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Everything posted by rambo1969

  1. My dad and I were chatting about the shows we have attended this year and a small argument broke out between us which I hope you can settle. When did the overlord show break away from the MVT? I'm sure that last year was the first overlord show NOT involving The MVT, my dad says its been 5 years since the MVT were involved. Who's right? No politics please.
  2. I'm up for it. I don't know any other MV shows over easter weekend.
  3. Large supply of cakes for lunch both days!!!!
  4. Me and the boys will be there off course!
  5. Me and the boys left london at 4am friday morning and arrived on site about 8am, we had just finished setting up our tent when we were told the show was cancelled=gutted!!!. We stayed the weekend though as we had dance tickets for the saturday night. The site was completeley waterlogged and the organisers made the right decision. Some photos
  6. I'm lucky that I can use my landy everyday if I want to so a show with a road run is not to important to me. I would however participate in a road run if I was asked. As for charging MV owners to enter a show, thats a very difficult one to answer. I would like to see MV shows getting involved with other groups, such as classic cars/lorry/trucks etc, having them all at a show I feel would make the show a bit more interesting, after all I have seen most types of MV's and something different is always interesting. What ever the future of MV shows, I just hope they continue and that we as MV owners support the people who make the effort to put on shows for our benefit.
  7. Dads dad, REME in WW2 attached to the LRDG and given permission to wear the LRDG cap badge on his beret(very very rare!), served in the dessert and came back for d day. Mums dad, RA, rank of sargent, worked all over england sorting out artillery batterys up and down the country, when you see me ask me about the story of the looters, can't publish on an open forum. As a by note, both my grandads NEVER attended any remberence day parades and said that they would not fight again if they we ever called up, which looked very likeley for korea.
  8. Went to a wedding saturday and was rather hung over sunday so did not go=gutted! I'm glad everyone enjoyed themselves.
  9. Me and the boys will be there, going to the dinner dance as well. As for WW2 stuff only, well that is up to the organisers. However I feel that a MV show is more interesting with all eras of MV's. I can understand if they want to put WW2 stuff together in the same field, makes it more realistic. But, whoever organises a show, it's thier choice how they run it.
  10. Me to! I keep telling my nieces and nephews that thier music is rubbish and in my day we could understand the words!I'm turning into my dad!!!!.........
  11. Me being the dimwit I am went there yesterday! I got the dates totallty wrong!!I caught the "senior moment" bug from my dad!
  12. Me and the boys had a great time. Shame about the weather on sat but thats half the fun. Well done everybody!!.
  13. I'm not sure, after all we are HMVF, I'm a bit worried about the site getting to many sections.
  14. Talking of flags, wheres my replacement?, landy looks naked without it!
  15. Bletchley park was the first ever showed I did with a vehcile, I used to love it there, gone the same way as Tilbury fort.
  16. Well done jack! Maybe time to get your hair cut!:whistle:
  17. Wished I had of known, I would have asked you for them a W+P. Can you send mine in the post please?
  18. We are in the americas field dave, come and see us.
  19. Don't care what the weather is, i'm still going!
  20. Does anyone know for sure if the chalets have been built?.
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