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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. There are four more good British men at the gate tonight. May God bless them and keep them. Great poem, Graham. Sound words for the day. M
  2. Meules et frites, old boy. Meules et frites. Try the Cafe de Paris in Calais. Especially good atmosphere on a sunday morning when the church band come in for their beer. Also the place on the square in St Omer is nice too. Next to an Irish bar, can't name it at the mo. It has a Place de Marechal Foch street sign above it. Quality food done well for a reasonable price. Yumm.
  3. Welcome to the Friendly Forum Barra, Let's have a look at your GaZ! Cheers MB
  4. Very good points - thanks for . I've been reading all this thread with a mixture of concern at the warmish temperatures sometimes raised in posts and the actual details. I'm glad I only run a MUTT. M
  5. Snapper


    Welcome back. The Friendly Forum is the place to be. MB
  6. Nice to see the scene for me. My grandfather's ship HMS Southsea went down around there in 1941. I've never had a chance to visit the spot. M
  7. Didn't do Guy Ritchie any harm
  8. This is one version of articles appearing in the online press. You'll see the printed word tomorrow. Very interesting. I've seen a number of stills, but copyright law means I cannot post them here. MB http://www.thisisnorthdevon.co.uk/news/secret-footage-showing-North-Devon-s-role-training-D-Day/article-681897-detail/article.html
  9. I think we see examples of overly restored vehicles. I agree 100% with Mark H. Keep it how YOU like it. I bought my MUTT of ToooootallMike, who now runs a barrel-organ in Venice. He painted it a sort of sandy brown colour instead of the de riguer Vietnam drab. Good. I've found one pic of a bonnet showing markings from Gulf War 1. Suits me. I won't be entering it in any Gulf War displays and I don't do "dressing up" (fat and forty-nine precludes and I would look a total tosser - more than usual :nono:). I like it as it is, so I may add the markings and see how we go. Civvy trucks are often over-restored, all shiny and perfect. Nice but unrealistic. But they look great. I like seeing vehicles in an "original" state as far as possible. Military vehicles can look plain wrong when one has learned how these situations arise. But , actually, if you want to paint your pride and joy in a pink and grey cammo, good for you. Your cash, your paint, your time, your fun. Nuff said by me.
  10. WhatI almost find funny is how I ran out of the shot and then put my knee out of joint. Just like an Action Man. Twang. Who's the bloke in the yellow jumper? Memories of a red letter day for HMVF...
  11. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. What a great snap you have there! Someone will be along to suggest a type soon...but having browsed a bit I think it is a Wanderer of some sort. I will be corrected. MB
  12. I've got a snap of me with my uncle Harry on one in 1970. A treasure memory.
  13. Too clever. Now I know why you are a Moderator.
  14. Interesting point, CW. I have never been one for watching these films myself, but I agree they appeal to many forum members. I think for the time being we need to insure that we keep adding these links through the forum but wonder if there is mileage for a listings section for them somewhere on the site so people can find them easily. This would need someone to keep it up to date. I am not expert on the ins and outs of maintaining the likes of HMVFTV so will not comment on that aspect because I know f'all. I welcome input from the Mods who are the brains in this respect. MB
  15. :coffee: My watering hole is The Ship at Leigh On Sea.
  16. Looks like something from the posh veg counter at Waitrose to me. It must be for cleaning guns or something similar. Surely not for anything physical for some poor Sweat or Tar. M
  17. Good point. There is a pub adjacent to the former Garrison at Shoeburyness called the Captain Mannering. I think this is done this way for the same reason, though they do have a face not unlike Arthur Lowe's in the pub sign. Never been in, though. MB
  18. Not so far.... can you give any more details????? Mark
  19. Richard, That SWAT team Pig is amazing. You do get around, matey. MB
  20. Missed all this. I would certainly bracket the K2 as 'iconic' in terms of British WW2 kit. Looks like a nightmare of a job getting it out. I guess the alternative is to break for bits. What a crying shame. If it had been in the UK, I agree "we" could have got a team in. Now I know the TV thing was a muse of sorts, but there's mileage in having a proper salvage/recovery squad. The minus is expense and having somewhere to put the kit after. There must be one of the thirty-seven thousand ShedTV channels who'd fund it. MB
  21. Great to have you with us, George. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. I hope you enjoy having a look round and sharing information and ideas with us. MB
  22. Blimey:yay: Wonders will never cease. :-D:coffee::sweat:
  23. Take your time....it's your motor. Great to see it, though. More WW1 always welcome. MB
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