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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Happy xmas everybody :-D Made it but only just ! the fingers are on the mend which is good :-D but the oven gave up the ghost a couple of days ago which was bad luckily we managed to sort a new one yesterday morning so we will have our xmas lunch which is good :-D on the same day as the oven the chimney sweep cancelled due to the bad weather which was bad but we managed to get another which was good :-D but unfortunately he failed to secure the flue access panel to the outside of the chimney and nearly smoked us out of the house which was bad :-( and then to top it all off I've come down with a dose of man flu and spent most of xmas eve laid up which was really bad but am feeling a whole lot better this morn and am looking forward to din dins and getting some more work done on't truck in the coming days. Happy xmas all.
  2. HI Have you labelled up the ends of the cables reference to where they are fitted on the truck ? ie generator - regulator - instruments etc this will logically tell you where the cables run from and too, I have just started at the front headlight / sidelights and will then work my way back to the bulkhead then to the rear.
  3. Don't know but I only have one which I am using temporarily and it has studs in it, why ? are you looking for some ?
  4. Friday afternoons lesson was DO NOT !!! rush a job and end up attacking the ends of your fingers with a power plane !!! coz it stings a bit :cry: at least I had the dust bag attached to catch the grisly bits :wow:, so todays activities down t'shed were a tad subdued but I did manage to set out and fix some of the cab fittings. Even managed the rifle clip. Plus the elusive holder for the spare spark plugs :-D
  5. G'day I have an original set of EMERS diagrams will get the wife to scan them on Monday for you. If you PM your email address I'll be able to send them to you :-D
  6. Nuther day hiding out in't shed had to fix the welder first thing :shocked: then spent the rest of the day fettling the front wings, they are nearly ready for paint, then it was time to fit the rear fitting for the bonnet hinge bar. Also fitted the side timbers to the bulkhead but have not cut them to length yet.
  7. Hello and welcome to the forum Bedford, MW Areoscreen all the way , but I am rather biased :cool2:, try and find something complete if pos mechanicals are not too bad but other parts are more tricky to find. RR
  8. Hi Mick here are some pics of the inst light fitting. Fitting measures 2 3/4" in height and approx. 5/8" dia.
  9. Help needed please guys, I need to make a pair of aeroscreens for the Bedford so if anyone can supply me with some nice detailed photos plus measurements I would be most grateful, this is one of the last things missing for the truck and I want to make them over the xmas hols, a sort of present to myself so to speak :-D seriously folks any info much appreciated. Thanks J. Did some more fettling of the bulkhead tinwork today Have started on the wings as I want to get the front end finished before xmas hopefully :-D
  10. Not much happening on the MW lately did a bit of painting to the rear wheel arch boxes last Sat then went to the classic car show at the NEC on Sunday which was a good if long day out, managed to pic up a NOS horn for the jeep and a NOS switch for my spare starter motor for the Bedford which I'll rebuild over the winter. Managed to squeeze in a couple of hours on the bonnet-bulkhead timber tinwork today but it was brrrrr in't shed The problem I have is that I am not absolutely sure on the details of this early type of bonnet support. I only have some grainy pics of which to work from. But this is roughly how its gonna look :wow: Bit more fettling before I'm happy but its off to Malvern tomo, who knows what goodies will lighten my pocket :cool2:
  11. I had my front springs on a C15 re sprung if you get my drift by a company called Jones springs of wednesbury nr Birmingham they did a great job and not too expensive. RR.
  12. Great to see it coming together, will be superb when done :-D well done in finding those rare items most satisfying for you :-D
  13. In summery play safe, use straight 90 in your gearbox and transfer case, EP90 in the axles and straight 30 with no additives in the engine. Pete Ditto above
  14. A day spent in the shed tucked out of the way of some nasty weather ! Both wheel boxes complete apart from making the steel liners plus paint. Wheel arch cut out on near side panel plus edge capping fitted. Also timber rubbing strips trial fitted ready for steel capping, next the off side arch to finish then lots of fiddling and paint before I start on fitting hinges and top side panels.
  15. Ooooooooooo er !!! they're very addictive wee trucks you know and I have really enjoyed working on the resto of mine, somewhere on here are posted pics of a nice MW up in Scotland that looked ripe for restoration I did think of having a look but the distance was too great. Can't remember who posted the details but if I do I'll pass details on to you I think it was nr Stirling You never know it may still be sat in the field where the pic was taken though it was a while ago, welcome to the HMVF and good luck with hunting down an MW they are about just elusive. Regarding whether to restore or buy one already done it depends on a number of factors which include cost of a vehicle already "sorted" against something that's cheaper but needs work bearing in mind missing parts, I've been lucky in finding some rare missing parts but am still looking for early engine side panels 2 1/2 years into a 3 year project. Good huntin and I'm glad you enjoy my ramblings :-D RR.
  16. Brilliant !! how lucky are you !!! thanks for posting something different from mil vehicles.
  17. After a quick visit to the wartime in the vale sort out at Evesham it was back to playing with the the MW, have had the tin cover for the wood bulkhead / bonnet support folded and am continuing work on the wheel box's unfortunately the camera has gone AWOL so you'll have to use your imagination folks :-D Aha the camera has been found hiding in plain sight :wow: hope to cut the wheel arches out tomo.
  18. Forecast for Overlord by FM Stagg. Odd book I picked up in a second hand bookshop in Morecambe the other week, its the story of the part the weather played before during and after D Day, and the organisation that provided what is one of the most important weather forecasts in history, an interesting read :cool2:
  19. Both fuel tanks are now fitted and new fuel lines made up and painted ready for fitting. Have also started making the rear wheel box's and planking.
  20. Hi Ian I think they are EP Services T. 01902 452914 I have to send my spare 28hp pump off to them soon, was quoted around the £65 mark. RR.
  21. Only managed to fit the tank straps to their new trays yesterday will need to repaint them before the complete assemblies are offered up to the truck.
  22. Had a great Wkend doing a 500+ mile road trip to collect the tyres I need for the MW Many thanks Tim :-D plus a full set of canvas which is the dogs do dah's Many thanks Frank :-D staying the night at bob the builders to spend Sunday morning taking more measurements and pics of his immaculate MW to help with all the little details :-D then down the M6 to junction 15 to pick up some more goodies from Paul :-D I'd like to thank you all for your kindness and hospitality its what I think this hobby is all about :-D the van was full so thought it was time to return home !! Will post pics when I've recovered :nut:
  23. Sad news indeed, As a 19yr old I went to Normandy for the first time in the Back of a QL on a MVT Tour and remember Peter et al, It inspired me a year later to get the Norton and the rest is history so they say, R.I.P. Peter Gray.
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