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Everything posted by griff66

  1. griff66


    going to tank museum this sun whilst hopefully picking up a 9 x9:cool2:
  2. guessing 60 psi but its more that they are all approx the same
  3. there a bit precious about the place ,ie no tent pegs being driven into carpark surface which i presume as a ex quarry is crushed chalk! if any one does go perhaps they could talk to show organizers about making it a overnight venue
  4. trying to persuade by bruv to take less kit!!!
  5. living near lgw to far to drive would cost 80 quid in fuel, now if they allowed a overnight that would be different matter/ and or fuel contribution
  6. a ferret takes 5 liters for 2 coats so you can extrapolate that out to your mv
  7. can any one i.d this stowage box fv688415 and what item it contains and vehicle plse
  8. 375 foot pounds is serious torque!!its gonna cost a fair bit to get a torque wrench that goes that high we use large torque wrenches at work preload on a 777 wheel nut is 500 foot pounds and thats hard work to achieve and i aint a small chap!
  9. yeh no pressure in system fluid used to vent out of hull outlet allways topping it up now, temp gauge 180-185 no fluid out of hull outlet and system never seems to need topping up:)
  10. when i had had the over heating issue on my ferret it turned out to be after lots of blind avenues the pressure/vacuum release device that sits on to of radiator not sealing correctly.
  11. apologies to any forum members if i asked them to remove any body parts from the freshly painted ferret in a rather direct fashion !
  12. great photos cellstar that tow rope needs a tidy up!!
  13. very pleased with results took a lot of hard work probably will fit wheels friday, carefully!
  14. machine mart clarke model air hammer with needle gun attachment
  15. And finally sprayed in green, now just have to wait for it to bake in the sun :-D
  16. All old paint removed and sprayed with primer.
  17. try bannisters or as think ferretfixer said heat em up let them cool and that should soften em
  18. well hopefully going to paint ferret this weekend ,whilst needle gunning wheels noticed there made by trailer company ,sankey, or are these just one of there many products?
  19. well the ferret strip down is going well prior to primer 70 percent will be bare metal can any one recommend a good metal surface treatment prior to primer dont want to have to repaint in three years time!
  20. as this seems to run and run will post the letter i have at weekend
  21. nah correct mags now need no 36 grenades no 80 smokes and oh yes finish prepping the ferret and paint it should keep me busy for a while!
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