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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. I'd say it is a False Widow. Not good. When I was a kid growing up in Stoke Newington, my mate Steve and I got a job clearing the garden of a well-heeled Caribbean lady who'd just moved into a house near us. She'd put her packing crates in the garden and gave us a few cans of Heineken to help us get on with the job. The spiders we found in her garden made us call a halt. The size of them was scary...bigger than my adult hand is now in some cases. The woman wouldn't come into the garden when we showed her one. James and rescued a bubble bee from a spider today. Not strictly right, but, I like bees. MB
  2. Good to have you here Glyn, Nice part of the world you live in. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. MB
  3. Yep...brilliant. Thanks a million. MB
  4. Blimey Jack, that is bloody brilliant.... Nothing more to add. M
  5. Mark is de man. I'll definitely be taking my spot with gratitude. My tent is civvy. MB
  6. Very nice...wonder who that one belongs to? :-D
  7. That is too scary for words. Even the Blood Clot look embarassed. MB
  8. I can still hear the swearing from my son's bedroom when he built is 58 kit. Stryker is at a ATC Dining In night tonight. His sister, who is also a cadet looks very glam. She isn't interested in webbing unless it is made by Versace. Brings a whole new meaning to Gucci kit, I suppose.
  9. Looks really interesting! That would be a real change, a navy warship saved from the torch. MB
  10. Great to have you here Darian, Welcome to the Friendly Forum. We have plenty of friends from Australia on the forum, so it is good to welcome you aboard. Tell us more about your collection. When do you start doing the 6pdr? Mark
  11. I think this is a great idea. I think there is as much interest in seeing the vehicles broken down into bits or in detail for anyone. I agree a set of volumes on one motor would have limited appeal. The idea behind the HMVF book I'd still like to produce when time allows was to give a general user guide to MVs rather than a pretty encyclopedia of no particular merit. I am actively taking the basis of the idea as regular items for The Pathfinder, so I hope to do all this and then in time bring it together, perhaps. I dunno. I'd appreciate ideas and opinions. I will support your project Jim. I have a MUTT to offer up (it's a bit muddy at the moment!). So lets's see how things spread with this.... MB
  12. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Great to have you here. Mark
  13. I would hope there is room at the HMVF compound. I'm planning to grab a bit of it myself...(one tent and one MUTT + one snapper and two yoofs)
  14. did you go selling clothes pegs afterwards?
  15. Welcome to the Friendly Forum Kevin, If you know Clive, then you have my sympathies.....:-D Mark
  16. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Swiper. Good to have you with us. Mark
  17. I think Invincible was to be converted to a hospital ship but they have stripped so many parts to keep the other two afloat that she cannot go anywhere. A friend of mine in the know says that reproducing the missing parts is nigh impossible...and the cost would be astronomical. I presume the Type 42s are doomed what a shame - they'll either end up in South America or at the end of a JCB. That looks like the new Type 45 there. Looks amazing. Makes you wonder if we'll ever see the new carriers, money being so tight. M
  18. Welcome Brent. Nice to have you with the Friendly Forum. Mark
  19. It struck me when the BBC showed him at Coleville with Obama, Sarkozy, Brown and whoever the Canadian PM is this week that Chas was something of an apendage. He was clearly embarrassed. I say leave these events to the veterans and the people who care.
  20. You've said it all for me, John. Thank you very much.
  21. Welcome to the FRIENDLY FORUM, Julian. You've got some proper kit, there! mb
  22. Looking good. I like. It was one of them or a MUTT for me. But then a man came thru with the MUTT. Welcome to the Friendly Forum...stop nicking my lines, Bodge! M
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