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Everything posted by griff66

  1. well just got back from 30 mile drive in temp of plus 3 and rain !! had quite an issue with carb iceing had to keep revs low and in higher gear than usual still every 8 or so miles had to pull over and let engine geat defrost carb ! how on earth when in servive did they cope with this problem?
  2. might be daft question but how do you tell if semi auto carbine? there up for about 250 quid
  3. gonna be looking at some next month believe there coming in from africa what should i look for on em to be correct for 60,s ferret what wasthe british designation? ta
  4. just got hold of one good zip on it
  5. went to work on overtime and did engine service on airbus a318 :yawn:
  6. i might buy one to complement s/n be 6617 enfield mk 1 1944
  7. aircraft use ata system 32 landing gear apu chap 49 generalal servicing 12 etc ithink speckeled hen starting to kick in!!:cool2:
  8. cant u drop 24v down to 12v and have MUCH bigger range?
  9. from a bit of brousing one with good zip about 60 quid
  10. are bren gun bullet catcher bags rare and whats ok price for them ta.
  11. well the real world for ferrets now is private ownership ,and i have had gcp kick back and its got a bit of force to it buts not like it forces your knee into your chops !!!9 nobody is talking about being gentle with gcp quick down quick up but there can be pause at bottom of travel
  12. good price if nos i know certain places want a lot more than that and getting much harder to find its not what you know its who you know!!!:-D
  13. just in cost u have got to be looking at well over a grand for gearbox thats if u can find one! treat em gently!!!
  14. agreed, think people get a bit caught up in the :its not a clutch: syndrome what i think they mean by that is gcp half up and increasing revs thats a no no ! its aknack to get every change spot on no jerking but v satisfying when u do as every private ferret owner knows sometimes it all comes together and other times your glad to park up!:cool2: yes no need to keep foot on gas when changing up u want rpm to decrease
  15. HHMMMM guess the manuals incorrect eh?? if your driving it correctly there will be smooth changes no jerking of drivetrain etc if gcp is fully down u are not slipping the breakbands ,possibly its best to read the manuals understand them and make up your own mind! (i have driven company vehicles and they never had the easiest life! dare i suggest that some army drivers were not overly concerned with gear box longevity!!!) by the way at high rpm fluid flywheel only has 2 percent slip so at 3000rpm going from high gear to next lower with out letting road speed/rpm decay will be asking a awfull lot of a brake band/drive train !!
  16. from user hanbook 12174 page 119 to change gear ,move the selector lever to the next higher or lower position .when the engine has reached the appropriate speed,press gear ghange pedalas far as it will go,and release.when changing up a pause must be made with the pedal fully down while the engine is decelerated. if changing down,the engine must be accelerated by maintaining pressure on the accelerater.do not at any time pump/blip the the throttle whist changing gear .change up speed 3500 rpm,change down 2000 to 2500 rpm..
  17. must have to disagree having read the manuals you are meant to match revs between gears holding pedal fully down and increasing revs or otherwise is not slipping gear change if your doing it right its nice smooth changes by slipping they mean gear change pedal half up etc brake band fully disengaged or fully engaged..
  18. the funniest thing thats been said to me when out with the ferret is WHY!, well if you have to ask you will never ever know!
  19. ferret uses it 4 ish ton motor tractor the exemption
  20. know wot u mean about arenas most far to small enjoyed head corn watching planes take off and few beers in club bar when weathers good nowt finer than spending aweekend in the fresh air least when u go back to work u feel like u have done something at the weekend.
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