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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Not by the ModMarks you weren't, young man. Get back to your mop and bucket this minute.:nono:
  2. I think we can bring out a HMVF version of that old game 'Operation' for all the knackered bits of members. Someone told me I looked good "for my age" the other day, but then agreed it was probably only from the neck up. The rest is a scrapheap challenge. They shoot horses, don't they? Keep your big end up, Neil. M
  3. There was one on Bolero, run by Richard the chap who owns Debach aerodrome. They are proper WW2 period motors, who I doubt if he'd be interesting (at an educated guess). MB
  4. Nice to have another Mark on the Friendly Forum. Glad you're liking the Dordogne. France is a lovely place. Have fun, MB
  5. Flipping heck. These last snaps are brilliant. Love the logging half-track. If that field of tanks was left here they'd have gone to China (as it were) at the drop of a hat....:coffee: MB
  6. With these sums I think things cease to be a hobby. To my mind the real spirit of everything we do is with, for want of something less cheesey, the founding fathers, who did it all with army surplus kit before there was actually a "hobby". Even if I had won the lottery, I could not see me spending fifty grand on any MV - but I suppose never say never is the rule. My dream fleet does include a few obviously expensive types I probably could not even drive, let alone maintain (don't laugh). So it all becomes academic. MB
  7. If it's Slovenia, wouldn't these more likely be the M36s and other kit appropriated from the split with Yugoslavia in 1991? M
  8. Are we about to get sponsorship from Wilkinson Sword?
  9. Glad someone is enjoying it :coffee: Still, makes all the training worth it. You must be the only bloke who looks forward to winter!:sweat:
  10. Your kidding, Wonderful MB
  11. Carriers and tankettes were all pretty much of a much in terms of a 1930s penny pinching way of having some cheap armour. Look at the Renault UE and the little Fiat things rumbling around Absyssinia. Have seen a UE on one occasion and recently dealt with glass plates of the Italians in Abyssinia - never printed before. Classic moments. They obviously worked though, however osbsolete or inadequate. Personally, I love them and enjoy seeing them at shows. MB
  12. Bonkers. I have every sympathy with the people dealing with these lunatics. My best man told me how his granny had a live shell on the mantlepiece from WW2 which started fizzing some time in the 1970s. Not sure how. From his description I worked out it was a forty mil shell from an AA site. I can't remember how they got rid of it. Near me a bloke has got a very big shell as a door post to his house. Perhaps it came from Shoeburyness. I'm only amazed someone hasn't nicked it for scrap, because also near me is a chap who had a Hastings propellor in his garden - some gentlemen of the road (sic) came round when he was out and lopped off one of the blades for loot.
  13. I think if someone is making money off your work, and remember your snaps are your property, without your permission then you have a right to complain. But, as Adrian says, is it worth the effort? In his case I agree, whereas in mine, I would be aggressive about protecting my copyright. It's a question of being asked. As said, things freely available on the web tend to slip into the public domain, but this is no defence in copyright law if pushed. Theft is theft. It is down to the owner to push as far as they want. Adrian has achieved the right balance in his case. However, if a progressive set of snaps of a rebuild were lifted for a book and presented in a way which gave the impression they had been done for it, then I would pounce. No harm in getting some ££ when it is due. This is not the case if it is a snap of your motor taken by someone else, but how nice that the model maker sent Bernard an example. That is really good PR and proper manners.
  14. Men, This and the other Sherman threads get better and better. Thanks for all this information. MB
  15. In terms of your own wholly owned material: I've never been in the habit of watermarking my material published on HMVF because I trust it 100% (my choice). I always take it as being a rule in spirit, rather than a strict terms of a binding contract; otherwise I would never have published a single frame on the site. To be frank, I have never felt I was in danger of having Jack steal my material for profit and base everything I place on here on trust. I cannot vouch for visitors and take my chances. Hence why they are always very low resolution files. The UK's 1988 Copyright Act is quite explicit and even with a general agreement such as the one we have here when we join there isn't a copyright lawyer worth his Porsche who would not run rings around it for the cost of a consultation and a laté. At News International ALL copyright is with anyone who takes images who is not on a staff contract even though this gives the papers therein broad approval to use them how they wish. Syndication - that is third party selling - has to be done on the basis of a signed agreement with a percentage split, usually 60-40 in favour of the photographer. I was recently invited to enter into a contract whereby a publisher virtually assumed ownership of my work to do with what they wanted while only paying me the original fee for appearance in their particular title. I declined. We had and continue to have a well used 'one time use only' agreement which is fairly standard in the business. Other people's stuff What we do here on HMVF is protect the site from litigation when people post up images to which they have no ownership. It is widely accepted that much material copied from the internet is 'in the public domain' already and is not going to cause much of a problem. But there will be exceptions. Always keep in mind the acknowledgements to copyright you see in books. This is why reprinting from books is dangerous. A publisher will have sought permission to use images in advance. There are terms and conditions in every instance. It's always best to stick to your own stuff or if you borrow snaps, make sure you can prove permission to use. Responsibility rests entirely with the person posting the images. The test will be when we get our first complaint. I hope this clarifies. I have some knowledge of this area due to working for 34 years in newspaper picture libraries and attached editorial roles. If in doubt ask the Mod team. It is not in our interest to be stung by stuff which isn't ours and certainly not to make use of yours without a proper and amicable understanding. It's only good manners. MB
  16. Have a fire extinguisher handy in case you have trouble with all those candles! Many happy returns. MB
  17. Great stuff, Tony. Nice to see this stuff. Feel free to add more as and when you can. MB :-D
  18. Nice to have you aboard, Ken. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. MB
  19. I think we've set our stalls out. We have to accept that diametric differences on this issue do meet in broad agreement that the protection of the dead is paramount. Can I ask we take a breather? I actually have sympathy with both parties and hope we can move on to sharing experiences from the battlefields. MB
  20. Really interesting. Interesting to see another cold war building from around Kelvedon Hatch separate from the Bunker.
  21. Very interesting points. I have no clue what the law is on using one on private land when the owner invites the use. I am no expert, more concerned with principles and yes, I suppose I am more atuned to Great War locations. I know of a guy who bought a little ruin in Normandy who knew he would find lots of stuff buried in the attached land because of how it had been used by the Americans. He wanted a house there anyway (lucky sod!) I presume he has been merrily unearthing stuff since the last time I saw him. A body down a well is very interesting - worth finding and giving a proper burial, I'd say.. I think it pays to look if you can. I visited the Polish memorial near Falaise a couple of years back and learned that they are still finding remains of Germans around there and expect to find them for some time. It's all education.
  22. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Be here or be somewhere else. MB
  23. No such thing as ordinary members. We're all the same. I'm just more gobby (maybe). The crash was a bummer, the second time I 've had to recall the consequences tonight. I want to re-run old or lost stuff and reappraisals of old books. It's a service and should be fun. Please send book reviews to me. I won't be saying what's in and out - this isn't the place for that nonsense, I get that every day at work (while it lasts). All-inclusive is the golden rule. Filtering things in to a usable format is what I am doing. I'll PM you.
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