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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. By the LWB rims I take it you mean the 'normal' LWB rim where the 'outside' flange is about 2" wide ?.. .Just asking because.... you just might have acquired a couple of 101 rims without realising you had? and they are 'designed' for a 9.00 section tyre and are a bit wider again ...also...with a different offset to a 'normal' LWB rim.. .... .....confused yet ? haha I am ! but anyways... ..Yes I would say you can put a 6.00 tyre on a LWB rim with no worries mate ..the tyre will sit fine.. ..the original SWB rim was 'designed' for a 6.00 section tyre and the LWB is supposed to have a 7.50 as I recall... but I have a mixture of tyres on various rims in my 'stock pile' and am currently running LWB rims on my SWB Series 2 with fairly small section radials and in the past I've ran 6.00s on the wider LWB 7.50 rims... they sit fine and just look a bit 'fatter' ... ......crikey ..I'm proper confused now . when you can confuse yourself you know you're onto a winner ! haha! hope that helps anyways ! PS: just went out and had a look at a few different rims in my pile and to be honest I have a right mixture of sizes on all manner of rims ......Someone may well correct me 'technically' but from my experience, I don't think you'd have any trouble with putting the 'smaller' tyre on the 'bigger' rim..
  2. Hello Terry ! Ashchurch !!! Mmmmh! A veritable Aladdins cave of military goodies!
  3. Hello there ! Hang about here enough and you're bound to get involved in something .....
  4. Great stuff ! Looking forward to seeing this project come together !
  5. hey welcome in Boyo !! ...lovely Jeep..very envious ! ....and...I didn't know you could still drive vehicles on the Pen y Fan / Brecon gap road?..... ....I thought 'the powers that be' had stopped all that kind of fun & closed most of them down to 4x4s etc ??.. Anyways !...I agree....a lovely area ........ ....as said above though...... ...in between the rain that is....and the snow.......and the cold..and a bit more rain...then a bit more snow..then some mist.and a bit of fog.and.and.and
  6. What about the Lee Enfield rifle ?? for what it's worth...Wiki lists the SMLE model as coming into service in 1907 and still being use.....is it? either way about it .....from first into service in apparently 1895 until 1957 is still well over 50 years
  7. The Lancaster without her dorsal turret 'KM-B' was a regular at Little Rissington in those days ..... ...Fantastic days & now long gone........:cry: My folks would allow me to wander off on my own around that airfield for the day and I'd literally be in a world of my own......... standing for hours at a time looking at all the aircraft and dreaming of being an pilot...I recall they had the nose off (I think it was anyways ) a Shackleton? , which was as close to a Lancaster as I was probably ever going to get:-) .......I'd queue up for my turn to go up the steps into her...then you'd get no more than a minute sat in each seat , flicking switches and pulling levers and pretending you were Guy Gibson's wingman and the dams were just up over the hill....then it'd be back out again only to join the queue straight away at the back to do it all again ..... Lovely photos thanks for sharing them
  8. crikey.:embarrassed:...is no one now left at the museum that you dealt with back then?....or...what about photos of it in your garden or in your workshop maybe ??... a very difficult situation......I would like to think that if it was a 'proper' museum they'd have records of any donated exhibits but..... :undecided:
  9. wow ! PM-ing you as we speak ! Thanks !
  10. .... Folks have restored much worse and it's not beyond his capabilities in anyway whatsoever because he has a cracking 'track record' of rebuilding ...the basic vehicle is 'all there' but when I last spoke to him he said the major stumbling block was finding anything to go inside and also knowing 'what' exactly to start to look for, never mind the problem of actually finding any of it Information is a bit scarce apparently as to how they were fitted out ..Is there a Dorchester in a museum in the UK I wonder?... .I guess, asking if he could go and have a good look at one would be the best way round it.... PS: according to the web there's one apparently in the Imperial War Museum ...not sure if it is still kitted out internally though....
  11. Fair play !Thanks for the extra pictures.... I'll say it again....that old Pioneer really does look awesome
  12. In the b&w photo yeah?.....don't know about them being door tops but ... they do look a lot like the rear window/back quarter panels off something like an Austin 7 ?????? and by the way..the tractor with her caravan looks like an awesome rig to go on holiday in !
  13. Fantastic pictures !!! really do remind me of RAF Little Rissington 'Open Air Days' back in the late 1960s/early 1970s....... PS:..around the mid 1980s I worked on RAF Halton airfield for a few months and .now I'm not that sure but.......I think there were 2 Blackburn Beverleys parked up on the side of the grass field there??? .their flying days were by then long gone but they were complete..........they weren't being 'used' by the apprentices and were waist deep in long grass.wonder if they survive or have they been broken up long ago ?...any ideas??
  14. I know some purists would be horrified but....I think it looks lovely.... ...and isn't she a cracking example of an ex-services vehicle being given a new lease of life . an excellent case of swords to ploughshears etc etc ......Wonderful to see/hear that it's survived to these days too!
  15. Brilliant stuff Gentlemen ! Many thanks! ...now..would it be worth acquiring ? :undecided: (all sides and versions of opinions welcome !) ....and thanks Rick !... when I first saw it from a distance I thought "NO WAY!!!" ...then calmed down the closer I got to it I wonder how it came to end up here in the UK ??....and does anyone know of any others here??? interestingly ...according to Wiki it has Aluminium armour but still weighs in at over 10 tonne!...hefty ol' lump!
  16. Spotted a while back languishing in a wood looking a bit unloved although pretty much still complete... ..Does anyone have any ideas what it is ???:cheesy: Seems vaguely reminiscent of a WW2 German armoured car to me?....but I'm guessing 1960s /70s American ???? ......and I'm also guessing, the wooden 'greedy boards' on the bed were an 'optional extra after market product' ??..
  17. fantastic pictures ...sad to think even only 20 years or so ago there were probably hundreds of yards such as that ....not so many these days at all I do love the Militant with what looks like a Coles Crane on the back Looks like a Coles 'Argus' ..5 or 6 ton lift ??? ...not sure.... Either way a right proper handy piece of kit that and I could certainly have made good use of her in my dismantling days....
  18. That really is looking fabulous what a great thing to have built , very much looking forward to seeing her painted up
  19. Merlin Motorsport at Castle Combe Circuit Industrial Estate also supply often to special order all manner of high pressure fittings
  20. Fantasic ! mind you !.. .My ol Dad drove Matadors in Korea and Malaya and also after his army time for a few jobs in construction and forestry...he absolutely loved them but always swore you developed legs like a body builder to operate the clutch and brake and arms and shoulders like one too to be able to steer them especially when 'off road' or in tight space... ...Around these parts when I was a lot younger, almost every other sawmill had at the very least one or two Matadors usually with a very rudimentary timber crane on the back ... .in those days they did the job of what we call nowadays a 'forwarder' clambering up and down and through some really rough awkward & steep forest, often crossing drainage ditches and fallen timber and such like with apparent ease.... ....I grew up admiring anyone who drove a Matador 'seriously' :-D
  21. hehe !...small world !!! that's my mates workshop and that's the Dorchester I mentioned earlier bit of a wreck isn't she???
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