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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Yes will sell shovels, only need one for my MW have PM'd you. RR.
  2. Just came across these nice wartime dated shovels one of which will end up on the MW :-D
  3. Production of battery box top covers have commenced
  4. Hi Andy Have sent you PM as there are a number available :-D
  5. Hi Paul That's a nice looking M38 ready for that hot dry summer we are going to have :cool2: well done on an honest restoration. RR.
  6. Just used a 1.5mm cutting disc in a 115mm grinder and sprayed the galv first with an etch primer so that I could put a pencil mark on it to follow
  7. Managed to find some time to start making the runners for the seats started off with a length of this industrial trunking then cut it down lengthways and then formed this joggled edge to end up with something close to this -
  8. New tank trays getting a coat of etch primer M Tech made a great job of them. Coming soon Nipples yes Nipples ! those funny things that help hold the canvas cover to the rear body. The profile needs tweaking a bit ( don't they all ) and then they'll be good to go.
  9. That must be one of the trucks from post 124 John.....;-) Can't seem to open attachment Louis
  10. Interesting pic Nick taken around the same time as the one shown in the Kaleidoscope of Bedford military vehicles by Bart H Vanderveen page 29 it looks to be taken in the winter of late 39 early 1940 RR.
  11. No luck yet identifying these shoes, they will be binned soon as I have no space to store them.
  12. Hey ! wotcha Pete :-D are you still up for doing an off road run round the Forest this year ? will post some info up on a new thread when we decide on a date etc.
  13. Hi Nick Yes my truck was built as a GS model I think in 1939 with such an early chassis No. I know it will be nigh impossible to work out its exact Z number but I would like to get it as near as pos. Thanks for the info so far. RR.
  14. Hi Nicky Interesting info about Z numbers , I am in the process of trying to work out what Z number should be on my truck, I think it was made under contract 294/T/8102 and its chassis No. is 2947 but I have failed so far to find the Z numbers allocated to that contract. Cheers J Ps. thanks for the donation of the rear can bracket, it all helps :-D
  15. Another day at it and have managed a second coat on the rear floor frame Have made the packing pieces to go under the frame and these got a coat too along with the rear cross member. Also made a MKII timber cross member to fit to the bulkhead as the first attempt was not correct.
  16. Well done Wayne I think you came over very well on screen and the youngster made me and the wife laugh out loud with his faith in the driver , I don't think much of the show though and must admit to FF to the bits you were in. Will have to call by to inspect your vehicles now they are safely home. RR.
  17. Will wayno get his prized possessions safely off the low loader ? Don't miss tomorrows exciting episode of shipping wars ! :-D
  18. Good day down t'shed today though it was cold with snow showers which was fun Not ! Not too difficult though its a matter of measure twice cut once. Starting to look like something. Just to check all is ok, now I need to make the packers and the right angle brckts that secure the rear cross members and the chassis rails to the rear of the cab. Sorted my jack handle find at Stoneleigh :-D
  19. Hi all These brakes shoes came with some parts I bought at Stoneleigh and I have no idea what vehicle the may fit. I have four or five of these plus these odd ones below. Can take them to Malvern if they are of use to anyone.
  20. Yes :-D nice set of handles for the MW jack and pair of champ No. plates thanks to John Marchant, box's of 28hp engine bearing shells in a job lot of "stuff", various spring clips, fuel pump and headlight brackets from Rippo , fuel can brckt from landrover Nick, starting handle from Paul H plus a few bits I don't want the boss to know about phew ! Thanks guys all in all a good day out :cool2:
  21. Silly idea but has it anything to do with artillery or munitions ?
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