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Everything posted by Snapper

  1. Great to have a pioneer like yourself here Tim. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. Looking forward to learning from you. MB
  2. I'll be there doing press team snapping with my son and maybe my dtr hanging out. We'll be in the HMVF corale with Lee, Heliops and all the other happy souls.... Can't wait. M
  3. Great show - a lovely start to the season. A credit to Lee, Ian and the team. Gets better every year and this is no accident. Lots of hard work evident. It was my daughter's first MV event and she was enthused enough to want to come to Beltring. I am a little disappointed that there are posts here from folks I did not see. Sorry to have missed you. Hopefully we can meet at another event. Thanks to one and all for their hospitality...get those scissors sharpened for Beltring, Lee! Get that foot sorted now Lee. You might need it later. MB
  4. Welcome to the Friendly Forum Ian, Keep us up to date with your model building. We like something different. MB
  5. Welcome to the Friendly Forum..... Good to have you here. Being ignorant, I know nothing about tractors - so what years do your collection come from. Happy days, Mark
  6. Welcome to the Friendly Forum, Chris. You have a good fleet there, lad. Be brave - go by MUTT. I do! MB
  7. Action Man and whatever the other one was called were our fun.We used to go up to the tower blocks on an estate where a mate of ours lived near the reservoirs and chuck the parachutists off his balcony. Hours of fun as long as the chutes opened. Digging foxholes in the gardens of the flats didn't impress the caretaker.
  8. It amazes me what they WILL spend our money on. But if they make a good profit, then fine. I'm just interested to know how this tosh equates with overdue aircraft carriers or tactical vehicles. This as political as I go. Don't take the bait. M
  9. I do not know for sure. But there are books on Scammells. Can anyone recommend good Scammell books for Stephane please??? MB
  10. KOYLI, KOSLI - ????? Or the King himself?
  11. c'est un classic radio show Anglais par le BBC - et un tv show et un film. Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy. My hovercraft is full of eels. MB
  12. That fish is bloody clever. Douglas Adams estate must have got some of the money. In case any of you are wondering where he got some of the names for Hitch hikers |Guide from - Hotblack Desiato the rock star who was dead for tax purposes was actually a firm of estate agents in Highbury. M
  13. welcome to the Friendly Forum. Whatever you decide to do with your 432 - enjoy it. If you make it into a babe magnet you can be sure that some people on this forum will be up there like a shot!
  14. I asked for that, didn't I lads! My CSE French exam is proving inadequate. That's the last time I let Grimmer do the ordering - wherever he is these days.....Chesterfield, I think. I will endeavour to translate asap....but meanwhile.... suffice to say Stephane knows his way around motors and likes Scammells. He is a Normandy man, so look out for him on your adventures. I will now shut up for the night. M
  15. Welcome aboard Mike - nice to have you with us on the Friendly Forum. Looking forward to see what you're doing with that Pig. Hope it isn't sneezing!
  16. Nice to have you here, Alex. Welcome to the Friendly Forum. MB
  17. Bienvenue á l'FVMH, Stephane! c'est une grand maison pour les vehicules militaire et pour votre nouvelles amis. My french is worse than my english! MB
  18. Yep - it'll be great to see you and the chaps, young Mark. I'll bring the biscuits. I have to go home in the late afternoon because my wife is doing a charity half marathon thru London overnight - but I will be along on sunday too. Redcap - I'll bring your snaps from last year....Mark, I've got some for you as well. Behind with these things as always. M
  19. He he - I was averagely clueless - we had that Ferret Rozzer helping us I recall. There's never one about when you need them. M
  20. I did snap several zillion civvy motors and will post if required... MB
  21. final two....nice to meet Tim with ChrisG and Runflat in attendance. Apologies to the rest of the Gosling clan for not saying hello. Hope you don't mind me saying Tim, but you do look like the villain from the Penelope Pitstop cartoon in that get up, mate.
  22. Well done lads...great snaps and an amazing story.:-D
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