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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Correct Maurice :-D there should be some new ones being cast very soon :cool2:
  2. Been doing a bit of wood carving anyone know what this will turn out to be.
  3. Thanks Wayno will call by when I get 5 mins for a cuppa :-D
  4. Hiya wayne great to see that you are making good progress on your project too, would be good to see you both at some shows next summer as I am aiming to get the Bedford sorted by the spring ready for the next season :-D
  5. Back down t'shed again while the petrol tanks are drying ready to be sealed I had a go at sorting the lower side panels on the rear body fitted the rubbing strakes as well and made a new edge strip to the bottom edge of the rear tailgate.
  6. Have finally got around to sorting out the fuel tanks before the weather turns, both needed some work but should be serviceable after sealing with POR15
  7. I think the sidelight cables run from the front junction block drivers side up along the top of the radiator front panel held in place by tangs similar to those found on the front wing bckts, then down held by P clips along the top of the chassis until it reaches the wing support brckt, as I start to fit my wiring loom in the coming weeks I'll post pics in my resto blog, as regards the rear axle lamp various manuals the wiring diagrams I have show the early type loom and later version also as Richard mentions you can see the changes via the spares manual. My diff had traces of white paint that would suggest that it had a mod done later in its military career and had the light and switch fitted., though I will not be fitting a diff light as I want to restore my vehicle as it left the factory as my truck is so early. RR.
  8. Tangible progress at last Rear tailgate frame fitted Then the tail gate. Took a bit of adjustment but its nearly there. Sandlasted some old coach bolts and nuts too.
  9. Spent Sat fixing the rear floor boards down and fitting trap, will need to make the catches also started sorting the rear frame to carry the sideboards. This eve I started assembling the mirrors I now have a set for the Bedford and for the Champ if I decide to fit a pair to it plus a spare.
  10. 30 odd Spitfires, 6 Hurricanes, 1 Mustang and 1 No. Mk1 Blenheim what a great day at Goodwood.
  11. Finally managed to paint the rear floor boards Centre access hatch looking green Still lots to do though Have also started a breeding program for these elusive little items :nut:
  12. Yes nice to meet you again Guy I see you did well too I think I'll look at Netly on the Friday next year.
  13. Had a good wkend ratting around the Beaulieu auto jumble and found a few bits n bobs nice lot of 12 V WD 1944 dated sidelight bulbs. If any one wants some I have a few spares picked up a spare CAV. generator along with other odds and ends. But better still today I popped down the road to pick up some coach bolts and look what I found in a box on the bottom shelf !!! the holy grail I have been after some of these for years and searched over 2000 stalls on the wkend with no luck only to find these little beauties not 3 miles from where I live :banghead: I know they are cast and not brass but once painted will look identical. Just need a pair of early engine side panels now :wow:
  14. Hello Lurker Paul here's a pic of my / your ig switch looks lovely mate, look even better in the Quad Have a great time at Dorset great to see you all today.
  15. Hi Andy no idea on output all I know is I could really do with a bigger one its electric single phase, good for spraying but only good for blasting small parts. Cheers J.
  16. Just finished Hurricane R4118 by Peter Vacher, very interesting story of a Battle of Britain aircraft rescued from an Indian university and restored to flight, I believe this fighter is now up for sale.
  17. Luck and a Lancaster by pilot and author Harry yates DFC very good plus Commando dispatch rider autobiography by Raymond Mitchell another very good read.
  18. Stunning makes my MW resto look like its running in slow motion :wow:
  19. Welcome to HMVF I think there's some leg pulling going on mate you stick to your project It'll be interesting to see how you get on, anyways everyone knows a champs a mighty fine mil vehicle :nut: though only for the brave or slightly :nut: RR.
  20. Thanks Richard I bought a cheap 10gal pot off Epay and connected it up to my compressor it seems to do the job ok though I think I could do with a larger output on the compressor but for the bits n bobs I need to clean it seems to cope, will post a pic when I use it again. At the mo I only using some kiln dried sand from my local builders merchants which again is ok but now I know the kit works I'll probably buy some proper medium .
  21. Made myself a blasting cabinet today to make blasting more efficient bit of a lash up but It'll do for now. Has speeded up the process some should have done this years ago would have saved a fortune :laugh: Managed to clean some more hinges and fittings, most satisfying though I didn't get time to paint rear floorboards.
  22. Fed up with having to deal with expensive unreliable sandblasters I have bought myself a pot and had a go myself Not too bad a result, will have to make a proper cabinet me thinks.
  23. will do but first I have to make myself a sandblasting cabinet after getting fed up relying on others I've decided to do the bckts and bits'n bobs for the Bedford myself, but will let you know of my adventures with tubes soon.
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