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rampant rivet

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Everything posted by rampant rivet

  1. Managed a few hours on the truck today sorting the timbers for the rear body, even managed to remember the camera :cool2:. Am looking forward to Stoneleigh tomo All seems to be lining up as per measurements, Many thanks Danny :bow:.
  2. Picked up the timber for the rear body floor on Friday and have given them an undercoat and went to the auto jumble at Malvern today and found a new vacuum advance unit for the dizzy and a decoke engine gasket set along with some other odds n ends which I didn't know I needed inc a nice lucas turn switch happy days .
  3. That'll keep you out of or into mischief matey there's something very satisfying making your own pipes so to say. Will it allow you to do double flares ?
  4. Its getting there slowly Wayne the prop shaft is now on plus headlight wiring loom and the last cab floor panel. Am about to sort the timber framing for the rear floor / body will have to talk nicely to my joiner who will run the timbers out to size ready for me to start. how's the piggy ?
  5. Thanks nick yes I see what you mean I'll be up to see you both soon and yes I did get your pic of the panel and will go a huntin soon for you
  6. Thanks for posting these pics Nick will help me no end when I get to sort my cab fittings :cheesy:
  7. Good day down t'shed today with lots of small jobs sorted have even managed to fit the front panel badge Prop shaft ready to fit, half shafts with new gaskets fitted today as well.
  8. Welcome Colin did I see your bikes in the OLD Bike Mart ? good luck with the restorations. Whish I could keep my Norton in the house RR.
  9. Well apart from the wiring loom for the Bedford I've spent the day in Hay on Wye and beat the wife in the pile of books competition looks like I'll not be short of something to read for a while.
  10. Thanks Richard thought they were 1930's but size threw me
  11. Not sure on ply rating but they are heavy duty with thick side walls almost like a runflat.
  12. Can anyone tell me what these tyres may fit, they are new old stock no cracks etc and look pre war to me but are an odd size. Any ideas much appreciated.
  13. Not a lot to report at the mo except to wish you all on the HMVF inc lurkers :cool2: a very happy Xmas especially to my father who's just past his 80th Birthday :-D I know he follows this thread along with his mates :wave:. Will prob get down to the truck on Sunday for a few hrs for a bit more fettling not sure yet what I'll be doing, maybe sorting the captive nuts for the windscreen bckts depends on weather. Only managed a bit of undercoating on various parts.
  14. Found a company online who delivered it from Cardiff or Newport I think can't remember its been awhile. You may find some suppliers on epay. Will have a look at what's on the container in the cellar.
  15. HI wayno I found the solvent type best, I started off with that water based stuff but found it dissolved alumium :-( so soon got rid of that, I also think solvent based is more efficient at cleaning gunge, good to see you at "work" the other Sat by the way. RR.
  16. May be easier to make a full size paper template and post it to you, Pm me your address and I'll get it sorted over the xmas hols, can you do me a favour in return ? I need to make new timbers to carry the rear floor can you send me a list of timber sizes and dimensions on how they all fit together. RR.
  17. Here are some pics of the clip you want. Will post a sketch with the measurements soon.
  18. Hi I took the lock barrel out of my champ gave it to my local locksmith and luckily he was able too cut a set of keys, failing that sets of barrels with keys pop up on epay now and again at reasonable money. Don't forget to check that the rear lockers barrels should be suited to the ignition barrel so that one key fits all. RR.
  19. What do you do on the living room floor when the wife's out for the evening ? well you start sorting your new wiring loom out of course :cool2: With help of the cat :nut: !!! must say that it looks really good can't wait to fit it to the truck, now its labelled up so I'll roughly know which bit goes where.
  20. Thanks but not sure about being finished by next summer as there is so much left to do and as I am still looking for a set of correct pattern tyres and have the canvas to source along with all the other jobs realistically I'm looking at summer 2016 as I want time to sort any gremlins and check its reliability plus my work situation at the mo is such that I am struggling to find the time to push this project on and my wife reminds me that it is a hobby this restoration lark and it pays to have a realistic finish date. Also this may turn out to be the last resto I do for a while as I intend to enjoy my spare time maintaining and using the vehicles I already have rather than dive into another project, mind you saying that I know where there is a nice lightweight just crying out to be rescued :nut:
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