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Everything posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi all. Arrived at work tonight (1800) and found the Army in my parking space. It has been deemed appropriate for the Army to assist us fire-fighters in Kent in reaching some of the harder places to get to due to the bad weather. We have attached to us 8 soldiers, 1 x MAN 4 x 4 cargo truck and 1 x Pinzgauer. We have transferred our equipment from one of the fire appliances to the MAN - the idea being if the fire appliance was unable to continue on route to an incident, then my crew would transfer to the military vehicles to continue. Quite a good idea I feel. Fortunately, at the time of writing this (0047hrs) the main roads are okay but if we were called out into the sticks - we may well have a problem getting to an address. Here in Gravesend the weather isn't too bad. Down the other end of Kent, Dover way, it's not so clever. The chaps driving the MAN made me laugh when they told me the unit had only just taken charge of the MAN's - to the extent they had only had two hours driving experience with the new vehicles. They are quite big vehicles and very wide. One thing struck me was the seating arrangements for troops in the rear compartment. The new seats are like something off an Alton Towers ride. I remember the old bench seats from the Bedford MJ and TM era. I went all the way to Scotland on those benches once - never again though. Stay safe. Markheliops
  2. Happy Birthday Jack - Late - I'm sorry but have been in the depths of Essex - with no computer. Hope you had a lovely time and the Beckett Clan. Markheliops
  3. As I understand it - If the thing went up it is thought sheppy would be submerged and half of the Essex coast would be flooded too. Best re-think the house in Leigh then.
  4. I agree Robin but I would imagine costs are the deciding factor. I think there are many museums that do maintain the vehicles in a running condition however, the smaller ones would struggle to keep all the exhibits in a road worthy condition. Most museums are happy to take on volunteers to assist with the upkeep of vehicles. Markheliops
  5. Absolutely top banana Lee. Had me in stiches. Well done mate.
  6. Happy Birthday Nick - sorry it's late - time of year mate. See you in 2010. Markheliops
  7. Heres an eye popping fact - The biggest killer of teenage girls is: Teenage boys. No, it's not a gimmick - it's fact. At our fire station, we are running an event called Car'n'age. We have youngsters from the age of 15 upwards come into the station. We give them a hard hitting presentation and also talk to them about our personal experience of attending fatal incidents and how it effects us. We finish the day putting 6 of their friends in a car and carry out a mock RTC demonstration. Roof off, etc. By time they go home they have obviously got the message. Whether they remember it is up to them. Markheliops
  8. Wouldn't bother David - The Bedford MK / MJ has plenty of weight to stop the trailer. Wouldn't have thought you would need uprated breaks on the cooks trailer. A lot of work / expense for no reason. Markheliops
  9. I haven't seen it yet - does it show my best side. LOL
  10. Hi all. It's 0007hrs (I'm at work) and after bidding the Naughty Nurse Merry Christmas - my thoughts turn to my fellow MV owners - Happy Christmas to you all and I hope Santa brings you something Green or black or desert coloured. Best wishes. Markheliops
  11. As it's your day off Grasshopper - I expect you'll be at the farm - playing with armour. I'm having to stay on at work as some crew have been unable to make it in - yet!! Just what I needed after a 15 hour night shift. Oh well - could do with the overtime, especially at this time of year. Markheliops
  12. Whatever he is driving - he should look where he's going - thats how accidents happen.
  13. Happy Christmas to one and all. I haven't started shopping as yet - Naughty Nurse will not be amused. My thoughts are with everyone who has to work over the Christmas period - especially as I am one of them - ahh, the joys of working a shift pattern. Best wishes and thoughts to the troops on duty, where ever they are serving. Have a good one and see you all in 2010. Markheliops
  14. To be honest mate - it handles like any other vehicle. They are fitted with every driver friendly device you can think of such as ABS and traction control, etc but it's still a vehicle weighing 15 tonnes and when it starts to slide - it's the weight that will cause the vehicle to continue sliding. My drivers are all very good - better to get to an incident eventually rather than not at all. I remember when I was working on the heavy recovery rigs during the snow - artics would get stuck and then call out a recovery vehicle. We would battle through the weather conditions to reach them, no matter how long the journey took, only to be asked when we arrived why we had taken so long. People seemed to think as we were a recovery truck, we had special powers to get through the snow - no figure. I guess most people when they dial 999 for a fire engine expect to see it arrive, regardless of the weather conditions. Markheliops
  15. Hi all. It's 2245hrs and I'm on duty in Gravesend, Kent. It's been hammering down for the last 3 hours. It's thick and white - and showing no signs of stopping. On a serious note - I would suggest if you don't have to drive - stay at home. Doesn't matter how good you think you are behind the wheel - or how good you think your all wheel drive vehicle is - it's not worth the risk. Been out too many times already this evening and it will get worse as the snow freezes over. It's not you - it's the other idiot behind the wheel. Stay safe all - enjoy the snow with the kids, dogs, etc - at home. Markheliops
  16. Hi Andy. Just read your thread from start to finish - so far. Amazing transformation. Your hard work and efforts are shining through mate. As for the shelter you made - top banana. Looking forward to more updates and seeing the finished result - whenever that may be - but I suspect the Scammell owners will reserve you a spot at War and Peace 2010. PS - That gives you approx 7 months - so stop reading this reply and get a move on. Markheliops
  17. Can someone give me an answer to those of us who own wooden GPMG's and alike prior to the VCR act coming into force. I.E - Already own before the act was actioned. Ta Markheliops
  18. Got my card to - Nothing wrong with it - Take it in the spirit of Xmas - Thanks W and P team - Markheliops
  19. Happy Birthday Olaf - Hope it was a good un. Markheliops
  20. Happy Birthday Rosie - Hope he gets you something nice. Markheliops
  21. Unfortunately I suspect this is more deep rooted than juvenille stupidity. I fear it is a sign of the way certain elements of the younger generation are brought up nowadays. I know all kids are not like it - but until the penalties are fitting to such behaivour I don't see anything changing. There is no respect anymore - right across the board. Sad, very sad.
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