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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. i like your style. i was thinking you could get an awful lot of jeeps in a 40ft container :cool2: hope it works out for you rick
  2. don't worry dave i'll never scrap anything ww2, no matter how far gone some might think it is i sold the centaur to a real british armour fan, a fella by the name of kevin powles who has already started to rebuild it. if anyone can do it then kevin is that man. rick
  3. no need john i've said i'll pick them up for him, just a good excuse for a nosey. rick
  4. alastair the oil cooler is for the engine and was painted a gloss deep bronze green which was the original wartime colour, i believe the engine is also correct although i don't know the exact shade bob used but it would be fair to say it's od green. rick
  5. bit harsh that alastair but you probably get angry like i do when you look at british tank design and the muddle that was wartime tank production ! but you have to agree that they were well built, infact i'd say over engineered. anyway here's a few more pics of the engine bay
  6. hi rob i can bring it to manchester then up to you at some point later on, i've been meaning to come and say hello for a while so this might be the perfect opportunity. rick
  7. the rads are in and have been pressure tested, there was quite a delay while the correct hoses were sourced from pirtek but it's all sorted now. next will be more plumbing then possibly the gearbox. it would be nice to hear it run before xmas :cool2:
  8. how's this for applique armour :cool2:
  9. i reckon they put all the diy armour on to defeat shaped charge weapons as track links and sandbags and timber wouldn't have any effect on a kinetic round but it could stop a shape charge from penetrating or even a magnetic mine from sticking. it's just my opinion but it seems to make sense. what do you lot think ? it would be nice to get a definitive answer to something that's puzzled me for a while. rick
  10. on saturday i was reading "After the battle" and there was an article about bob grundy's exploits with the stainburn churchill which ended up at beverley. it's a small world. welcome to the forum. rick
  11. thanks for the info richard
  12. come on ben don't keep us in suspenders, you know we all want to see any pics you have of this rare beast ! rick
  13. all that great kit they had and they still went bust, there's a lesson there for all of us
  14. did somebody say "buried tanks" now that's my kind of thread ! on a similar note there are supposed to be various vehicles and parts buried under ross's yard in scotland when it was extended.
  15. one day my yard will look like that.:cool2:
  16. the jam rolls like to keep their stuff in country even if you find a tank and recover it you won't be allowed to leave the country with it as there's a law protecting anything pre 1945 which is considered part of their heritage. i seem to remember them asking for the littlefeild panther to be returned. rick
  17. there's a well known film clip of russians street fighting in berlin and they're using valentines. i'd love to get one, there's something about them that looks right
  18. my claim to fame i once wrestled a shark, off the coast of belize and i've met keith chegwin. both should be avoided if possible
  19. an old customer of mine showed me a few pics of him in korea during his national service and he has an oxford so at least we know they served in korea. rick
  20. tobin's a nice guy but i'm sure it would be cheaper and possibly more convincing to get hold of a 76mm from an ex target. or i could borrow adrians until he needs it for his cromwell restoration
  21. not really news to be fair but very interesting all the same (if you like tanks). save it to your files for future reference you just might need it to win an argument one day :-D
  22. alastair the turret has had the damage on the roof repaired and is ready for blasting and painting. the main gun on the other hand is without a doubt the biggest single problem i have, there just aren't any about and to make things worse i also need the recuperator. if a gun hasn't turned up by the time it's ready to show i'll probably end up fitting a gun from a saladin or whatever comes to hand, which would look ok with the correct muzzle break fitted :blush: but don't go losing too much sleep over it as i've not given up just yet on finding the correct gun ! the big question is which gun ? do i go with the 95mm cs which is what the mk6 was originally fitted with or should i put a QF 75mm in which would make it in to a gun tank. i guess it will be a case of what turns up . rick
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