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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Yes hopefully see you there Andy today was a day of fettling battery box and nearside wing ready for paint :nut:
  2. NUTS ! yes I've finally gone nuts its official :nut: Just had a hundred of these bad boys made for the truck I can now get things bolted up tight ready for paint I know its a bit OCD but the nuts on the Bedfords body had a certain shape to them that I could not find and which give it a certain look so needs must .
  3. I've had this lurking in the shed for yonks and now and again wondered what it was used for or fitted to :nut: Though it may be motorcycle, just had a closer look and the rifle clip part has the letter F with Terry's stamped under it and the part that attaches to the frame has 1 1/4" stamped on it. Terry's didn't they make motorcycles saddles ?
  4. Yep the rivet will be there picking up and dropping off MW parts and having a moot about in between
  5. Thanks have sent you a pm which explains the situation
  6. While ebay is global market place which can help you realise market price for your items you must be aware of the costs involved, it may seem a good deal but by the time you add it all up especially if a lot of money is involved I don't think its worth the hassle. I buy odds and sods off ebay but very rarely sell due to this issue plus I've had the old item not received scam which really p*ssed me off nothing I could do lost my item and my money. I prefer to sell on here to fellow enthusiasts and know the kits going to a good home, Millweb has seemed to die off over the last few years with not many people advertising after the mandatory fee was imposed, they even charge for wanted ads now. I understand they have to cover running costs etc but it has killed it. Just my random thoughts on the matter RR
  7. Well its been awhile coz its been bleedin COLD of late but have managed to get a few more bits sorted on't truck Test fitted the canvas doors they need some adjustment but will be fine I must say that the quality of workmanship by Frank Brown is spot on After painting have re-fitted the cab fittings for shovel, pic etc. etc. And again after painting the planking have rebuilt the rear wheel box's ready to make the steel inners. Now its beg a favour time, I really need a late pattern drivers side engine panel or a pair of the same, maybe you might know someone who has a pair lurking in their shed its rather critical to the restoration and I need your help please. I can be contacted on 07899 704561 any time and will be at Stoneleigh on Sunday.
  8. Ok Folks I have just received an email from Jonathan at the Tank Museum, evidently they hold a number of Bedford contract cards so it looks like I'm off down to bovy to have a moot through the archives so if any of you want me to research your chassis numbers etc Pm me the details of your MW and I'll see what I can do given that I'll only be there for the day. RR.
  9. Thanks have written asking to research their archives I know a mate found details of his QL there many years ago so we shall see. RR.
  10. Maurice regarding the contract cards were they original documents or copies ? it was a shame that they may now be lost, can you find out what may have happened to them ? did army cars have the right to sell them at auction ?
  11. Thanks for those details Maurice do you think my truck could of been built around Oct 39 ? and I think at present I'll put it down as being built under the T 8102 contract and put a Z 411???? on the bonnet.
  12. Yes twas a good laugh did more deals in the car park than inside, I hope there will be more vehicle related kit there this time. Do you have my mob No. if not I'll pm it to you
  13. Thanks Nick My chassis No. is prefixed MWD. So can we say it was built under contract T8102 ? And it would have had Z 411???? on the bonnet ? One of the reasons I'd like to know the contract number is that there are a number of plates that will need to be stamped with the correct details when needed. By the way are you coming down to Stoneleigh if so give me shout I'll be there Cheers J.
  14. Ok I know this is a bit of an old chess nut but I am still trying to find out what contract my MW was built under. Early contracts ran = 294/T/7729 294/T/8102 294/T/3733 Can anyone tell me given that my chassis number is 2947 which contract was it made under? Also after trawling the net and reference books looking for images of MW's in the early part of WWII have come across vehicle census numbers on the bonnets as = Z 3927138 which was an MWG maybe the first 50 odd built in sept 39 ? plus Z3927765 Then the next most common census number being in the Z411 range could these have been built under the T 8102 contract ? These are the numbers I have so far = Z 4110272 Z 4110324 Z 4113763 Z 4113825 Z 4116149 Z 4116340 Z 4117932 Z 4119498 All these numbers were taken from period photos of MW's with early type windscreens etc mostly in and around Dunkirk. I know its unlikely for me to know the census number for my Bedford but I would like to know its contract number and if it may of had a number starting with 411 Many thanks in anticipation for any info on this subject. RR
  15. Not sure Clive but I think they were going to name one of them after the late Lemmy from Motorhead = Leminium :banghead:
  16. Only managed a couple of hours this avo and sorted the pick / handle clamp noticed that handle is dated 1933 and head 1939 Need to cut hole for handle in bottom plate then fit the stowage box properly next job is fettling of battery box and front wings. Off to the Dallas digout tomo for more goodies hopefully :wow:
  17. here are some pics hope they are of use. brake spring runs forward and hooks onto chassis.
  18. Nuther fun packed day on't truck, managed to fix the cover strip that runs around the cab rear panel and cut bonnet side timbers to length plus attached the new bonnet springs. Plus test fitted my shovel in its correct pos and cut the strips that hold the canvas doors to length. Had this old wartime shovel knocking around since my teens it seems appropriate that it now has a good home.
  19. EEEk ! its new years eve already !! did manage some time down't shed and have finished sorting the canvas door fitings.
  20. Spent yesterday fettling the brackets for the canvas doors but forgot to take camera doh ! had a day in Hay on Wye and won the biggest pile of books completion with the wife :shocked: We now have a 1st world problem in that we have run out of bookshelf space, I can feel a project coming on in the new year.
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