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Rick W

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Everything posted by Rick W

  1. With regard to Jacksons photo, Im still convinced that the contact in the local paper may be able to throw some light onto it. I will look into it this week.
  2. Ice Cold In Alex. When they are sitting at the bar at the end and the level of lager in the glasses changes from shot to shot, sometimes it goes up, sometimes it goes down....
  3. Hello! Wartime and British, you cant get much better than that......oh yes, its armoured! :-D
  4. Welcome aboard, Im sure it wont be long before you are cruising the classifieds looking for something to plough your wages into! Just tell General Bigwig that it is an investment... :whistle:
  5. Looks like a cricket scoreboard from the back.....
  6. Im guessing Bovingdon would be a good starting place.
  7. A lot of progress has been made over the past couple of days, the new starter button has been sourced and installed, as has all the ignition wiring. We havent gone for the period look cotton covered wiring as we can do this at a later date. We've got a lot of spare wiring lurking on our back shelves so it doesnt matter as much if we make a mistake with it! The fuel lines have had a final check and tighten and all the joints checked. The exhaust was easily fabricated, especially when you have a stack of exhausts to choose from! After much head scratching from ourselves and helpful suggestion from the audience, the engine was run for about 30 seconds on 2 runs, the first one being very smokey! Next job - plumbing in the rad and pipework.....
  8. Thank you all for your help, as always a fountain of wisdom. Well weve taken on board all your suggestions and tried them all out, still trying to start and ran with a quick squirt of easy start, so we knew the timing was ok.Finally just kicked into life and ran with a little smoke coming out of the exhaust! Problem seems to have been fuel, too much with the electric pump and slighlty fuel starved with the oe mechanical pump. Used a gadget called a "mityvac" which creates a vacuum in the fuel line to drag the fuel up yo the carb, so eliminating any air pockets. Marvelous bit of kit! :-D Have taken a short video of it to post on HMVTV if I can work it out!
  9. Hello Richard, I cant see how the timing would have slipped like that, but saying that it was pushed in and out of the workshop a few times without the dynamo in- will check that. Its mechanical pump Tony, and yes the leccy pump does overfeed the carb a bit. Will try these tomorrow, its one of those blindingly obvious things that we will kick ourselves for Im sure.
  10. Tried to fire up the Morris today with not much success. The story so far.... The dynamo has been changed and put back in exactly the same place. Fitted an electic pump to temporarily bypass mechanical one, we have fuel up to the carb. Advanced and retarded the dizzy. Wiring has been checked and double checked, as has the firing order. The air filter and attaching hose has not been fitted yet could this be the cause? Is the mixture too fuel rich without that on? Engine turning over fine, just not starting? :?
  11. ....a tie for long sevice in waiting...?...
  12. I think he needs sectioning....
  13. I would expect to pay from a bloke Ive used about £300 odd for the bits Ive got waiting, a chassis, some wings, hood, axles, couple of rad grilles, plus Id have to get someone to transport pieces over to his farm. So Ive taken the bold step of ordering a shot blaster this afternoon. I can get a Snap On one on a wheeled cart for about £140. All i got to do then is order the bags of grit at £8 a bag. Jobs a good'un or so they say! I will let you know what its like.
  14. I have just been reading an extract from that in todays Guardian newspaper, it looks well worth a read!
  15. Ive just had the latest Frosts catalogue bought in by Postman Pat and there is a free standing pressure blaster in there. Item number c100. I rang them up to find out about it. It looks like a tall red cylinder and uses it uses expendable grit. This means you can shot blast your own bits outside. The blaster is £205 and the grit is about £10 per 25kilos. Apparently one bag will do a small chassis- I must say I find that a bit optimistic!
  16. I was looking at this same as you Mark. I need to get a chassis and loads of other bit and pieces blasted. Cabinets are all very well for doing small parts, but I was trying to work out how I could do the chassis myself. Bearing in mind that a load of parts I need to get blasted are going to cost at least £300. How do people do a chassis themselves? What sort of equipment do you use and where do you do it?
  17. What is the world coming too! :shake: http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/WILLYS-JEEP-LOOKS-LIKE-BRAND-NEW_W0QQitemZ260179902451QQihZ016QQcategoryZ9903QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem
  18. Following on from their success with the Spifire manual, Haynes have teamed up with the RAF again to bring out the Haynes manual for the Avro Lancaster. Due out early next year.
  19. Engine transport from Portsmouth to North Bucks needed for a jeep engine this week preferably - any takers?
  20. Aha! We had this conversation. Yes the smaller ones would take a starter solenoid, but mine didnt have one fitted. So the question is would it have had a starter solenoid as original fitment? Jules desert C8 and mine both have the larger one fitted. Any other Morris owners out there, what have you got fitted and where. What I do have is one of those items fitted on the rev "setter" on the plate which attaches to the steering column, an exact match. I assumed this was for a horn? Was this the original starter button?
  21. Those starters are far too small Richard, I did have a look on the auto electrical supplies website though and found the direct replacement part number SRB311 2.5" in diameter, even better, one of my suppliers can get it for me!
  22. Most of the vehicles in Guns of the Navarone, especially the armoured cars!
  23. All good. Think Ive gone as far as I can online, wait to see what comes of your leads.
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