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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Again not had too much time to spare on the old MW but have managed to form the steel rubbing strakes. Plus the drivers seat adjuster which I will probably replace with an original item if I ever find one.
  2. Thanks for the inspiration Pete have bought myself some tubing and am going to have a go at making my own hoops for my Bedford Cheers RR.
  3. I'd like to bring my 1940 Norton WD 16H if pos. RR.
  4. Thanks Charlie looks like a useful forum will get to post soon
  5. Hi All I have this round in my collection which I think is Turkish and dates back to the 1st world war its approx 75mm dia and 230mm long. It has Arabic writing on the nose and M 7 stamped on the base Any info greatly appreciated. RR.
  6. At last I've had a good long day working on the MW Passenger fixed in place And drivers seat sorted on its new runners. Bit more space in't shed now the old Dodge has gone on to a better life.
  7. Who's a happy boy then ? will miss the old dodge but am glad its gone to a good home and its staying local, I look forward to seeing it out and about at the shows being used and the kids will love it well done Ps don't forget the shot blasting cabinet matey, that will come in real useful for sorting all those body fittings :cool2:
  8. Not much happening lately on't truck due to lots of local steam rallies Bromyard, Marcle and Welland taking up the wkends had a great time in the Champ thing though the jeep thing failed to proceed prior to the Marcle show but is now fixed after a cleaned carb and new set of plugs :red: Took delivery of the steel tubing today ready to make my own canvas hoops plus some half round bar ready to make the rubbing strips. Have also started stripping the fittings from the rear body side panels prior to shot blasting. It was a difficult decision to replace the side planking but on close inspection most planks were either damaged or rotten with wasted coachbolts that were weakened due to corrosion. Am also looking into having the correct style nuts being made ouch !!
  9. Managed to snatch a couple of hours to play with the truck today and have fitted the first and last floor boards and made up the trap door for the centre between the wheel arches..
  10. BBMF Dak in the Wye valley while working on the MW Great sight and sound
  11. Thanks Mat, Sorry for lack of updates what with work and having had a very interesting week touring the Flanders Battlefields inc some more off the beaten path BEF May 1940 sites there has not been a lot of progress lately. Have had the floor planking milled out of Sapele and utilised the Railway workshop to give them an undercoat. And am now fitting them to the rear frame. Thought I heard something and ............... ran outside Here she comes at almost eye level Had a fly past by the BBMF Dakota bloody brilliant piece of flying at low level up the wye valley Forgot that I have fitted the correct opaque lens to the front side lights inc WWII dated bulbs found in a barn just outside Dunkirk while on my hols I kid you not !!
  12. Played with the Frost one when working on the railway carriages the other week and it seems to do the job I believe they come in different pipe sizes, and seems to do the job not bad value too, I think they can produce certain curves as well. If doing a lot of pipework I would probably invest in one or two. RR.
  13. Hi Guy Lucky you !!! what a nice looking project I too look forward to seeing this truck restored, keep the pics and posts coming RR.
  14. Hi Clive The Jeep had been sat a couple of months after I had refurbished the starter motor surely components should be fit for purpose and last longer than a couple of months, this is not the first time that items have failed to perform, I bought a bi-metal spring to fit to the exhaust manifold counterweight only to find it did not move even when heated with a blow lamp -- useless !!! also a new set of points that although fitted the distributor would not adjust correctly. My point is why is this rubbish being sold to enthusiasts ? I feel that parts are being produced for profit rather than reliability, no good to me when sat on the side of the road waiting for a big yellow taxi to take me and the jeep home. And I do remember where the spring and points came from and I won't be using that supplier again, I tend to vote with my wallet and will spend my hard earned elsewhere. Anyways rant over and the Jeep is fixed with a new flexi pipe and spare fuel pump I've also stripped cleaned and rebuilt the old one to keep as a spare just in case . RR.
  15. Thought that I would dig the jeep out this year and put some miles and smiles on it, only to find that this ethanol stuff had dissolved the flexi pipe between engine and fuel filter :undecided: allowing the fuel pump to draw air into the line. As you can see that pipe is not very old I think I fitted it around 18 months ago and thought it was ethanol proof ,now I can't remember which of the Jeep spares dealers I bought this from but I am disappointed that sub standard parts not fit for use are being sold to us :mad: Luckily this occurred in the garage and not on the way to a show etc so I guess the moral of this tale is to make sure fuel parts are compatible with this modern fuel. I am rebuilding the fuel pump now with a new diaphragm just in case as it was full of black gooey dissolved rubber fuel pipe. I've also had problems with the fuel taps on the Norton :mad: Has anyone used ethanolmate which is supposed to help prevent this damage occurring ?.
  16. AS promised here is a couple of pics of the plate I have. Cheers J.
  17. Had some time to put things together loosely :cool2: Rear cab panel and stowage box. Headlight shells and seats sort of fitted Still lots to do though.
  18. Cab headboard ready for paint Will have to slow down on the bodywork for a while as the priority now is to sort the fuel tanks and trays and get them fitted plus there is still work to do on the timber frame fitted to the bulkhead that carries the rear edge of the bonnet. Hope to get a rolling / moving chassis to make it easier to do the bodywork by allowing the truck to be moved out of its shed.
  19. Hi Dave I just use Cuprinol clear treatment seems ok. so far ..............:shocked:
  20. With the tailgate coming together I thought I'd have a look at the headboard for the cab. Had to replace most of the steel angle etc due to corrosion.
  21. One of those nice finishing touches arrived in the post today :-D Thanks Alex it does look the dogs do dahs !!!
  22. Yet another session this time on the rear tail gate quite a time consuming but satisfying job. sorting out where it all goes getting there Inside face need to fit foot plates next and large washers under coach bolt heads. before and after doesn't look like much but that was a good days work :shocked: will need to take it all apart for another couple of coats of paint before final top coat.
  23. Nuther good day down't shed playing with the MW spent most of the day painting. Now I've have had a lot of the body fittings sandblasted things can move on. Bit of tin worm to sort as well.
  24. Hi Andy I am looking to start on my floorboards next week what thickness are yours ? I'm guessing around 1 1/4" ? Cheers J.
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