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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Agreed! This is interesting. Bolero point shows more applied thought than I managed. M
  2. Good points. I firmly believe the two planets - MV and LH/re-enactments are in a kind of parallel orbit (I am repeating myself). They sometime get along swimmingly and this is cool. But they are DISTINCT. That said, I am an MV owner with no mechanical skills. Mike Gilman built my MUTT. I love my MV to be bits, I hate a week when I don't drive it. I feel a little bit of a lesser mortal because I am not the man who put it together but every time I do something for it, however small, I feel greater. I want to see the MV/LH worlds continue in harmony and cross-over when appropriate. I like it aesthetically, I enjoy the experience and I love to snap it. But the two worlds also have to keep their separate identities. I want to see as big a range of vehicles as possible. I don't give a monkeys what the owner/operator's motives are - they are there's - providing I can tap into it in some way to enjoy their hard work and commitment. Jack talks a lot about passion and I use the word a bit, but with increasing care. It can be a little OTT in our conservative world. Things will always change - sometimes for the good and usually as many for ill - but as long as we can all gather in a few fields, whether dressed in uniform or rags; then I will be happy. It comes down to choice and I support everybody's individual decision. I am a semi-fat 50, I'd look bloody silly dressed as Ryans Privates and that's that. German uniforms are a no-no for me, I could not insult the memory of my ancestors. But they often do look amazing... We've discussed this often on the forum and I actually think times are OK, but not meteoric for obvious reasons. The debate doesn't really change, it comes down to personal conscience. What goes around comes around. It's healthy to debate it - a fireside chat - but no more than that please. MB
  3. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. A BDRM 2 - what fun! When you get time post some snaps of your pride and joy. The Warsaw Pact bunch will be thrilled to have you aboard. MB
  4. Interesting points. I agree entirely with Adrian and Catweazle that there does not have to be a forced link between the two worlds of MV and LH. It morphs on it's own but they have to maintain their own momentum separately. A chap I know attended TF this year and he was a firm sketpic of LH and he loved what he saw. To me this was a success for the organisers. BUT, big BUT - he'll still be doing his own thing away from it. I don't believe in enforcing a 'never the twain' any more than I could support a full merger. Over my dead alternator. Variety rules 100% in terms of subject, event and attitude. That is what makes the military hobby world so cool to me. Nothing I've been involved in down the years has bettered it. That we can have a friendly adult debate says it all, despite the passions. I am reserving more concern in hearing that John can get the DD fixed. Having a ride in her is a memory I cherish. See you all soon. MB
  5. I've read all this and you know where I stand on me dressing up. I'm fifty, I'm fourteen stone and I am knackered. It won't be done. But I really like the living history/re-enactment scene. I find it fascinating. I strongly believe that LH and MV do go hand in hand - but they don't have to go for a full merger. It isn't inevitable. The mix is great and is going nicely enough for me as it is. In my time as a snapper for CMV and doing show pics for W & P I have learned to separate event photography from realistic images. They both have merits. Undeniably getting a great snap that "looks" like it is authentic is a buzz. But I also like the smiling kids, the silly hats, the 'this is my money I'll do what I want" look - all of it. This is a complete package I would not change. I've never been to TankFest. But I assumed the clue was in the name. I don't believe a paying very general public are bothered about uniforms. But I accept that certain more knowledgeable people are. I am not sure that anyone would travel thousands of miles with the high expectation they'd get snaps that look like 1944 at this venue. Can I remind you to look at Duxford, a show I like a lot. The MV crews have to wear hi-viz and hardhats - these really DO spoil the photos - but that's H & S. How does H & S sit with period berets in tanks? The requirement for uniforms allows refuseniks to vote with their tyres and not go. It's a shame, but if this is how the TM sees it's future then end of. I'd still have given it the lottery money, but would perhaps have demanded it be spent it on the collection more than towers and bold visual statements. But what do I know? I asked two guys to cover the event for me and they had a great time. Nuff said. I like variety and as soon as this is snuffed out then that's my lot. But this is a wide hobby, a broad church. I wouldn't change that for a minute and support everyone's right to organise the event they want. Just don't expect everyone to attend. Putting fences up is the beginning of the end. I do think appearing to be turning their backs on the traditional MV scene is a shame. But at the same time I can see the argument about admission. Just because someone turns up in a Landy should not necessarily mean a freebie. We've had this over other events. Old ground. They may not be doing this of course; but the impression is there and once it takes hold...boom. What we have here, it seems to me; is a bunch of mixed messages and all it does is pee off people who care about what is in general terms a common interest. This does not foster the unity we need to stop the serious things that will scupper all aspects of the hobby in due course - emissions, further gun control, "polical" uniforms, independent thought and deed are things we need to be worrying about. MB
  6. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Make yourself at home. MB
  7. Jack, you and embarrassing are synonymous with each other.
  8. Have a great time Dave. Lots to see. We'll be interested to see your take on the place. The Somme is my favourite battlefield, but then I'm not picky! I was there in May and I need to be back out there ASAP.
  9. Snapper


    Greetings from the grassy knoll, Pays your money - makes your choices. This is a great debate. Not new. A 'for' and 'against' in print would appeal to me if anyone fancies a pop at it.
  10. This is what we should be reading in the press. But don't wait up.... A colleague is right to say that inaccurate bad publicity is not good. It sends a bat up the H & S nightdress and impacts elsewhere. But the important thing is the person involved. This is what the press usually totally overlooks. Get well Jim. God bless. MB
  11. Seems fair. Sound comments. Unfortunately impressions matter. I work for the gutter press, which is why I was keen to post the link. It just goes to show what a slab of ignorance mixed with misplaced feelings of superiority can do. But in every sense our media has never changed. Journalists, in the main, are a pretty desperate bunch. Never trust them. I do hope Jim gets better. Don't think I've met him. But that's far from the point. MB
  12. The boy is unstoppppppppppable. Good luck with it all H. :-D
  13. Snapper


    The Malaysians and the Jordanians are putting new Deutz engines in theirs. So theirs will sound different!
  14. Snapper


    I have really enjoyed this thread. Other than the plates, my MUTT will have nothing on it that doesn't go. Partly because I can't be arrrssed and partly cos I am too blimmin' busy. Party on, brothers.
  15. Got a call about this tragedy this morning. MB http://www.eveshamjournal.co.uk/news/4464463.Family_afternoon_turns_nasty_as_man_caught_in_explosion/
  16. Lovely snaps.....more please. MB
  17. Great education chaps. I enjoyed a reef round the AFV site while I was at it.
  18. Love that Renault 4. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. When you get time tell us all about it. We do like something different! But please also let us see more of your GMC and the bikes. Will you be joining us at W & P this year? Cheers! Mark
  19. yep 2 Grizzlies. I've never seen them myself. Missed them in 81 and 02.
  20. Blimey I thought it was Jack Hawkins! Great to have you with us....what a diverse set of skills. Have fun on the Friendly Forum and join the party. MB
  21. I'll look for it when I'm there. M :-D
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