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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. Great stuff ! thanks for sharing ! I see one of the pictures was taken in 'Ashchurch England'
  2. wow !!!!!!!!!! :shocked::shocked::shocked::shocked: Any idea where a list of fixtures/events/airshows they're going to do may be found ?? :-D they will definitely be well worth travelling to see methinks !
  3. I've looked at your profile and call me daft but I can't see where are you located ?? UK?? US ??
  4. She looks really good !! I really like them in a 'used' condition ...not knocking the 'absolutely unmarked and immaculately rebuilt ' contingent but.I really do prefer them to look like they have rolled a few miles I wouldn't touch a thing ...keep her going and enjoy !
  5. Fairplay to you for stepping up and buying her Can I ask what , (if any yet) , are your plans for her??? It's a well rare vehicle for sure and ....yes I know ..a gargantuan task but....... just imagine how chuffed you'd be rolling her out in a few ( alright .....maybe a lot more than a 'few'! ) years time at a Military Vehicle show????
  6. just noticed the prices are in $s.... that makes it all pretty reasonable doesn't it ??? yeah I know a stack of money still but ..... I'd have thought about £100,000 ish for a running and complete relatively rare tank such as a Conqueror was reasonable ??? isn't it ? well it is in my book... if a Jeep can apparently occasionally fetch £20,000?... I'd willingly give 5 times that to own a real living breathing Conqueror anyways
  7. Very nice...I'll take the M50 Super Sherman , the 'ordinary' Sherman and the Conqueror ..Thanks :cool2: that takes care of the first 3/4 million or so that I don't have and oh yeah ...I may as well have the 88 as well
  8. are they serious ??? £30 Grand for a tank full of concrete??? .......I can very vividly imagine the work that would need to be done to do as they say .. ..............'remove the concrete from inside' .. Like oh yeah...give it a little tap , turn the tank upside down and give it a bit of a shake and it'll all fall out will it ???? .. I'm presuming it's full to the top ? but even if it isn't??? ....that is going to be some kind of incredibly difficult thing to do...
  9. Interesting article here .. http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424127887324432004578302480951570270
  10. 25 Pounder ..........deep breath... ...I don't know where you read that load of rubbish about 'the church being blown up by resistance stored explosives' etc .............but that is exactly what it is ..complete and absolute utter rubbish. I strongly suggest you do a bit more research .
  11. I know she had to be 'saved' from sliding down the bank and also from the attentions of the local scrap fellas but......... .....in many ways sticking her up on that concrete plinth spoilt her uniqness I reckon.but....way better that than have some chancer cut her up with a gas lamp
  12. Also beware of the law when driving a twin wheel pick up or van ....like a twin rear wheel Transit' type vehicle .........you also need a Tacho fitted ...even if the trailer is empty..... ....strictly speaking ........you need a Tacho fitted even if you have a towbar fitted to such a vehicle and don't have a trailer attached at all......reason being..your vehicle is 'equipped with the means' to exceed it's stated Gross Vehicle Weight .......even if it is not actually doing so when you are stopped ..... ... iffy business the Law is in this sort of area ..so be careful.....
  13. hahah I like it....whilst at an old car show this year with my ol Hudson a lovely old lady came up in a wheelchair to have a look at my car....apparently she and her husband had the Dealership for Hudsons in Southern Ireland back in WW2 and after a little chat she said all conspiratorially to me ..... "well back in the war I managed to keep driving my Hudson about even though there was very little petrol ....do you know what these Hudsons will run very well on Son? ...find yourself some Poitin! (we know it as 'Pocheen' of course ) ..........they run a treat on it you know !"
  14. seeing as a 'standard normal Jeep' can be pretty awesome 'off road' , I'll bet one of those 'lightweights' is truly staggering....
  15. I would say , even vaguely believing that he could somehow have talked Hitler out of his absolutely determined (although to be fair, rather well hidden) intention of going to war was wishful thinking and extremely naive of him at best.....and also sadly.... reveals how inept and disasterous a King he would have been for this country.. I am yet again reminded of what some German Politician said of Hitler ...something like ..." everyone believed they could manipulate and control him for their own ends.......until they realised he could not be controlled ..and by then... it was too late ..."
  16. Does looks vaguely 'Nuffield' doesn't it ?....... Not a clue really mate...good looking little truck though
  17. ...so ..........only a few more bits needed then and you'll have enough to build a Panther
  18. so!...all made out of just a bit of plywood hey ?? mmmmhhhhh .... I am off to my shed......I may be a while .....:cool2:
  19. Hadn't thought of that aspect of it Tony !...crikey !..I guess they would !...perfect King Edward size
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