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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. I'm catching up with snaps I'd like to have posted a few weeks ago. This is the fine Great War Merchant Navy Memorial at Tower Hill taken on the day after the infamous snow that brought the hub of the Empire to a standstill.
  2. This is the American cemetery at Brookwood which houses the remains of personnel who died in the Great War. It was used in one of The Omen films.
  3. Here are the full crew. I like to think that some of them are still with us thanks to the sacrifice of Lieutenant Johnson.
  4. The Famo Sdkfz 9 18 ton prime mover did a bit of this. Mr Wheatcroft has one - a truly stunning thing to see. I don't think they managed anything heavier once they got past the Panzer III stage of things. Mr Alien is correct on the recovery tank front. I think the Germans were happier letting the train take the strain for journies to the front etc, which explains why we made such a mess of SNCF. MB
  5. These pix are bloody fantastic....we are a patient bunch here, just keep them coming at your own pace. Many thanks MB
  6. Hi Volksron, Firstly, welcome to the Friendly Forum, please post up in the intros and welcome board so you can introduce yourself properly. On the Iltis, I have to agree with everything said. I loved mine, but Rick persuaded me he would look after it better and this is the case. Definitely PM him. The Iltis is refined, great to drive and a real head turner. It has practical seats with belts so kids can travel safely. The hood is good for keeping the weather out. I found it and the doors a bit of a fiddle to fit, but I live in a road with a very accute camber and it made it difficult. The Audi Quattro pedigree is great, but as Rick says,means certain bits can empty your wallet. But what MV doesn't do that? Get one! MB
  7. Hello there Mr McLaughlin, Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Unless i'm having another senior moment, you haven't posted your own note in intros and welcomes. Please do. Worry not about the computer thing and enjoy hanging out with us. This is the place to be! Mark B Moderator and acknowledged computer genius.
  8. Out today on the road between Ashford and Brenzett. I had been hoping to stop for a while at a crash site memorial. Here it is. The place is dedicated to a USAAF pilot named Johnson who got all his crew out of a B17 which was riddled and well ablaze. He stayed at the controls.
  9. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Dave. Good to have you here. MB
  10. Can we call it On The Pull please Jack! :-D:cool2:
  11. The Sleeper gave me info on this and due a combination of work and other nonsense I completely forgot to post it up despite discussing it with a certain Great War Trucker. Apologies. I'd like to be there for it, too, but she who must be obeyed demands DIY. Might yet make it. Should be interesting. Will someone who can get there do some snapping and stuff for us please????? M
  12. What a shame. Hopefully I am not being naive, but I'd love to go. Knees and wife allowing! So probably not. It's a young man's game. I am not so much Steve Austin as Steve Trabant. M
  13. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Still doing lifeboat drill on the buses up there? MB
  14. Yep. National Trust property. Good place. Plenty of parking. MB
  15. The internet can be a wonderful thing and at times it can be a thorough pain in the backside. I often expect there to be answers to everything. But, as in the case of MUTT markings and other things - zip, or at any rate, not yet found. Looking forward to more of your stuff matey! MB
  16. A gem.....more please!:-D
  17. I would say I am shocked, but I'd be lying to myself. What a shame.
  18. Interesting news and interesting comments. Can I just bring in a bit of pre-emptive moderation here before the thread continues and say overtly political comment is a no-no. There has been none so far by my interpretation, so this is not a dig at previous postees. Thank you.
  19. That'll be £75 for using my snap without permission. :-D My lawyers, Sue, Grabbit & Run will be along directly. In all seriousness, this is a good threa. Liking it. More photo examples to clarify please. Edumacation is why I'm here!
  20. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Another 432! You'll have a little difficulty finding space in the clubhouse car park, it is always full of Scammells, but it won't stop you getting to the bar. Have fun. MB
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