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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. You don't see many on the streets in the UK either, hanging out of windows taking pictures is just as common over here. Good fun
  2. Those kinds of vehicles would be better seen at a general car show or mixed vehicle type of show rather than a purely MV show. Joe public expects to see green vehicles at MV shows
  3. Many thanks for the info I'll have another go with the modified MK2 when I've renewed the leather cup washer I'm probably over priming it. Tried meths it does seem to be more effective in pre heating the beasties!
  4. Have a look at War Weary B 24 Liberator used for formation assembly totally authentic http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/B-24_Liberator under formation assembly picture http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:First_Sergeant_B-24D_Assembly_Ship_or_Judas_Goat.jpg
  5. Any tips on operating the beasties I've a few of each type and getting them to work correctly without flaring is a pain in the proverbial! Up to now this is the best of four. The earlier type at the bottom seems to burn the best without excessive flaring
  6. Robin, Pics of trailers at a previous Withams sale. Looking at the pics whilst previewing my post I've noticed two different designs of boarding so I might of made it worse for you! Andy
  7. I remember watching Blue Peter in 1978 when one of the incarnations of HMS Ark Royal was retired, the presenter went to the scrapyard where Ark Royal was going to scrapped and said here whats left of HMS Eagle... not much thats for shaw just keel plates!
  8. All my yesterdays I used to read them in the paper shop before I delivered my newspapers Commando on epay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/commando-comic-no-1538-devil-fish_W0QQitemZ250538177518QQcmdZViewItemQQptZUK_Books_comics_Magazines_UK_Comics_ET?hash=item3a553d33ee
  9. My Dad has that wonderful in cold weather not!
  10. That turret hasn't done the tyres any good... suspect no air in them! Great winter projects hope you have a nice warm garage have fun
  11. Prices seem to be creeping up as the accessible restoration wrecks disappear. Not much fun for anyone looking to buy one now as I can't see the price suddenly dropping. Everything in the 'military world' is going upwards £££
  12. What about good old fashioned driving it home from the Ferry terminal or sorting out a quote from North Wales (Holyhead Ferry terminal). Or asking the owner to drive it to the terminal in NI? You could just wait a while longer one will always come up for sale when you stop looking. That also goes for parts as well usally you miss the things you're after the most!
  13. Typical army gate guard with numerous coats of flakey paint, pain in the butt to remove with paint stripper!
  14. [quote name= apparently the owner just left them there and never came back and the farmer wants shut of them Commander How long have they been sat there? Andy
  15. Don't be rubbing it in to much now will yah! I prefer the turreted versions over the MK1 as I think the vehicle looks incomplete without the turret thats my preference anyway. Two Ferrets knocking about on ebay at the moment If I had the pennies and was starting out again I would be more inclined to buy the most complete example as the internal & external tinware is becoming interesting to find. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/DAIMLER-FERRET-MK-1-2_W0QQitemZ230401754292QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_3?hash=item35a503c4b4 This one needs visting or asking for interior shots before even putting a bid on it http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Ferret-Scout-Car_W0QQitemZ220514342760QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_3?hash=item3357add768 Andy
  16. Understatement to say that I quite like Ferrets

  17. Petlas seem to very difficult to get hold off, when I bought mine I bought the tyre importers last remaining stock. They don't look to bad hadn't seen those before if only I had the pennies I'd buy five. Tracgrips wern't the only tyre fitted to the Ferret but it depends on where the Ferret was operated. These look like the continental type of tyre that Chris has on his http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/inservice/badgergrp11.jpg These seem to be a sand type of tyre http://www.ferret-fv701.co.uk/mnuls/08bb65smllr.JPG If you're only doing low milage Tracgrips are o.k. but you still can't past the fact that most if not all Tracgrip tyre stocks r 20 plus years old.
  18. A set of tracgrips r on ebay @ £1000! Withams r also selling 9.00 by 16's Michelin XZL 255/100 R 16 (900 R 16) New Unused Normally fitted on RB 44 but ideal for Landrover 101`s, 110 Desert Patrol etc. Very High Quality Tyre Quantity 9 available £125 a vat each. 01476 861361
  19. I always seemed to be given either Warlord or Victor as Christmas presents as well as the standard Dandy or Beano. What about the little Commando comic A5 size I’m sure that I still have a pile of those in the loft at my Mums
  20. Many thanks for all the advice I'm going to post up some pics of my attempts in the week when I can find what I’ve done with the camera! A single flare works just fine its sorting out the double flare that I've found the most tricky. The disaster pics should show that Andy
  21. I've just bought a brake flaring tool and having never used one before I've had a go at making basic flares but they still don't look as good as professionally made brake pipes. I bought a kit like the one on the right in the link http://www.integerspin.co.uk/brakeflare.htm Have I bought the right tool or would I be better buying something else? Has anyone got any tips on how to use the tool for this tool! I'd rather screw up now rather than later. Andy
  22. Thanks Richard I got two bits right universal amd carrier but not the important bit the right vehicle!
  23. Oxford? Updated version of the universal carrier circa 1950's? Andy
  24. Next years formula 1 cars... those who go slowist get to take pot shots at the fast cars in front
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