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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. Thanks Robert will PM you tomorrow. You can get frames to accompany a photo off of ebay, specifically for medals.
  2. You are a total star Joris. Thank you! And thank you for the photos. I know it sounds a bit wierd but that has bought a connection a little bit closer to someone, up until a few weeks ago, never knew existed, and now, for a bizarre set of circumstances, seem to know better than some members of my family. :tup: :rtfm:
  3. I need to get a couple of medal ribbons for 2 merchant navy medals and clasps. Anyone know where i can get these?
  4. That must have been one hekkuva job reburying them. What were the graves of the ones by the path Joris? The ones with the bushes behind them?
  5. Showing your age there John! ;-)
  6. What sort of date is it? Im not too up on my trailers! Price and pic at all? 8-)
  7. The Ferme Du Bois/Richebourg map I cant find a reference number , or sheet number for. The N.A. reference number just says " Ferme Du Bois Lines:Fld Svy Co. RE5484". Im assuming the map to the right would give more a picture of NoMans Land and the German lines. Will have a look at the WFA website later hopefully.
  8. If you do get in touch with the WFA Im sfter an "overview" map if you like of the trench maps. Im sure they exist as original trench maps have them on their cover from what I can make out. You know the type of thing you get on then back of the OS maps, showing a map of the UK with all the separate maps numbered and your particular one highlighted? Thats what I need to work out the other relating map ares. Example http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/trenchmap3.jpg[/img] Or even if we could see a copy of the Favreuil area.
  9. Yes please mate, the screws as well. Ampthill pickup would be fine.
  10. Just received the copy of the trench map from the National Archive in digital format. Its the map of the Ferme Du Bois area contemporary when our man got injured. Its a fairly big download at 1MB. I tried to print out a version but the file is too large. (Can you help Joris?) If you save it to your computer you should be able to view a large version. Kings Road is clearly marked, I have yet to examine it in detail to compare with a modern version. I would have liked to see more o the No Mans Land but they didnt send it. I may ring them at some point and try and get it in with the price. http://i117.photobucket.com/albums/o72/rik242_2006/trenchmap.jpg[/img]
  11. Looks a reasonable price for that. There does seem to be a few of those coming on to the market at the moment.
  12. Rick W

    Bit Worried

    They look familiar.... 8-)
  13. Where can you get wheels and tracks in this country? :?
  14. I can relate with Jack, would have to be working as a "diiger" on Time Team. Had a fleeting glimpse of their life last year and the days always end up at the bar!
  15. Yep I'll take those bits Simon, let me know how much etc,etc. ;-)
  16. Have you looked into the role of islanders in WW1?
  17. You should try gettingnto grips with trench maps! If they dont expand your mind nothing will! :rtfm:
  18. 2. Everyone should have at least 3! ;-)
  19. I would, and have used, straight 30 motor oil. Castrol do it and Comma oils have just released it as well. They still make an EP80 and an EP90 oil as well. You should be able to use the straight 30 in the landy but not the other way around. Dont put the 20/50 in the old'uns! :rtfm:
  20. ...... .......X ray Specs. :-D
  21. Detecting finds of musket balls, (they get everywhere!), and unknown larger calibre rounds from what seems to be a WW1 local firing range. Dont know what theyre from though, slightly bigger than .303. May have to post up pics at some point for id.
  22. I would have thought Bovingdon would be a good bet, or Army vehicle records at Deepcut.
  23. Thats what Im going on. Orders for Raid by 'B' Coy, North of the FERME DU BOIS, on the night of the 26th/27th inst (Feb 1917) Reference Map - RICHEBOURG. 36.5W3, 1/10,000 Point of entry - 5.16a.85/10 Think the clues there are Richebourg(Obviously) and its based on a 1/10'000 scale map. The point of entry, I think, refers to a trench sector.
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