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Everything posted by andym

  1. Because I've had a couple of recent requests for these and the original links are dead, I've just uploaded them to Rapidshare. The links are as follows: README: https://rapidshare.com/files/2471599182/README 2350-T-250.zip: https://rapidshare.com/files/501698082/2350-T-250.zip 2350-T-251.zip: https://rapidshare.com/files/1692511883/2350-T-251.zip 2350-T-252.zip: https://rapidshare.com/files/595499107/2350-T-252.zip 2350-T-253.zip: https://rapidshare.com/files/1556058018/2350-T-253.zip 2350-T-254.zip: https://rapidshare.com/files/1063168189/2350-T-254.zip Everyone will need 2350-T-250, the others will depend on which FV430 you've got - see the first post in this thread or the README file. I hope that helps! Andy
  2. The original downloads were on Oron which has now gone kaput, but send me a PM and I'll see what I can do! Andy
  3. I'm quietly hopeful but don't want to jinx anything! Andy
  4. In my humble opinion it's good (certainly better than the last attempt!) but not brilliant. Thirty minutes trimmed from the middle would have helped things. Definitely worth watching though. Andy
  5. The V5 may help? Bob Grundy had the V5 for mine, together with some other paperwork that allowed me to trace every civilian owner. Can't remember if I'm the fifth or sixth, it belonged to the North London Barmy Army at one stage! Andy
  6. Welcome aboard - FV430s are quite enough for me at the moment but I'd love a Chieftain later on. I can't see the pics either, it just says invalid attachment. :-( Andy
  7. What's the APC bottom left that looks a bit like an FV432 but isn't? Andy
  8. Would that be water, then? ;-) Andy
  9. It's not listed on the old Project X Abbot database, unfortunately. Andy
  10. On again tonight at 2230 for those who missed it first time round. Andy
  11. There's one just behind the Scorpion. Shame the VRN isn't visible. Andy
  12. Don't forget that K3's original engine was a Rolls-Royce "R", not a Merlin. The "R" produced 2350 hp at 3200 rpm. Andy
  13. It's good to see some proper photos of the inside. Someone seems to have stolen your breech block and LBM, presumably as part of the deactivation. And you've got the same bit of chocolate block hanging from the roof that I've got - must have been a "standard" fit! Andy
  14. BITE = Built-In Test Equipment, if that helps? Andy
  15. 08EB10 is currently owned by yours truly, so any photos or other info would be greatly appreciated! Andy
  16. I've already looked that one up! The old Abbot Database shows it as in private hands and "Clive requires REME manuals to finish this Abbot". There's a photo of it sitting alongside some other vehicles somewhere that looks suspiciously like the REME museum at Borden, so landyandy and friends may know more? Andy
  17. The book says 16,143kg unladen. Andy
  18. The one in colour moving through the trees on its own looks like 10FD54 but the angle isn't clever so the first two digits may be wrong. Andy
  19. I've just found that the Bluebird Supporters Club site says K4 had a gearbox reduction of 2.85:1 on a crankshaft speed of 3150 rpm. That gearbox was apparently taken out of K3. Andy
  20. Some nice Abbots in DBG too .... :-) Andy
  21. I've got some of the original aluminium flame-resisting paint, courtesy of Clive Elliott. Way past the end of its shelf life but amazingly still usable after being left upside-down for a month followed by half an hour with an electric paint stirrer. Nothing else I've tried has quite the same finish. However I've only got enough to use where it can be seen such as interiors, so I'm experimenting with a substitute for the Abbot's engine bay. Smooth Hammerite looks quite reasonable when brushed, there are a few brush marks but I expect them to go after a second coat. Andy
  22. I don't think their 'R' is in running condition, or ever likely to be. Mind you, I had to find that out by Googling as their website is uninformative to say the least. I'm also not convinced about some of their technical information - a propeller speed of 9500 rpm? At that speed it would just cavitate itself to pieces. I think they mean a 3:1 gear down from crankshaft speed, not gear up! Andy
  23. The designation "FV436" has been used on a number of different FV430 variants including Green Archer (prototype only), Cymbeline and the Armoured Staff Command Vehicle. And there's probably Wavell in there somewhere as well. So when someone says that "FV436 was in service from X to Y" make sure they're talking about the right FV436! :-0 Andy
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