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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Whack you're list of bits that you want to sell on here. If you don't fancy wandering to the post office use http://www.parcel2go.com/ they will pick your parcels up from the door.
  2. Ask the same thing on Facebook cover your bases Daimler Ferret Armoured Scout Car Appreciation Society
  3. Its possible to understand some off the things that happened in that we have certain parallels today in the rise of far right parties who have certain views that hitler would find comparable to some of his own politics due in no part to the lack of money and lack of jobs.
  4. Just over the Woodhead pass in Manchester welcome in passport control is just this way :-) It sounded funny to me when I wrote it sad
  5. Rockets to the moon and swept wing technology for aircraft all came from that source and some of them were members of the n party. For the last few years its been popular to say that a great many of the armed forces of the then third r,eich ) were not members of the 'n' party. The German population voted said party into place and then lost its right to vote by said dictatorship. To get on in said armed forces you had to be a member of said party, so for me and a great many others that won't wash. I suspect most combatants ie the Allies would have called them the 'n' word.
  6. If its Canadian that should make it a touch more traceable and it would '' seem '' to be in the range for Canadian hull numbers. Use the (contact me button) at the top of the page below to contact Colin. If you're lucky you might find an in-service picture of the vehicle. http://bcoy1cpb.pacdat.net/ferret.htm If its Canadian would it have an American intercom?? I'll let someone else answer that
  7. Ferrets started off with the initial hull number No.1, No 2, No.3 so on so forth. From what you're writing it would seem not to have the alloy plate is missing thats not a hindrance as the early Ferret hull numbers follow in sequence with the British Army registration numbers. Later production Ferrets r not in sequence due to foreign orders for the vehicle. Ask Matt for the British Army reg for that hull number
  8. Its a heck of a bang thats for sure luckily no one died
  9. IB2 or IB3 £35 plus postage http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160895708592?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649'>http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160895708592?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Helmet £29.50 each plus postage http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/160895708592?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Drivers box each plus postage http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Clansman-ANR-box-/200890855029?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item2ec6072e75 PTT £25 plus postage http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/140633189139?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1438.l2649 Complete intercom plus postage £70 or £115 plus postage The IB2 has a headset plug on the box which could be useful I have that type fitted in my Ferret as you can also hear it turn on which I find useful for me anyway. If I was going to recommend anything it would be to buy this type of box with the two helmets above. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CLANSMAN-MILITARY-Vehicle-IB2-INTERCOM-HARNESS-SYSTEM-/310581571952?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item48501ab170 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CLANSMAN-MILITARY-Vehicle-IB3-INTERCOM-HARNESS-SYSTEM-/150561913562?pt=UK_Collectables_Militaria_LE&hash=item230e307ada
  10. This one do ? http://forum.worldoftanks.eu/index.php?/topic/77732-desert-storm/
  11. Hail, rain and wind here at the moment looking forward to the summer
  12. Its also a good idea to fill the container with any spares that you can find as Postal costs from the UK can be quite expensive
  13. Is it still registered with the DVLA?
  14. Caustic soda will not strip 2 pack paint if thats of any use to you.
  15. WOW big money Another one here on epay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ferret-Armoured-Car-/330863120517?pt=UK_Cars_Parts_Vehicles_Other_Vehicle_Parts_Accessories_ET&hash=item4d08fa9085
  16. The missus seems to think that I have had my Ferret for at least nine years maybe ten where's the time gone :shocked: I wanted a Stalwart at eighteenish all from seeing a picture off rows and rows of them in Classic Car Magazine. Didn't have anywhere to put it even if I could have afforded it
  17. Did you find that elusive part or piece of kit at Stoneleigh?
  18. When the vehicle stops leaking oil thats the time to be worried
  19. How much off road use would a Pig have most of the pictures that I have seen show the vehicle on tarmac, so it could be for ease of access or a Reme repair to enable the vehicle fit for service. I would presume that the engine would have to be lifted slightly to remove the sump?
  20. Just had a quick look back over the thread the extension piece wouldn't be for a Ferret as the B60 for a Pig is a wet sump and the Ferret has a dry sump with an oil tank. From memory the clearance beneath the sump plug on a Ferret is on or around one centimetre. I suspect its for ease of access is it a civvy modification? If it was used off road the extension would be below the cross member which expose it to rocks and the like.
  21. Send water to wash it away! Snowing here in Manchester and in Bury where I was working
  22. I'm hoping the snow goes away I'm even hoping for rain to wash the damned stuff away! Thats desperate wishing for rain!!
  23. I'm hoping that wellies will person non gratis this year, I'm hoping to bring a vehicle to the show this year :-)
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