???.......it is of course.. impossible to say or calculate..........
  5. something that might help in your haggling... if he says he wants 'scrap weight' for her ?.....it'd be handy for you to know more or less how much she weighs ..(try Google?) ...scrap men always 'overweigh' something when they're trying to sell it to you... so... if you can point out (politely mind you ...don't be snotty with him ) that "she weighs about 'X' tonnes mate".....you can save yourself heading off down the wrong road should he reckon it weighs 5 tonnes more than you know damn well it does... (which he almost certainly will !! haha ! ) Next thing is ......find out what the going rate for heavy scrap is in your area...then add roughly 40 quid per tonne to it and that'll be about what he's selling the steel out for...but! to get 'top price' on his metal he will need to sell it as 'furnace feed' or what used to be called 'OA'....this has to be cut or cropped down to 5' X 2' max profile..which costs him money to do obviously ! so...politely again ..point out that he'll have to cut it up and get rid of the tyres (which will also knock a good bit off the total weight!) and wood etc off it before he can get full price for it so you are willing to help him out and take it 'as it is'....complete with the tyres ...thereby saving him some money on the whole deal ! (haha!) Most scrappys love doing a deal on something they bought in as scrap though so if you play it careful ...you should be able to haggle a successful outcome ! ..best of luck !!
  6. well..I say he should have called you up before letting the other fella in on it....that'd be the decent thing to have done and that's what I would have done... ....but seeing the other side as well.....as my old Grandad would have said.... "sold ain't sold til the moneys in your hand my boy.. first man through the gate with the money gets the deal" .......
  7. they do look good don't they ........ I'm sure one had turned up in the UK a while back? I seem to recall seeing a timber Sherman perhaps on here?...it was in a right ol' pickle now though
  8. hahah I recall demanding an Evel Knievel Stunt Motorbike once .. .(it was a toy I should point out, not a modified Harley Davidson Sportster ).... when it finally arrived Father very firmly declared it "a piece of HongKong plastic c**p !" (anything he didn't think much of the quality of in those days seemed to originate or so he said from HongKong ! ) and Mother had to send it straight back ..I gotta be honest ..I didn't argue either.....it certainly didn't live up to what it looked like in the TV adverts that were on in between the wrestling ! Mind you ........watched one on eBay a while back and it made over a 100 quid !
  9. Welcome and...awesome ! a Scammel and Steam Engine that'd most certainly do fer me I reckons
  10. Yes very good looking...gotta be one or two lurking still in a shed somewhere over there surely !
  11. yes it is Edd....quite a tidy one all the way around too ...painted up quite nice and excellent tyres ..Don't know why she's been parked up in this yard perhaps just for short time storage cos she certainly looks well loved and cared for
  12. Have trolled a couple of hundred Google images and have come across a few that are the same as the one I've seen , here's a couple of them.......I know a lot of people 're-cabbed' a lot of Mats ..but there does seem to be quite few out there with this particular cab on them (whatever it is ) so...is it a 'MK or Type ' all of it's own?.... or was this just a particular favourite cab t use when doing a modernisation job??? http://tractors.wikia.com/wiki/File:AEC_Matador_recovery_-_BCS_675_at_Holcot_08_-_IMG_0167.jpg
  13. A truck has turned up in a local yard (I'll try and get a photo of it this week if I can get permission to ) and it's confusing me a little....... It's an AEC and actually has a little badge on the radiator grill saying 'Matador' in a nice sort of handwriting scroll but....it doesn't look like a Matador.....the windscreen is slightly leaning backwards and it has an altogether more rounded shape to it than the normal flat shape of one....if anything it looks I guess more 'civilian' than a 'usual' Mat..on first glance from the front I would have said it was a Militant but for the badge on the grill....and the fact that it's a 4 wheeler not 6.....so how many 'MKs' of Matador were made and is this a late model ?? and were they ever made with a different shaped cab for the civilian market? PS: when were they last made out of interest? Edit: Much Google image searching later.....there seems to be 2 distinct types of Matador out there ??? so is it a MK2? 3? 9 ? civvy ? or what ??cheers !
  14. how did that name come about I wonder??? ...from the lack of brakes or handling ? haha I really like the British vehicles though....to my mind I always think of different 'bits' of the war.... .the British trucks always seem to say 'Dunkirk and the BEF'... whereas the US ones say 'D-Day ' .... .well... they do to me anyways! :-D
  15. there's some really grand looking trucks there and a bit more out of the usual that folk display ...s'cuse my ignorance ....but what is the third photo down? the blunt nosed truck with the reg TNT 429 ?....I know it's mother ugly but...it's somehow 'speaking' to me !
  16. Hey ruxy ..many years ago my Dads sister lived in Gloucester and whenever we visited we'd traipse out into the back garden to see the 'bomb damage' from one of the raids that hit the city .it wasn't much to see mind you ..there was a just a large chunk missing from one of the stone window sills with a corresponding gouge in the brickwork where a large piece of shrapnel had hit the house one night...like I said...not much at all in the grand scheme of things.... but it did somehow bring the war a lot closer to a fascinated 10 year old lad I have no firm opinion on the recovery of the Do17 other than to say I guess if someones happy to pay ?...then it's going to happen one way of another .... Interesting to hear the argument that it's a 'war grave'... it quite probably is....but .. ..if we were talking about a Tiger or a Panther or a Sherman that someone had just found buried in a meadow in France?....would the same be said of that?? I know the odds are, that the unfortunate crew would maybe have been recovered from a tank but....they might not have been ?......so.... should such a find also be left alone????
  17. obviously took a direct hit off a film prop .88 :cool2:
  18. Yeah know what you mean !!!..Slightly off topic but similar ..I recently saw an old home movie of a steam train running through the now long gone Wye Valley Railway .When it got to Kerne Bridge Station the engine crew and the fireman off the train were apparently running a bit ahead of time so, they parked her up in the siding and wandered over to the pub on the other side of the road for a couple of pints with the camerman following along behind...the commentary is great too ..very different days indeed...I wonder what a newspaper would make of an engine crew doing that now ?? :-D
  19. hey Jim ..just out of interest ...any idea when the last Jeeps were sold off by Ashchurch and the British Army in general ???..I'd guess by the early 60s but? ........
  20. Have just finished yet another of my Charity Chop finds and this one is absolutley fantastic . "Where the hell have you been ?" by Tom Carver is a brilliantly written memoir of a relatively obscure Gentleman and he was, a true 'gentleman' in all respects of his life. Richard Carver was just one of many thousands of young officers during the Second World War but what made him special was that he was the Stepson of General Mongomery...Captured when serving as a Staff Officer with the legendary Monty in North Africa , he was imprisoned by the Germans in a POW Camp in Italy. The book was written by his son the well respected journalist Tom Carver who you may well have come across. Tom has written a beatiful memoir of his very much loved Father and of how he eventually 'escaped' (you need to read just how this came about to believe it ! ) and travelled down through German occupied Italy with a few different companions hoping to be able to link up with the Allies as they fought their way up into Italy . Hidden and assisted along the way by the generosity of very poor Italian farmers and peasants, Richard finally after many adventures managed to cross the front line and meet up once again with his outwardly stern but obviously very much relieved StepDad. Montys response (possibly delivered due to Monty's acute awarness of his public 'aura' of nochalance and control) forms the title of the book. The book isn't so much about the actual combat of 'men at war' but more a very fine study of the make up of an ordinary decent gentlemen who found himself not really being comfortable with 'War' and all it's machinations but also especially, with very quietly and with much dignity...struggling to find his place in life through his long life afterwards. A brilliant read and very highly recommend !!
  21. not a clue mate but a grand picture never the less! ...loving the Arab dog they've recruited
  22. fair play to you for finding her ..but that would break my heart... :embarrassed: I'd definately be feeling "oh gawd how the hell am I gonna find the money ...ah!.... I know!!! " ..and then the real heartbreak would start ! haha
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