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Everything posted by Pzkpfw-e

  1. http://forum.skalman.nu/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=40294&p=654015 My type of scrapyard! I think the Tiger bits are now snuggled together in Munster in the guise of Herr Hoebig's Tiger!
  2. Mighty big worms in that there can! Bit like "Grandma's Broom" A good example to debate, is Herr Hoebig's "Tiger". Herr Hoebig was an owner of the famous "M. Murat's Field" in Trun. The tank is believed to be welded together from numerous bits. So, probably more bits with "Made in Germany" on them, than not. Looks like a Tiger, but somewhat more of a replica than a restoration, IMHO. The great G-13 v Hetzer debate is another example. The owners of "Hetzers" get very upset if someone suggests it's been assembled in Switzerland, taken to bits & reassembled with bits that weren't on it when it trundled through the alpine meadows!:cool2: For me, I ain't fussed if your M36 Jackson has an engine from a T54 & evidence of a "roof" once being on it. Thanks for taking the time & paying a lot to get it trundling along. If I was buying something and really wanted it to be a "proper" whatever, I'd probably expect the main structural bits to have come out of the appropriate factory, at the appropriate time, be armed with the correct weapon(s), have the right motor and gearbox and probably it's wheels being period pieces too.
  3. Comet = Cromwell on Growth Hormone & EPO?:nut:
  4. One at La Ferte Alais in 2005. At least that's what it's captioned as.
  5. I wa wondering whether these were converted from Cromwells. I wonder how the wife would like the idea of a turret in the back garden?:angry Grandson would love it, I'm sure!
  6. The USN positioned several submarines along the B29 flightpaths, especially prior to Iwo Jima being captured and an emergency runway being built. Their role was to rescue downed crew.
  7. url=http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205203312?cat=photographs][/url] THE BRITISH ARMY IN NORTH-WEST EUROPE 1944-45. © IWM (BU 4162)IWM Non Commercial Licence THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1939-45. © IWM (H 28811)IWM Non Commercial Licence url=http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205126423?cat=photographs][/url] THE BRITISH ARMY IN ITALY 1944. © IWM (NA 14940)IWM Non Commercial Licence url=http://www.iwm.org.uk/collections/item/object/205205056?cat=photographs][/url] THE BRITISH ARMY IN FRANCE 1939-40. © IWM (O 930)IWM Non Commercial Licence THE BRITISH ARMY IN THE UNITED KINGDOM 1939-45. © IWM (H 10286)IWM Non Commercial Licence http://ww2talk.com/forums/topic/52068-recovery-repair-vehicle-pictures/ Lovely lot of photos from the IWM! More on here
  8. [video=youtube_share;Owf2e7Xtx70] Sounds like a bucket load of bolts in a tin bath!
  9. They've been shifting stuff for years!
  10. Same type, but much larger? Bov's got ,MkI, II, IV, V** (elongated version, to cross wider trenches) & a MkVIII, plus a MkIX Troop Carrier. Elsewhere, there's a MkIV in Lincoln, that's not going anywhere, without taking half the museum apart, a MkV in the IWM in London, you couldn't sneak that out without it being reported & filmed! The only likely candidate is the A7V replica, from Bov.
  11. Start, Pound's famous yard. Finish! http://henk.fox3000.com/morse.htm
  12. What about the various Renault FT & it's American half-brother, the M1917? Of the former, we've Runners at Saumur & Thun, with The Weald Foundation restoring both an FT & a TSF - fair to assume both will be runners, of the latter, Old Rhinebeck has a confirmed runner, with a couple of potentially running tanks at Hayes Otoupalik's collection & Nokesville. I believe many of the Renaults were refurbished in the early 1930s, so I suppose it may depend upon how one defines "WW1 tank".
  13. http://www.milweb.co.uk/classifieds.php?type=1 Flocks of armour. A familiar-looking Cromwell amongst them.
  14. OK, you could argue it's American, but it was pinched from us! http://www.ww2incolor.com/german-armor/pzmk4-744e-1941.html A13, captured either in France or the desert, knocked out in Russia. Well, half of it's British!
  15. Mastiff is our version of it. Make them in Coventry.
  16. Not quite sure if this's the right thread, but a good picture. Conqueror on an AEC.
  17. On the Ho Chi Min Trail. http://www.laosgpsmap.com/ho-chi-minh-trail-laos/
  18. The Cadmans' Grant? This one must be all shiney somewhere! Chieftain? Conqueror, again, has it been recovered & restored? All on the Pirbright range, from Grant Jones, Facebook Armor Journal group.
  19. http://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=245e4a1f5bb2 :wow:
  20. VK3001(H) Surely, surely it must have been saved if it lasted into the 1980s?
  21. [video=youtube_share;Z1bOn6E5SlM]http://youtu.be/Z1bOn6E5SlM Panther graveyard.
  22. No, it just gives me a generic events list for my "Friends" Just in time to remind me of someone's birthday Sunday!:-D
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