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Everything posted by RattlesnakeBob

  1. totally agree...also the diff is unlike anything fitted to a LR .... more like some poor old farmers truck that got mistaken for a target ?? haha
  2. I reckon the last few months of the war and the immediate period afterwards was probably the best time you could wish for if you were a nefarious opportunist 'up to no good' kind of fella with an eye on a good opportunity to make a lot more cash than you were ever going to have a hope of making 'honestly'... getting away with something or covering something up or stashing something away couldn't really have been very hard around then.....and....to be fair... I guess most ordinary folks minds would have been on just surviving the war and then on trying to get home to rebuild their lives.........we'll never know just what went on.... ...the Amber Room is probably the most famous 'object' that simply disappeared but there were absolutely countless other 'things' such as cash /art/jewellery etc .. as an example, only a fraction of what Goring alone is known to have helped himself to 'personally' was ever recovered and that was just what he fancied grabbing ..... PS: the Amber Room was rumououred to be stashed in Konigsberg Castle but according to the Soviets it was 'destroyed in the fighting'....... mmmmmhhhh yeah ...'course it was
  3. I was basing my post on an article/ story that I'm pretty sure was in After The Battle probably around the early 1980s... ....it concerned a US Army unit that had found a stash of bullion in (I think) a disused salt mine somewhere in Southern Germany /Austria area... ...the gold was properly accounted for and photographs exist of it being humped out of the mine and loaded to lorries....from there it went to a nearby army camp and was guarded over the course of the next few days as it was decided by those higher up the chain of command to decide what should happen to it... then it gets a bit hazy (my memory of the story and the actual details ! ha!)....:cool2: ..... I think as the story went.... the gold was supposed to be transfered to the rear area but somehow over the course of the next few days it went 'missing'....I can't recall if the trucks were ever found that it was loaded on or whether some army personnel actually went missing at the same time as well.... but whatever happened ..the gold had disappeared....and was never found again.
  4. well I don't know so much mind Rosie but yours doesn't sound like a 5 minute job jotted down on a fag packet either ! ... .hey best of luck & fingers crossed and all that sort of stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. don't care what it is , it looks grand !
  6. Well done !!! what was it on Rosie?????. ....my daughter did her's on 'The influence of the Left in British Politics from the First World War to the Second'.... .....I read bits of it and did find it pretty heavy going :nut: ...I found myself actually having a bit of sympathy for the poor Professor that had to wade completely through it !.mind you .....she got a 'First Class with Honours' so it must have been a good read ! :-D
  7. I've had to do a catch up with all the comments that have appeared and I have to take one to task ...:cool2: somebody earlier said Kellys Heroes was rubbish because the plot was 'totally implausible'..??? .. well.............yes maybe it could be percieved as a bit farcial..... but!.... ..I am absolutely sure, that not every single Allied Soldier was as pure as driven snow with incredibly upheld morals to go with their decency.........and in the middle of a war as big and chaotic as WW2 was???... ......I'm equally absolutely sure that some individuals, either working alone or together, would have taken advantage of any such situation for a few easy pickings that might have come their way...I know damn well that I would have anyways ! ...and!!!! I may be wrong but.....I'm sure I've read of a real life actual example of a large quantity of gold bullion bars that had been 'liberated' , which then subsequently mysteriously 'disappeared' without trace towards the end of the war ? ..I think it happened in the Obersalzburg area and a U.S. unit was thought to be responsible ? .perhaps this was the basis of what the script writers came up with?? so...my point is this ...if a truck load of bullion could go missing ?.... surely it would have been pretty damn easy for soldiers to hatch a plan to spirit away quantities of jewellery, valuable art and especially cash....so I reckon all that Kellys Heroes did really, was perhaps 'embelish the facts' a little ? ...
  8. I would guess.and being totally honest now..... even if it is not technically nor historically nor whatever the reason, not the best war film ever made?..... it is, in my opinion anyways........ one of the most iconic films of the Second World War and certainly the reason why a heck of a lot of people of my age (and many others older and younger) are so into military vehicles...Shermans expecially :cool2:
  9. ".....even the ******* grave detail is with them !!!!........" "...Loootenant !!!..fetch my medals box!......." "..well........a Sherman can give you a nice........edge !" ".....it's a beautiful tank!....." followed by ".....Oddball!!......it's a piece of junk!!! ...." ah tis a classic film !
  10. best line of that film has to be when Telly Savalas questions why Oddball is sitting in a deck chair as his crew fervishly work on the broken down Sherman ...... " What am I doing ??? well I'm eating some cheese , drinking some wine and taking in the rays ...I only ride 'em man I don't know how to fix 'em" followed very closely by "TIGERS !?!?!? I ain't gonna lock horns with no Tigers man!!!"
  11. now now people. .... and I thought I was the one that had rows with folk on here :cool2:
  12. thank you for a voice of reason... ...there are so very many in this country who would appreciate what you said and for all the other posters?.. ....a PS:......... .......despite what the average 'Thatcherite' may like to believe??... ...they're not all lazy/shifty/feckless/lefty/commie/trotsky dreamers either..
  13. welllllllllll personally..:-\ ..... I'd far FAR sooner watch a totally fictious (and yes , maybe even 'daft') war film such as 'Kellys Heroes' over the truly absolutely awful Hollywood tripe that is 'Battle of The Bulge' anyday of the week... and yes....even if BOTB is supposed to be about a real life actual event...:cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2: which it isn't..as anyone that has ever managed to sit through it knows...
  14. and that's exactly what I really do love about an 'engineering mindset'.... .....I guess there's no point to an awful lot of what we do in life but I do so applaud anyone that looks at a pile of bits .....(be it a military vehicle or whatever)..... and think to him or her self.. "ah .....why the hell not ?" :-D sort of off topic I know but... ...near to me is where the original Severn Railway Bridge was...way back in 1874 a Victorian Engineer turned up there one day, looked out across that river and said something like ...."right then !" I defy anyone, even with all the modern engineering and constructional skills and knowledge that is available to us today to look out across the river from the remains of the old railway approaches embankment..... and not still wonder .........."how the heck did he set about that ?" ..........must have been the same kind of fella built this car I reckon
  15. An incredible aircraft...... Together with other projects the Nazi's were working on and were also way ahead of us with such as jets / super U Boats/ small arms etc , you have to realise we were exceptionally lucky the Allies prevailed....... It's just as well Hitler insisted on meddling & ultimately generally messing up a lot of their plans & weapons otherwise things could very easily have gone very differently ;(
  16. ....and there was me thinking I was the only boy in history that would happily spend hours trying to build a model...only to shoot it to bits with a Webley Ranger .177 .......:cool2:..
  17. I do agree but..:cool2:............. my pathetically finished effort of a glue splattered , paint dripped model with all it's transfers stuck on willynilly and all skew wiff ....never somehow seemed to quite match up to the always glamorous depiction of said model 'in action' on the front of the box it came in . ....My ol' Dad would often say "whats that you've made then my boy ?!?" ........ I'd beam and reply "a Lancaster Dad !!!!".... ......Dad would go back to his paper , sup his tea and mutter under his breath..... "mmmmhhhhh ...a Lancaster is it.....mmhhh "
  18. being serious now .......it really can't be much worse can it????????????? :-D:-D:-D:-D
  19. Things have changed dramatically since the days of TV such as Dads Army and Love thy Neighbour etc haven't they ! :laugh: .....I happened upon an episode of that daft sort of WW2 comedy series the other night 'Goodnight Sweetheart' and the script did actually surprise me with how 'nudge nudge wink wink ooooh! missus!' it was towards Gays....a prime time TV series would never get away with that these days either
  20. I know and accept that 'the law is the law' and all that (as daft sometimes as we may well think it is) but.... with no missile/projectile it wasn't really dangerous was it?... Now..... I know weapons and ammunition are apparently widely available on every street corner (according to The Sun they are anyways ! ) but seriously now.....where would you possibly find a rocket for that launcher?...some 9mm ammo is one thing and also possibly some 7.62 but....... an anti tank missile???.. not really likely to be in the inventory of the average street gang gun supplier is it? Like Griff said to be fair... the fella was stupid enough to have a 'drug factory' in his flat, so the Judge wasn't going to let him off and rightly so but..........laying it on a bit thick weren't they?????
  21. I'd say 'older' gentlemen and ex-soldiers like those fellas would have naturally 'lined up' in that manner to meet someone as 'important' as Monty.... ...I know no fellas at a factory today would line up in such a manner for some old retired General, but don't forget those were very different days.. ..Monty was a 'star' to most folk, the war was very recent and probably all of those fellas were ex soldiers and had 'done their bit' either in WW1 or 2.....they'd naturally show a bit of respect and want to line up in a nice and smart fashion
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