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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Whoa Mike, no matter how close you are to God in HM armed forces, in the clubhouse you are strictly a newbie and have cleaning duties. But as you have specialist skills, you can always help with Lee's 25 pounder and Tony B always needs his wit sharpening :-D. Out in the maize field we have a bird scarer to fix, trouble is everyone thinks the bird scarer is Jack when he goes to the Dorchester branch of Spearmint Rhino...which would probably be Spearmint Dobbin where he lives, but they've been shut since someone nicked the horse trough from outside the smokers gazebo. Pass the turnips. M
  2. Great to have you here, Mike. Welcome To The Friendly Forum. This is a broad church, so you will find plenty to keep you interested. MB
  3. Nice to have you here Martin. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. See at at the Bunker (Sunday). MB
  4. Very seasonal. Like an episode of the Ice Road Uckers. Is that hat glued to your head? M :-D
  5. Top man Neil, I think I heard you cursing as you drove by Fortress Wapping. Still here at the old desk with the snow dumping down. Hoping the boss will let us go home soon. Have fun lads. No doubt Our Man in Nebraska will laugh at our foot of snow. The Hub of the old Empire comes to a halt. M
  6. Disgusting. I just don't know where the fine line is. I wouldn't buy it. The problem is, while their are hundreds of people we all know who wouldn't, there will be the odd extra person who would. If a site is setting itself up as being a promoter of archaeology, but really is just for profit based treasure hunting, then yukkk! Simple, don't look in. M
  7. Well done John. Did you get round it in your wheelchair? Hope you had the snow chains on, mate. Looking forward to seeing the snaps. JB is doing sterling work discovering really important bits of Essex which might be useful for a road road run route one of these years. MB
  8. Good to have you here. Make sure you post a hello in the introductions and welcomes board. There are plenty of brains around here to hopefully help you find what you need. Good luck with it! MB
  9. Last year, while I was suffering from my knee injury, my wife and friends went to stay in the superb hotel in the former convent at Gosnay, near Bethune. When the £ was doing well against euro it was not an impossible thing to do on a librarian's pay. We used to have occasional murders with ill-mannered middle class tossers - Bunty and Jacastas we called them who had no social graces and were an embarrassment to the English and a necessary evil to the staff. Just down the hill from the convent is the small communal cemetery for Gosnay and along the back is a row of graves of men I can most certainly be proud to be English, and more importantly, British, for. Lieutentant Dering John Jasper Radcliffe was just twenty-two when he died on 31.10.1917. He served with the 5th Bn Grenadier Guards. He had suffered a serious head wound and lost an eye in 1915, but soldiered on.
  10. That, I would say, shows what a success this thread is. Thanks very much Tony. I do hope we can maybe do a road run to these places one of these days. Cheers, MB
  11. Welcome to our Friendly Forum, Michel. Hope you have a good time with our happy band. MB
  12. Bloody hell armour Emo. Now I've seen everything. M:coffee:
  13. The top one is a Thorneycroft, isn't it? There's an Albion in there as well, or have I got the bonnet badge wrong? I'm just pretending I have a clue... MB
  14. Put the kettle on, there's a good lad.
  15. Cheers Vince, How is the old repropate? I think I'm happy just to do the bonnet. I like the idea. Other things will come along in their own good time. MB
  16. Never apologise. I remember him on the telly, but I always had a negative thing with clowns, circuses and fun fairs. Always think of them as sinister. So, anyway....about these MUTT markings......
  17. Can't be 4arsed. I've got to watch the corporal and his sister at their ATC awards presentation evening. The house stinks of Dubbin' We used to blame the cat. Or is it True Grit? Fill Your Hands You Son Of A Bitch.
  18. Looks like Biggles to me. Last seen buying the farm on the cutting room floor of the Blue Max.
  19. How can anyone not be interested? This is amazing stuff.
  20. Cor! No hassle from me mate. You don't need it. Interesting point though about the copying. Fair enough. I just like the potty aesthetics of eastern european kit. Being a mechanical numpty, the engineering is a mystery. Been meaning to ask, has Paris done the ironing yet? M
  21. Look like V3S types from here. But I'll be wrong. I like them, but then I would. M
  22. Yes. But I am having a miniscule mare finding out what unit markings to use. I am not up my own apex about it and am happy to use the bonnet codes in the snap, the MV has been scrapped after all. But I am clueless. No change there then. In the end I think it's about what looks good and am I having fun with the motor. I would imagine that if I just put the bonnet markings on as they stand, that someone with either far more actual knowledge or just a firm opinion will collar me and either educate or count rivets. Telling the two apart is the key. Charlie Caroli
  23. OK, I'll just sign up with the Historic Military Clowns Forum. All those size 44 desert boots and camouflaged red noses. The place will look like a Pathfinder Distribution shareholders meeting.:coffee:
  24. Fantastic snaps. This is a really interesting thread. All this variety. I remember reading a a stunning Sherman dedicated website about some in Cuba during the Castro-Guevara led revolution. In point of fact one of them appears on the back of a banknote. This, I think, is the only time a tank appears on a banknote..only a Sherman or a T34 would do this, I suspect. I'll try and post a snap of one of mine. MB
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