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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. This is great news, I hope he will make it along.
  2. My friend Richard and I built one for CMV as an SAS vehicle complete with twin-Lewis, Browning and Bren guns. It looked amazing. Happy memories. I actually got to drive it on a school football pitch and scored a great goal. It had to be done. One nil to the Arsenal. We didn't play with the mechanics. I was mainly confined to gun manufacture and had great fun sourcing the Lewis ammo pans which were made from stainless steel tea caddy lids bought in a Leigh On Sea cheapomart. Whoever won it can blame me. M
  3. It always had 'circus' written all over it. Now we know the clowns are going, I am convinced. MB
  4. Sorry for being so slow with my form mate, been thoroughly wrapped up with stuff. Can I do it online? I am bringing the MUTT both days but not stopping over. I have to leave early on the Saturday so my Mrs can do a cancer charity run overnight through London. She is mad, but she must be to live with me. MB
  5. Welcome to the Friendly Forum...
  6. Snapper

    BBC News item

    What variant of Saracen is it?
  7. Snapper

    BBC News item

    That's right. I vaguely remember. Very funny books. All that novocain and stuffed swans. Yikes. M
  8. Hello there - please remember to post in the introductions and welcomes section. Good to have you here. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. MB
  9. Definitely one for an "expert". This would be very interesting to me. I suppose there are several methods. I remember one person telling me about dragging things around from the back of a motor vehicle to get them a bit battered. Not sure this is ideal. I don't know if you could fill then with something solid and knock them about a bit to soften them up and acquire a used shape??? I'll shut up.
  10. Looks like an example of a privately made British officers UN badge to me. Very interesting. Sort of thing a very limited run would be made up from. Someone will shoot me down in flames, but I have seen similar ones in snaps. MB
  11. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. A truly international happy home. Please show us some of your work. MB
  12. Yep, I remember you, too. Welcome back. MB
  13. Snapper


    There is that place Ucking, near Whistable, that sort of way. My wife and I still laugh at the old road sign "No Ucking U-Turn". They do it with a symbol now. M
  14. Uroš, Welcome to the Friendly Forum... MB
  15. How have you got time for all this, lad? Post some snaps and send us back down memory lane...or nightmare avenue, depending on one's feelings about it all. Good hunting. MB
  16. Great to see the WC21. Please post more snaps when you have time. Cheers, MB
  17. Might have to get you up there to do some snaps for us, Glenn! :-D
  18. Good to have you here Glenn Welcome to the Friendly Forum. MB
  19. An M113, thats what we like - thinking big! Welcome to the Friendly Forum..... MB
  20. Welcome Tomas, Good to have you with us on the Friendly Forum! MB
  21. Good man - you have arrived at the Friendly Forum. Enjoy! MB
  22. Declan, good to have you here on the Friendly Forum! MB
  23. Watch it mate! Welcome to the truly international Friendly Forum! Great to have you here. Learn away and get to know how to spell all our colourful English words properly. :-D Some of us can just about manage it. Mark
  24. Snapper

    Scrap yards

    Criticise away....proper debate is essential. I'd rather see a collection in NZ (for example) than see all that stuff shipped here. It makes no sense. If you see the UK commercial vehicle mags they salute the fact that NZ is the home of so many lorries from this country. They belong in NZ - not Blighty. It is obvious that some people will be out there with a cheque book and a shipping container looking for stuff. But they can only buy if people sell. Money talks. NZ is on my essential places to visit list, for the country itself and for the classic mvs, civvy transport and aeroplanes as an aside. So it will be great when I eventually get there to see stuff where it belongs. You are right to fight your corner. Heritage matters. MB
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