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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Hi Glenn, and welcome to the Friendly Forum. Make yourself at home and tell us about yourself in the Introduction and Welcomes section. Hopefully someone can help you with your request.... MB
  2. Good find. Horrible, but good. Jammybugger Lee!!!!!!
  3. Good stuff....keep em coming.If I ever get a minute, I'll post some more. Ta, MB
  4. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Ian. Mark
  5. Marky, Good man, welcome to the Friendly Forum. Mark
  6. That sounds really interesting Carl. Can you post some snaps of your work??? Welcome to the friendly forum! MB
  7. Nice to have you here Mark. Welcome to the Friendly Forum! Good name! Mark
  8. Snapper

    Scrap yards

    I'm no expert. But I agree it sounds unfair. Don't claim to know enough about the reality of it. I suppose we have become as acquisitive as the Americans and others and I would imagine the whole thing has become extremely competitive. A very interesting issue to discuss. MB
  9. As good as one of my colleagues who described walking into our office loo to be confronted by a gentleman washing his undercarriage over a sink. "You carry on" is all he could feebly say as he got on with his own affairs. MB
  10. Not off topic at all...that is brilliant!
  11. Kebabs, man, kebabs, after the lagers. Makes for ripping yarns. Joris will be bringing his own brand beer - Dutch of course, beginning with A. Good stuff. Damned if I can remember the name now. But it is home time... Hic M
  12. One of yours/Harry's would be great, a good straight view without clutter in colour. I might need it for a work thing, so there may be money at the end. I don't think I've ever snapped one and don't actually have time to delve. My "library" (:rofl:) is still in a mess. Many thanks, matey. M
  13. Bloody hope so, my over-inflated ego needs a very large stirrup pump to blow it up and it don't fit in my Toyota. The last time I attended an event with Beckett I had to sleep in the back of my car. I used to do that in my days of rally car snapping (ie twenty odd years ago, but now I am getting close to the old Hawaii 5-O I cannot be doing any of that. I need my comforts. I'll take the west wing overlooking his piggy bank and wine cellar. M
  14. Chaps, Do any of you have a nice clear snap of a 3.7 inch AA gun which is your own copyright which I might be able to use for something I am having to do? I would prefer colour, but beggars cannot be choosers...but it must be yours to use. Many thanks, MB
  15. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Good to have you here. MB
  16. A chap who did some plumbing work for me had his van, complete with tracker, nicked with all his tools in it while he was knocking at someones door. The thieves from Sarf Londen got clean away. Our man phoned plod immediately, who told him...."sorry we don't have a car in the area". He got the van back, sans tools and stuff, but with the tracker. TootTallMike, some of you may remember him on HMVF from sometime back when the pound was worth $2.49, has fitted an ingenious crook lock device on my MUTT. Remembering where I put the key makes it doubly safe. M
  17. Yep. Rowan and Martin live on......who was that bloke playing the German? M
  18. Yep. Welcome to the Friendly Forum... MB
  19. I remember snapping Tony's part restored GTB (the grey USN vehicle) at Tilbury years ago. He decided to revise what he'd done (please correct me) and started again and it is stunning now - as far as I am concerned. Since then he has introduced the bomb service truck - both of them are beauties. So seeing three together would be classic. Where and when do you hope to do that Tony??? (if you don't mind me asking). MB
  20. I had the privilege of seeing this motor in Jim's premisis. It's coming along, then! Looking forward to more updates. MB
  21. Your picture of the Valentine tank comes from Exercise Bumper, the huge series of anti-invasion exercises held in the second half of 1941. These covered Oxfordshire, Northamptonshire, Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Bucks, Berks and so on. The forces involved were large - using visiting forces from the Dominions and exiled allies. It would make a fantastic photo project of the 'then and now' sort. M
  22. Looks like a PzIII, doesn't appear small enough to be a PzII. Good stuff. M
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